acct-group/esphome 0: ESPHome Dashboard group acct-group/homeassistant 0: Homeassistant program group acct-group/node-red 0: System group: node-red acct-group/zigbee2mqtt 0: System group: zigbee2mqtt acct-group/zwavejs2mqtt 0: zwavejs2mqtt group acct-user/esphome 0: ESPHome Dashboard User acct-user/homeassistant 0: Home Assistant Program User acct-user/node-red 0: A user for node-red acct-user/zigbee2mqtt 0-r2: A user for zigbee2mqtt acct-user/zwavejs2mqtt 0: zwavejs2mqtt User app-crypt/acme 2.8.0-r1 2.9.0-r1: ACME protocol implementation in Python app-misc/home-assistant-cli 0.9.6 9999: The Home Assistant Command-line Interface (hass-cli) app-misc/homeassistant 2024.3.3 2024.4.4 2024.5.5 2024.6.4: Open-source home automation platform running on Python. app-misc/homeassistant-full 2024.3.3 2024.4.4 2024.5.5 2024.6.4 9999: Open-source home automation platform running on Python. app-misc/homeassistant-min 2024.3.3 2024.4.4-r1 2024.5.5 2024.6.4: Open-source home automation platform running on Python. app-misc/node-red 3.0.2 3.1.3: A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things. app-misc/zigbee2mqtt 1.35.2: It bridges events and allows you to control your Zigbee devices via MQTT dev-embedded/esphome 2023.12.9 2024.2.2 2024.3.2-r1 2024.5.2 2024.5.3-r1 9999: Make creating custom firmwares for ESP32/ESP8266 super easy. dev-embedded/esphome-dashboard 20231107.0 20240319.0 20240412.0 20240429.1: ESPHome dashboard dev-embedded/platformio 6.1.11 6.1.11-r1 6.1.13 6.1.15: An open source ecosystem for IoT development dev-libs/libgit2 1.5.2: A linkable library for Git dev-libs/protobuf 24.2 24.3 25.1 25.1-r1 25.2 25.2-r1: Google's Protocol Buffers - Extensible mechanism for serializing structured data dev-python/AEMET-OpenData 0.5.1 0.5.2: AEMET OpenData Rest API library dev-python/AIOAladdinConnect 0.1.58: Python Async API for controlling Genie garage doors connected to Aladdin Connect devices dev-python/AIOSomecomfort 0.0.24 0.0.25: A client for Honeywell's US-based cloud devices dev-python/Adafruit-Blinka 7.1.1: CircuitPython APIs for non-CircuitPython versions of Python such as CPython on Linux and MicroPython. dev-python/Adafruit-GPIO 1.0.3: GPIO interface on the Raspberry Pi. dev-python/Adafruit-PureIO 1.1.9: Pure python (i.e. no native extensions) access to Linux IO including I2C and SPI. Drop in replacement for smbus and spidev modules. dev-python/Adafruit-SHT31 1.0.2: Python Library for Adafruit SHT31 module dev-python/Adafruit_BBIO 1.1.1: A module to control BeagleBone IO channels dev-python/Adax-local 0.1.5: A python3 library to communicate with Adax dev-python/Ambiclimate 0.2.1: A python3 library to communicate with Ambiclimate dev-python/Authlib 1.2.0: The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers. dev-python/babel 2.13.1 2.15.0: Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications dev-python/BlinkStick 1.2.0: Python package to control BlinkStick USB devices. dev-python/CO2Signal 0.4.2: A package to access the co2signal API dev-python/DateTime 5.3: This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless you need to communicate with Zope APIs, you're probably better off using Python's built-in datetime module. dev-python/DoorBirdPy 2.1.0: Python wrapper for the DoorBird LAN API v0.21 dev-python/Events 0.4: Bringing the elegance of C# EventHandler to Python dev-python/GitPython 2.1.11: Python Git Library dev-python/HAP-python 4.9.1: HomeKit Accessory Protocol implementation in python dev-python/HATasmota 0.7.3 0.8.0: Python module to help parse and construct Tasmota MQTT messages. dev-python/Hydrawiser 0.2: A Python library to communicate with Hunter Wi-Fi irrigation controllers ( dev-python/Mastodon-py 1.5.1 1.8.1: Python wrapper for the Mastodon API dev-python/OPi-GPIO 0.5.2: A drop-in replacement for RPi.GPIO for the Orange Pi Zero dev-python/Pint 0.22: Physical quantities module dev-python/PlexAPI 4.15.10 4.15.12 4.15.13: Python bindings for the Plex API. dev-python/ProgettiHWSW 0.1.3: Controls ProgettiHWSW relay boards. dev-python/PsychroLib 2.5.0: Library of psychrometric functions to calculate thermodynamic properties of air dev-python/PyDispatcher 2.0.5: Multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism dev-python/PyEssent 0.14: A wrapper around Essent's API dev-python/PyFlick 0.0.2: Python API For Flick Electric in New Zealand dev-python/PyFlume 0.6.5: Package to integrate with Flume Sensor dev-python/PyFronius 0.7.2 0.7.3: Automated JSON API based communication with Fronius Symo dev-python/PyKCS11 1.5.15: A Full PKCS#11 wrapper for Python dev-python/PyMVGLive 1.1.4: get live-data from dev-python/PyMata 2.20: A Python Protocol Abstraction Library For Arduino Firmata dev-python/PyMeeus 0.5.11: Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines dev-python/PyMetEireann 2021.8.0: A library to communicate with the Met Eireann Public Weather Forecast API dev-python/PyMetno 0.11.0 0.12.0: A library to communicate with the api dev-python/PyMicroBot 0.0.9 0.0.12 0.0.17: A library to communicate with MicroBot dev-python/PyNINA 0.3.3: A Python API wrapper to retrieve warnings from the german NINA app. dev-python/PyOTA 2.0.5: IOTA API library for Python dev-python/PyPasser 0.0.5: Bypassing reCaptcha V3 by sending HTTP requests & solving reCaptcha V2 using speech to text. dev-python/PyPubSub 4.0.3: Python Publish-Subscribe Package dev-python/PyRIC Python Wireless Library dev-python/PyRMVtransport 0.3.3: Define module-level imports. dev-python/PySPX 0.5.0: Python bindings for SPHINCS+ dev-python/PySocks 1.7.1: A Python SOCKS client module. See dev-python/PySwitchbot 0.45.0 0.46.1: A library to communicate with Switchbot dev-python/PySwitchmate 0.5.1: A library to communicate with Switchmate dev-python/PySyncThru 0.7.10: Automated JSON API based communication with Samsung SyncThru Web Service dev-python/PyTransportNSW 0.1.1: Get transport information from TransportNSW dev-python/PyTurboJPEG 1.7.1: A Python wrapper of libjpeg-turbo for decoding and encoding JPEG image. dev-python/PyUserInput 0.1.11: A simple, cross-platform module for mouse and keyboard control dev-python/PyViCare 2.29.0 2.32.0: Library to communicate with the Viessmann ViCare API dev-python/PyXiaomiGateway 0.14.3: A library to communicate with the Xiaomi Gateway dev-python/Pyrebase4 4.5.0: A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API with current deps dev-python/Pysher 1.0.7: Pusher websocket client for python, based on Erik Kulyk's PythonPusherClient dev-python/RPi-GPIO 0.7.1_alpha4: A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels dev-python/RachioPy 1.0.3 1.1.0: A Python module for the Rachio API. dev-python/ReParser 1.4.3: Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup dev-python/RestrictedPython 6.2 7.0_alpha1-r0: subset of Python which allows program input into a trusted environment. dev-python/RtmAPI 0.7.2-r2: API package for dev-python/Rx 3.2.0-r1: Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python dev-python/SmartHab 0.21: This package allows controlling devices in a SmartHab-powered home. dev-python/Tami4EdgeAPI 2.1: Tami 4 Edge / Edge+ API in Python dev-python/TravisPy 0.3.5: Python API for Travis CI. dev-python/TwitterAPI 2.7.12: Minimal wrapper for Twitter's REST and Streaming APIs dev-python/VL53L1X2 0.1.5: vl53l1x distance sensor driver for Raspberry Pi dev-python/WSDiscovery 2.0.0: WS-Discovery implementation for python dev-python/WazeRouteCalculator 0.14: Calculate actual route time and distance with waze api. dev-python/XBee 2.3.2: Python tools for working with XBee radios dev-python/abodepy 1.2.0: An Abode alarm Python library running on Python 3. dev-python/accuweather 2.1.1 3.0.0: Python wrapper for getting weather data from AccuWeather servers. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-bmp280 3.1.1: CircuitPython driver for the BMP280. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice 5.1.8: CircuitPython bus device classes to manage bus sharing. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-dht 3.7.0: CircuitPython support for DHT11 and DHT22 type temperature/humidity devices dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-mcp230xx 2.2.2: CircuitPython library for controlling a MCP23008 or MCP23017 I2C GPIO expander. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-pca9685 3.3.2: CircuitPython driver for motor, stepper, and servo based on PCA9685. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-register 1.9.8: CircuitPython data descriptor classes to represent hardware registers on I2C and SPI devices. dev-python/adafruit-circuitpython-typing 1.3.0: Types needed for type annotation that are not in typing dev-python/adax 0.4.0: A python3 library to communicate with Adax dev-python/adb-homeassistant 1.3.2: A pure python implementation of the Android ADB and Fastboot protocols dev-python/adb-shell 0.4.4-r1: A Python implementation of ADB with shell and FileSync functionality. dev-python/adext 0.4.2 0.4.3: AlarmDecoder extended dev-python/adguardhome 0.6.3: Asynchronous Python client for the AdGuard Home API. dev-python/advantage-air 0.4.4: API helper for Advantage Air's MyAir and e-zone API dev-python/aenum 3.1.15: Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants dev-python/afsapi 0.2.7: Asynchronous Implementation of the Frontier Silicon API dev-python/agent-py 0.0.23: A python wrapper around the Agent REST API. dev-python/ahocorapy 1.6.1: ahocorapy - Pure python ahocorasick implementation dev-python/aio-geojson-client 0.18 0.20: An async GeoJSON client library. dev-python/aio-geojson-generic-client 0.3 0.4: An generic async GeoJSON client library. dev-python/aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes 0.15 0.16: An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Quakes feed. dev-python/aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano 0.8 0.9: An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Volcanic Alert Level feed. dev-python/aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents 0.6 0.7: An async GeoJSON client library for NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents. dev-python/aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes 0.2 0.3: An async GeoJSON client library for the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program. dev-python/aio-georss-client 0.11 0.12: An async GeoRSS client library. dev-python/aio-georss-gdacs 0.8 0.9: An async GeoRSS client library for GDACS feeds. dev-python/aioairq 0.3.1 0.3.2: Asynchronous library to retrieve data from air-Q devices. dev-python/aioairzone 0.6.9 0.7.2 0.7.4 0.7.6: Library to control Airzone devices dev-python/aioairzone-cloud 0.4.5 0.4.7 0.5.1: Library to control Airzone Cloud devices dev-python/aioambient 2023.4.0 2024.1.0: A clean, async-friendly library for the Ambient Weather API dev-python/aioapcaccess 0.4.2: Async version of apcaccess library implemented in python. dev-python/aioaseko 0.0.2 0.1.1: Async Python package for the Aseko Pool Live API dev-python/aioasuswrt 1.4.0: Api wrapper for Asuswrt dev-python/aioautomower 2024.3.3 2024.3.4 2024.4.3 2024.5.1: MPython module to talk to Husqvarna Automower. dev-python/aioazuredevops 1.3.5 2.0.0: Get data from the Azure DevOps API. dev-python/aiobafi6 0.9.0: Big Ass Fans i6/Haiku protocol asynchronous Python library dev-python/aiobotocore 2.6.0 2.9.1 2.12.1: Async client for aws services using botocore and aiohttp dev-python/aiocache 0.11.1: multi backend asyncio cache dev-python/aiocoap 0.4.5: Python CoAP library dev-python/aiocomelit 0.6.2 0.7.0 0.8.3 0.9.0: Python library to control Comelit Simplehome dev-python/aioconsole 0.5.1: Asynchronous console and interfaces for asyncio dev-python/aiodhcpwatcher 0.8.2 1.0.0: Watch for DHCP packets with asyncio dev-python/aiodiscover 1.6.1 2.0.0 2.1.0: Discover hosts by arp and ptr lookup dev-python/aiodns 3.0.0-r1 3.1.1: Simple DNS resolver for asyncio dev-python/aioeafm 0.1.2-r1: An asyncio wrapper for the UK Environment Agency Flood Monitoring API dev-python/aioeagle 1.1.0: Python module to talk to Rainforest EAGLE-200. dev-python/aioecowitt 2023.5.0 2024.2.1: Python wrapper for EcoWitt Protocol dev-python/aioelectricitymaps 0.1.5 0.4.0: Async Python 3 wrapper for Electricity maps dev-python/aioemonitor 1.0.5: Asyncio Python lib for SiteSage Emonitor dev-python/aioesphomeapi 23.0.0 23.2.0 24.3.0 24.5.0: Python API for interacting with ESPHome devices. dev-python/aiofile 3.8.1: Asynchronous file operations. dev-python/aioflo 2021.11.0: A Python3, async-friendly library for Flo by Moen Smart Water Detectors dev-python/aioftp 0.21.3: ftp client/server for asyncio dev-python/aiogithubapi 22.10.1 23.11.0-r1: Asynchronous Python client for the GitHub API dev-python/aioguardian 2022.7.0: A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors dev-python/aiohappyeyeballs 2.3.1: Happy Eyeballs dev-python/aioharmony 0.2.10: Asyncio Python library for connecting to and controlling the Logitech Harmony dev-python/aiohomekit 3.0.9 3.1.1 3.1.4 3.1.5: An asyncio HomeKit client dev-python/aiohttp 3.9.4: HTTP client/server for asyncio dev-python/aiohttp-fast-url-dispatcher 0.3.0: A faster URL dispatcher for aiohttp dev-python/aiohttp-fast-zlib 0.1.0 0.1.1: Use the fastest installed zlib compatible library with aiohttp dev-python/aiohttp-isal 0.3.1-r1: isal support for aiohttp dev-python/aiohttp-retry 2.8.3: Simple retry client for aiohttp dev-python/aiohttp-session 2.12.0: sessions for aiohttp.web dev-python/aiohttp-wsgi 0.10.0: WSGI adapter for aiohttp. dev-python/aiohttp-zlib-ng 0.1.1 0.1.3 0.3.1: Enable zlib_ng on aiohttp dev-python/aiohue 4.7.0 4.7.1: Python module to talk to Philips Hue. dev-python/aioimaplib 1.0.1 1.1.0: Python asyncio IMAP4rev1 client library dev-python/aioitertools 0.11.0: itertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables dev-python/aiokafka 0.7.2 0.10.0: Kafka integration with asyncio. dev-python/aiokef 0.2.16: Asyncio Python API for KEF speakers. dev-python/aiolifx 1.0.0 1.0.2: API for local communication with LIFX devices over a LAN with asyncio. dev-python/aiolifx-connection 1.0.0: A wrapper for aiolifx to connect to a single LIFX device dev-python/aiolifx-effects 0.3.2: aiolifx light effects dev-python/aiolifx-themes 0.4.10 0.4.15: Async library that applies color themes to LIFX lights dev-python/aiolimiter 1.1.0: asyncio rate limiter, a leaky bucket implementation dev-python/aiolivisi 0.0.19: Python module to communicate with LIVISI Smart Home Controllers. dev-python/aiolookin 1.0.0: Client for interaction of the LOOKin device with the Home Assistant dev-python/aiolyric 1.1.0: AIO package for the Honeywell Lyric Platform. dev-python/aiomodernforms 0.1.8: Asynchronous Python client for Modern Forms fans. dev-python/aiomqtt 2.0.0 2.1.0: The idiomatic asyncio MQTT client, wrapped around paho-mqtt dev-python/aiomusiccast 0.14.8: Companion library for musiccast devices intended for the Home Assistant integration. dev-python/aionanoleaf 0.2.1: Async Python package for the Nanoleaf API dev-python/aionotify 0.2.0: Asyncio-powered inotify library dev-python/aionotion 2023.5.5 2024.3.0: A simple Python 3 library for Notion Home Monitoring dev-python/aionursery 0.3.0: Manage background asyncio tasks dev-python/aionut 4.3.2: Asyncio Network UPS Tools dev-python/aiooncue 0.3.5 0.3.7: Async for Oncue dev-python/aioopenexchangerates 0.4.0: Fetch rates from openexchangerates with aiohttp. dev-python/aiooui 0.1.5: Async OUI lookups dev-python/aiopegelonline 0.0.9 0.0.10: Asynchronous library to retrieve data from PEGELONLINE. dev-python/aiopulse 0.4.3 0.4.4: Python module for Rollease Acmeda Automate integration. dev-python/aiopurpleair 2022.12.1: A Python 3, asyncio-based library to interact with the PurpleAir API dev-python/aiopvapi 2.0.4 3.0.2 3.1.1: Powerview blinds API wrapper dev-python/aiopvpc 4.2.2: Retrieval of Spanish Electricity hourly prices (PVPC) dev-python/aiopyarr 23.4.0: An Asynchronous Lidarr, Radarr, Readarr, Sonarr APIs for Python. dev-python/aioqsw 0.3.5: Library to control QNAP QSW devices dev-python/aioraven 0.5.0 0.5.2 0.5.3: Asynchronous communication with Rainforest RAVEn devices. dev-python/aiorecollect 2023.9.0: A Python 3, asyncio-based library for the ReCollect Waste API dev-python/aioridwell 2023.7.0 2024.1.0: A Python3, asyncio-based API for interacting with Ridwell waste recycling dev-python/aiortsp 1.3.7: An asyncio-based RTSP library dev-python/aioruckus 0.34: Python API to interact with Ruckus Unleashed and ZoneDirector devices. dev-python/aiorun 2023.7.2 2024.5.1: Boilerplate for asyncio applications dev-python/aioruuvigateway 0.1.0: An asyncio-native library for requesting data from a Ruuvi Gateway dev-python/aiosenseme 0.6.1: SenseME by Big Ass Fans asynchronous Python library dev-python/aiosenz 1.0.0-r1: Async Typed Python package for the nVent RAYCHEM SENZ RestAPI dev-python/aioserial 1.3.0: An asynchronous serial port library of Python dev-python/aioshelly 8.1.1 8.2.0 9.0.0 10.0.1: Asynchronous library to control Shelly devices. dev-python/aioshutil 1.1 1.4: Asynchronous shutil module. dev-python/aioskybell 22.7.0: A Skybell HD Python library running on Python 3. dev-python/aioslimproto 2.3.3 3.0.0: Python module to talk to Logitech Squeezebox players directly (without Logitech server). dev-python/aiosolaredge 0.2.0: Asyncio SolarEdge dev-python/aiosqlite 0.17.0: asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module dev-python/aiosteamist 0.3.2: Control Steamist steam systems dev-python/aioswitcher 3.3.0 3.4.1 3.4.3: Switcher Python Integration. dev-python/aiosyncthing 0.5.1: Asynchronous Python client for the Syncthing REST API dev-python/aiotankerkoenig 0.4.1: Async Python 3 client for dev-python/aiotractive 0.5.6: Asynchronous Python client for the Tractive REST API dev-python/aiounifi 72 74 75 77: Python library for communicating with UniFi Network Controller API dev-python/aiounittest 1.4.2: Test asyncio code more easily. dev-python/aiovlc 0.1.0 0.3.2: A package for talking to vlc over its telnet interface using asyncio. dev-python/aiovodafone 0.4.3 0.5.4 0.6.0: Python library to control Vodafone Station dev-python/aiowaqi 3.0.1 3.1.0: Asynchronous Python client for WAQI API. dev-python/aiowatttime 0.1.1: An asyncio-based Python3 library for interacting with WattTime dev-python/aiowebostv 0.3.3 0.4.0: Library to control webOS based LG TV devices dev-python/aiowithings 2.0.0 2.1.0: Asynchronous Python client for Withings. dev-python/aioymaps 1.2.2: Async client for Yandex Maps dev-python/aiozoneinfo 0.1.0 0.2.0: Tools to fetch zoneinfo with asyncio dev-python/airgradient 0.4.3: Asynchronous Python client for AirGradient. dev-python/airly 1.1.0: Python wrapper for getting air quality data from Airly sensors. dev-python/airthings-ble 0.7.1 0.9.0: Manage Airthings BLE devices dev-python/airthings-cloud 0.1.0 0.2.0: A python3 library to communicate with Airthings devices dev-python/airtouch4pyapi 1.0.5-r1: An api allowing control of AC state (temperature, on/off, mode) of an Airtouch 4 controller locally over TCP dev-python/airtouch5py 0.2.8: Python client for the airtouch 5 dev-python/aladdin-connect 0.4: Python API controlling Genie garage doors connected to Aladdin Connect devices dev-python/alarmdecoder 1.13.11: Python interface for the AlarmDecoder (AD2) family of alarm devices which includes the AD2USB, AD2SERIAL and AD2PI. dev-python/alpha-vantage 2.3.1: Python module to get stock data from the Alpha Vantage Api dev-python/ambee 0.4.0: Asynchronous Python client for the Ambee API. dev-python/amberelectric 1.0.4 1.1.0: Interface to the Amber Electric API, allowing you to download current and forecast price, as well as download your historic usage. dev-python/amcrest 1.9.8: Python wrapper implementation for Amcrest cameras. dev-python/amqtt 0.10.1: MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio dev-python/androidtv 0.0.73-r1: Communicate with an Android TV or Fire TV device via ADB over a network. dev-python/androidtvremote2 0.0.14 0.0.15 0.1.1: A Python library for interacting with Android TV using the Android TV Remote protocol v2 dev-python/anel-pwrctrl-homeassistant 0.0.1: Discover and control ANEL NET-PwrCtrl devices. dev-python/anova-wifi 0.10.0 0.12.0: A package to get read only data from Anova precision cookers with wifi dev-python/anthemav 1.4.1: Python API for controlling Anthem Receivers dev-python/anyio 4.1.0 4.3.0-r1: Compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations dev-python/apcaccess 0.0.13: This project implements the apcaccess tool in pure Python and provides dev-python/apischema 0.18.1: JSON (de)serialization, GraphQL and JSON schema generation using Python typing. dev-python/apns2 0.3.0: Interacting with the Apple Push Notification Service via HTTP/2 protocol dev-python/apple_weatherkit 1.1.2: Python client for Apple WeatherKit API dev-python/apprise 1.6.0 1.7.2 1.7.4: Push Notifications that work with just about every platform! dev-python/aprslib 0.7.0 0.7.2: Module for accessing APRS-IS and parsing APRS packets dev-python/apsystems-ez1 1.3.1: The APsystems EZ1 Python library offers a streamlined interface for interacting with the local API of APsystems EZ1 Microinverters. dev-python/aqipy-atmotech 0.1.5: AQI calculation library dev-python/aqualogic 2.6: Library for interfacing with a Hayward/Goldline AquaLogic/ProLogic pool controller. dev-python/arcam-fmj 1.4.0 1.5.2: A python library for speaking to Arcam receivers dev-python/aresponses 2.1.6: Asyncio response mocking. Similar to the responses library used for 'requests' dev-python/arris-tg2492lg 1.2.1 2.2.0: Python client for the Arris TG2492LG dev-python/asmog 0.0.6: Python API for Ampio Smog Sensors dev-python/asterisk_mbox 0.5.0: The client side of a client/server to interact with Asterisk voicemail mailboxes dev-python/astral 2.2-r1: Calculations for the position of the sun and moon. dev-python/astroid 3.0.1: Abstract Syntax Tree for logilab packages dev-python/async-interrupt 1.1.1: Context manager to raise an exception when a future is done dev-python/async-modbus 0.2.1-r1: Async ModBus python library dev-python/async-timeout 4.0.2-r1: Timeout context manager for asyncio programs dev-python/async-upnp-client 0.36.2 0.38.0 0.38.2 0.38.3: Async UPnP Client dev-python/asyncarve 0.0.9: Simple Arve library dev-python/asyncclick Composable command line interface toolkit, async version dev-python/asynccmd 0.2.4: Asyncio implementation of Cmd Python lib. dev-python/asyncinotify 4.0.2: A simple optionally-async python inotify library, focused on simplicity of use and operation, and leveraging modern Python features dev-python/asyncio-dgram 2.1.2: Higher level Datagram support for Asyncio dev-python/asyncio-mqtt 0.16.1: Idomatic asyncio wrapper around paho-mqtt. dev-python/asyncio-throttle 1.0.2: Simple, easy-to-use throttler for asyncio dev-python/asyncmock 0.4.2: Extension to the standard mock framework to support support async dev-python/asyncpysupla 0.0.5: Simple Supla's OpenAPI async wrapper dev-python/asyncsleepiq 1.3.7 1.4.1 1.5.2: ASync SleepIQ API dev-python/asyncssh 2.9.0: AsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library dev-python/asynctest 0.13.0: Enhance the standard unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries dev-python/atenpdu 0.3.2-r1: Interface for ATEN-PE PDUs dev-python/atomicwrites-homeassistant 1.4.1: Atomic file writes dev-python/attrs 23.1.0: Attributes without boilerplate dev-python/auroranoaa 0.0.3: NOAA Aurora Wrapper for Home Assistant Integration. dev-python/aurorapy 0.2.7: Python implementation of Aurora Protocol dev-python/av 9.2.0: Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries. dev-python/avea 1.5.1: Control an Elgato Avea bulb using python3 dev-python/avion 0.10: Python API for controlling Avi-on Bluetooth dimmers dev-python/awesomeversion 23.11.0 24.2.0: One version package to rule them all, One version package to find them, One version package to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. dev-python/axis 48 58 60 61: A Python library for communicating with devices from Axis Communications dev-python/azure-core 1.30.2: Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python dev-python/azure-identity 1.17.1: Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python dev-python/azure-kusto-data 3.1.0: Kusto Data Client dev-python/azure-kusto-ingest 3.1.0: Kusto Ingest Client dev-python/azure-storage-blob 12.20.0: Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python dev-python/azure-storage-queue 12.10.0: Microsoft Azure Azure Queue Storage Client Library for Python dev-python/backports-strenum 1.2.8: Base class for creating enumerated constants that are also subclasses of str dev-python/baidu-aip Baidu AIP SDK dev-python/base36 0.1.1: Yet another implementation for the positional numeral system using 36 as the radix. dev-python/batinfo 0.4.2: A simple Python module to retrieve battery information dev-python/bcrypt 4.0.1 4.1.2: Modern password hashing for software and servers dev-python/beacontools 2.1.0: A Python library for working with various types of Bluetooth LE Beacons. dev-python/beautifulsoup4 4.12.2: Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree dev-python/beewi-smartclim 0.0.10: Library to read data from BeeWi SmartClim sensor using Bluetooth LE dev-python/bellows 0.38.1 0.38.4 0.39.0 0.39.1: Library implementing EZSP dev-python/bidict 0.22.0: The bidirectional mapping library for Python. dev-python/bimmer-connected 0.14.6-r1 0.15.2 0.15.3: Library to read data from the BMW Connected Drive portal dev-python/bitstruct 8.17.0: This module performs conversions between Python values and C bit field structs represented as Python byte strings. dev-python/bizkaibus 0.1.1: Online information for buses of Biscay bus services (Basque Country, Spain). dev-python/bleak 0.21.1 0.22.1: Bluetooth Low Energy platform Agnostic Klient dev-python/bleak-esphome 0.4.0 0.4.1 1.0.0: Bleak backend of ESPHome dev-python/bleak-retry-connector 3.3.0 3.4.0 3.5.0: A connector for Bleak Clients that handles transient connection failures dev-python/blebox-uniapi 2.2.0 2.2.2: Python API for accessing BleBox smart home devices dev-python/blinkpy 0.22.3 0.22.4 0.22.6: A Blink camera Python library running on Python 3. dev-python/blinkt 0.1.0: Python library for driving Pimoroni Blinkt! dev-python/blockchain 1.4.4: Blockchain API library (v1) dev-python/bluecurrent-api 1.0.6 1.2.3: A wrapper for the Blue Current websocket api dev-python/bluemaestro-ble 0.2.3: bluemaestro BLE devices dev-python/bluepy 1.3.0: Python module for interfacing with BLE devices through Bluez dev-python/bluetooth-adapters 0.18.0 0.19.2: Tools to enumerate and find Bluetooth Adapters dev-python/bluetooth-auto-recovery 1.3.0 1.4.0 1.4.2: Recover bluetooth adapters that are in an stuck state dev-python/bluetooth-data-tools 1.15.0 1.19.0: Tools for converting bluetooth data and packets dev-python/bluetooth-sensor-state-data 1.6.2: Models for storing and converting Bluetooth Sensor State Data dev-python/blurhash 1.1.4: Pure-Python implementation of the blurhash algorithm. dev-python/bme280spi 0.2.0: Library for BME280 sensor through spidev dev-python/bme680 1.0.5: Python library for driving the Pimoroni BME680 Breakout dev-python/bond-api 0.1.16: Asynchronous Python wrapper library over Bond Local API dev-python/bond-async 0.2.1: Asynchronous Python wrapper library over Bond Local API dev-python/boschshcpy 0.2.75 0.2.82 0.2.91: Bosch Smart Home Controller API Python Library dev-python/boto3 1.33.13 1.34.51: The AWS SDK for Python dev-python/bravia-tv 1.0.11: Python Bravia TV remote control dev-python/bring-api 0.5.6 0.5.7 0.7.1: Unofficial package to access Bring! shopping lists API. dev-python/broadlink 0.18.3 0.19.0: Python API for controlling Broadlink devices dev-python/brother 2.3.0 4.1.0: Python wrapper for getting data from Brother laser and inkjet printers via SNMP. dev-python/brotlipy 0.7.0: Python binding to the Brotli library dev-python/brottsplatskartan 0.0.1 1.0.5: Simple API wrapper to dev-python/brunt 1.2.0: Unofficial python SDK for Brunt, this package allows you to control your Brunt devices from code. dev-python/bt-proximity 0.2.1: Allows for querying of the RSSI values for nearby devices using pybluez. Ported to Python 3, based on dev-python/bthome-ble 3.2.0 3.3.1 3.5.0 3.8.0 3.8.1: BThome BLE support dev-python/bthomehub5-devicelist 0.1.1: A library that returns a list of devices currently connected to a BT Home Hub 5 dev-python/btlewrap 0.1.0: wrapper around different bluetooth low energy backends dev-python/btsmarthub-devicelist 0.2.3: Retrieve a list of devices from a bt smarthub or bt smarthub 2 on a local network dev-python/btsocket 0.2.0: Python library for BlueZ Bluetooth Management API dev-python/buienradar 1.0.5 1.0.6: Library and CLI tools for interacting with buienradar. dev-python/bx-py-utils 75: Various Python utility functions dev-python/cached-ipaddress 0.3.0: Cache construction of ipaddress objects dev-python/caio 0.9.8: Asynchronous file IO for Linux MacOS or Windows. dev-python/caldav 1.3.8: CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python dev-python/casttube 0.2.1-r2: casttube provides a way to interact with the Youtube Chromecast api dev-python/chacha20poly1305 0.0.3: Chacha20Poly1305 dev-python/chacha20poly1305-reuseable 0.12.1: ChaCha20Poly1305 that is reuseable for asyncio dev-python/charset-normalizer 3.2.0: The Real First Universal Charset Detector dev-python/circuit-webhook 1.0.1: circuit-webhook is a python client library for Unify Circuit api dev-python/ciscomobilityexpress 0.3.9: Module to interact with Cisco Mobility Express APIs to fetch connected devices. dev-python/ciso8601 2.3.0 2.3.1: Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C dev-python/clearpasspy 1.0.2: ClearPass API Python Library dev-python/clx-sdk-xms 1.0.0: Library for CLX Communications HTTP REST Messaging API dev-python/codecov 2.1.12-r1: Hosted coverage reports for GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab dev-python/coinbase 2.1.0: Coinbase API client library dev-python/colored 1.4.4: Simple library for color and formatting to terminal dev-python/colorlog 6.6.0-r1 6.7.0: Log formatting with colors dev-python/colorthief 0.2.1: A module for grabbing the color palette from an image. dev-python/colorzero 2.0: Yet another Python color library dev-python/concord232 0.15: GE Concord 4 RS232 Serial Interface Library and Server dev-python/config 0.5.1: A hierarchical, easy-to-use, powerful configuration module for Python dev-python/connect-box 0.2.8 0.3.1: Python client for interacting with Compal CH7465LG devices. dev-python/connio 0.2.0: Concurrency agnostic socket API dev-python/construct 2.10.68: A powerful declarative parser for binary data dev-python/construct-typing 0.6.2: Extension for the python package 'construct' that adds typing features dev-python/convertdate 2.4.0: Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems. dev-python/coronavirus 1.1.1: Asynchronous Python client for getting Corona virus info. dev-python/coverage 7.3.4 7.5.0: Code coverage measurement for Python dev-python/coveralls 3.3.1-r1: Show coverage stats online via dev-python/crc 5.0.0: Library and CLI to calculate and verify all kinds of CRC checksums dev-python/crc16 0.1.1: Library for calculating CRC16 dev-python/crccheck 1.3.0: Calculation library for CRCs and checksums dev-python/croniter 1.0.6 2.0.2: croniter provides iteration for datetime object with cron like format dev-python/crownstone-cloud 1.4.9 1.4.11: Asynchronous Python library to get data from the cloud, and switch Crownstones dev-python/crownstone-core 3.0.1: This is the core of the python lib. It contains shared classes, definitions and utils dev-python/crownstone-sse 2.0.4 2.0.5: Asynchronous Python library that listens to Crownstone SSE events. dev-python/crownstone-uart 2.1.0: Official Python lib for Crownstone: "Crownstone Unified System Bridge", or Crownstone USB implementation dev-python/cryptography 42.0.5: Library providing cryptographic recipes and primitives dev-python/csrmesh 0.10.0: Reverse engineered implementation of the CSRMesh bridge protocol dev-python/curlify 2.2.1: Library to convert python requests object to curl command. dev-python/cython A Python to C compiler dev-python/d2to1 0.2.12_p1: Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools dev-python/dacite 1.6.0 1.8.1: Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries. dev-python/dataclasses-json 0.6.3: Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON. dev-python/datadog 0.15.0: The Datadog Python library dev-python/datapoint 0.9.8 0.9.9: Python interface to the Met Office's Datapoint API dev-python/dateparser 1.2.0: Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages dev-python/dbus-fast 2.21.0 2.21.1 2.21.3: A faster version of dbus-next dev-python/debugpy 1.8.0 1.8.1: An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python dev-python/decora 0.6: Python API for controlling Decora dimmer switches dev-python/decora-wifi 1.4: Python API for controlling Leviton Decora Smart WiFi switches dev-python/deebot-client 6.0.2 7.2.0 7.3.0: Deebot client library in python 3 dev-python/deepdiff 6.2.1: Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. dev-python/deluge-client 1.7.1 1.10.2: Simple Deluge Client dev-python/demetriek 0.4.0: Asynchronous Python client for LaMetric TIME devices dev-python/demjson3 3.0.5: encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159 dev-python/denonavr 0.11.6: Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers dev-python/devialet 1.4.5: Devialet API dev-python/devolo-home-control-api 0.18.3: devolo Home Control API in Python dev-python/devolo-plc-api 1.4.1: devolo PLC devices in Python dev-python/dicttoxml2 2.1.0: Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. dev-python/directv 0.4.0: Asynchronous Python client for DirecTV (SHEF). dev-python/discogs-client 2.3.0: Official Python API client for Discogs dev-python/discovery30303 0.2.1-r1: Discover devices that respond on port 30303 dev-python/dlib 19.24.2: A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications dev-python/dlipower 0.7.165: Control digital loggers web power switch dev-python/dlms-cosem 21.3.2: A Python library for DLMS/COSEM dev-python/dovado 0.4.1: Communicate with Dovado router dev-python/dpkt 1.9.8: fast, simple packet creation / parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocols dev-python/dremel3dpy 2.1.1: A Dremel 3D Printer Python Library running on Python 3 dev-python/dropmqttapi 1.0.2 1.0.3: MQTT API for DROP water management products dev-python/dsmr-parser 1.3.1: Library to parse Dutch Smart Meter Requirements (DSMR) dev-python/dtlssocket 0.1.12 0.1.16: DTLSSocket is a cython wrapper for tinydtls with a Socket like interface dev-python/dwdwfsapi 1.0.6-r1 1.0.7: Python client to retrieve data provided by DWD via their geoserver WFS API dev-python/dweepy 0.3.0: Dweepy is a Python client for dev-python/dynalite-devices 0.1.47: An unofficial Dynalite DyNET interface creating devices. dev-python/dynalite-panel 0.0.4: Dynalite panel for Home Assistant dev-python/eagle100 0.1.1: Tool to read data from Rainforest Legacy Eagle. dev-python/easyenergy 2.1.0 2.1.1: Asynchronous Python client providing energy/gas prices from easyEnergy dev-python/ebusdpy 0.0.17: eBusd python integration library dev-python/ecoaliface 0.4.0: Interface to eCoal water boiler controller. dev-python/eebrightbox 0.0.4: Connector for EE BrightBox routers. dev-python/electrickiwi-api 0.8.5: Electric Kiwi Python API dev-python/elgato 5.1.1 5.1.2: Asynchronous Python client for Elgato Lights. dev-python/eliqonline 1.2.2: Eliq Online API Library dev-python/elkm1-lib 2.2.6 2.2.7: Library for interacting with ElkM1 alarm/automation panel. dev-python/elmax-api 0.0.4 0.0.5: Asynchronous API Library to work with Elmax devices dev-python/elvia 0.1.0: Python bindings for the Elvia API dev-python/emoji 2.8.0: Emoji for Python dev-python/emulated-roku 0.2.1 0.3.0: Library to emulate a roku server to serve as a proxyfor remotes such as Harmony dev-python/energyflip-client 0.2.2: Client for EnergyFlip dev-python/energyzero 2.1.0: Asynchronous Python client providing energy/gas prices from EnergyZero dev-python/enocean 0.50.1: EnOcean serial protocol implementation dev-python/enturclient 0.2.4: An API client for public transport data from Entur. dev-python/enum-compat 0.0.3: enum/enum34 compatibility package dev-python/env-canada 0.6.0 0.6.2 0.6.3: A package to access meteorological data from Environment Canada dev-python/envirophat 0.0.6: Enviro pHAT environmental sensor board driver dev-python/envoy-reader 0.20.1: A program to read from an Enphase Envoy on the local network dev-python/envoy-utils 0.0.1: Python utilities for the Enphase Envoy dev-python/envs 1.4-r2: Easy access of environment variables from Python with support for strings, booleans, list, tuples, and dicts. dev-python/ephem 4.1.5: Compute positions of the planets and stars dev-python/epicstore-api 0.1.7: An API wrapper for Epic Games Store written in Python dev-python/epion 0.0.3: A python API wrapper for Epion Air senor data dev-python/epson-projector 0.5.1: Epson projector support for Python dev-python/epsonprinter 0.0.9: Communication package for Epson Workforce printer dev-python/eq3btsmart 1.1.6 1.1.8: Python library that allows interaction with eQ-3 Bluetooth smart thermostats. dev-python/esphome-dashboard-api 1.2.3: API to interact with ESPHome Dashboard dev-python/esprima 4.0.1: ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis in Python dev-python/eternalegypt 0.0.16: Netgear LTE modem API dev-python/eufylife-ble-client 0.1.8: A library to communicate with EufyLife Bluetooth devices. dev-python/evdev 1.6.1: Bindings to the Linux input handling subsystem dev-python/evohome-async 0.4.15 0.4.19: An async Python client for connecting to the Evohome webservice dev-python/faadelays 2023.9.1: A package to retrieve FAA airport status dev-python/face-recognition 1.2.3: Recognize faces from Python or from the command line dev-python/face_recognition 1.2.3: Recognize faces from Python or from the command line dev-python/face_recognition_models 0.3.0: Models used by the face_recognition package. dev-python/fastdotcom 0.0.3: Python API for testing internet speed on dev-python/faust-cchardet 2.1.18: cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector. dev-python/feedparser 6.0.10: Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python dev-python/fiblary3 0.1.8: Home Center API Python Library dev-python/file-read-backwards 2.0.0: Memory efficient way of reading files line-by-line from the end of file dev-python/fints 3.1.0: Pure-python FinTS 3.0 (formerly known as HBCI) implementation dev-python/firebase-messaging 0.2.0 0.2.1: FCM/GCM push notification client dev-python/fitbit 0.3.1: Fitbit API Wrapper. dev-python/fivem-api 0.1.2: A library to query info, players and resources from FiveM server dev-python/fixerio 1.0.0_alpha0: A Python client for dev-python/fjaraskupan 2.2.0 2.3.0: A python library for speaking to fjäråskupan dev-python/flake8-docstrings 1.6.0-r1: Extension for flake8 which uses pydocstyle to check docstrings dev-python/flexit-bacnet 2.1.0 2.2.1: Client BACnet library for Flexit Nordic series of air handling units. dev-python/flipr-api 1.5.0 1.5.1: Python client for flipr API. dev-python/flux-led 1.0.4: A Python library to communicate with the flux_led smart bulbs dev-python/fnv-hash-fast 0.5.0: A fast version of fnv1a dev-python/fnvhash 0.1.0: Pure Python FNV hash implementation dev-python/foobot_async 1.0.0: API Client for Foobot Air Quality Monitoring devices. dev-python/forecast-solar 3.0.0 3.1.0: Asynchronous Python client for getting forecast solar information dev-python/fortiosapi 1.0.5: Python modules to use Fortigate APIs dev-python/freebox-api 1.1.0: Provides asynchronous authentication and access to Freebox servers dev-python/freesms 0.2.0: Send SMS with Free Mobile dev-python/freezegun 1.4.0 1.5.0: Let your Python tests travel through time dev-python/fritzconnection 1.4.2-r1: Communicate with the AVM FRITZ!Box dev-python/ftfy 6.1.3: Fixes mojibake and other problems with Unicode, after the fact dev-python/fyta-cli 0.3.3 0.3.5 0.4.1: Python library to access the FYTA API dev-python/gTTS 2.2.4: gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate text-to-speech API dev-python/garages-amsterdam 3.0.0: Asynchronous Python client for getting garage occupancy in Amsterdam dev-python/gardena-bluetooth 1.4.1 1.4.2: controlling gardena bluetooth enabled watering computers dev-python/garminconnect-ha 0.1.6: Garmin Connect Python 3 API wrapper for Home Assistant dev-python/gassist-text 0.0.10 0.0.11: A Python library for interacting with Google Assistant API via text dev-python/gatt 0.2.7: Bluetooth GATT SDK for Python dev-python/gcal-sync 6.0.3 6.0.4: A python library for syncing Google Calendar to local storage dev-python/gcloud 0.18.3: API Client library for Google Cloud dev-python/genie-partner-sdk 1.0.2: An SDK to interact with the AladdinConnect (or OHD) partner API dev-python/geniushub-client 0.7.1: An aiohttp-based client for Genius Hub systems dev-python/geocachingapi 0.2.1: Python client for controlling the Geocaching API dev-python/geojson 2.5.0: Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON dev-python/geojson-client 0.6: A GeoJSON client library. dev-python/georss-client 0.17: A GeoRSS client library. dev-python/georss-generic-client 0.6 0.8: A GeoRSS generic client library. dev-python/georss-ign-sismologia-client 0.6 0.8: A GeoRSS client library for the IGN Sismologia feed. dev-python/georss-qld-bushfire-alert-client 0.5 0.7: A GeoRSS client library for the Queensland Bushfire Alert feed. dev-python/getmac 0.8.2 0.9.4: Get MAC addresses of remote hosts and local interfaces dev-python/gios 3.2.2 4.0.0: Python wrapper for getting air quality data from GIOS servers. dev-python/gitterpy 0.1.7: Python interface for the Gitter API dev-python/glances-api 0.5.0 0.6.0 0.8.0: Python API for interacting with Glances. dev-python/gntp 1.0.3: Growl Notification Transport Protocol for Python dev-python/goalzero 0.2.2: Goal Zero REST Api Library dev-python/goodwe 0.2.32 0.3.5 0.3.6: Read data from GoodWe inverter via local network dev-python/google-ai-generativelanguage 0.3.3 0.4.0 0.6.5: Google Ai Generativelanguage API client library dev-python/google-api-python-client 2.71.0-r1: Google API Client for Python dev-python/google-cloud-pubsub 2.13.11: Google Cloud Pub/Sub API client library dev-python/google-cloud-texttospeech 2.12.3: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API client library dev-python/google-generativeai 0.3.1 0.6.0: Google Generative AI High level API client library and tools. dev-python/google-nest-sdm 3.0.3 3.0.4 4.0.5: Library for the Google Nest SDM API dev-python/googlemaps 2.5.1: Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services dev-python/goslide-api 0.5.1: Python API to utilise the Open Cloud API dev-python/gotailwind 0.2.2 0.2.3: Asynchronous Python client for Tailwind garage door openers. dev-python/govee-ble 0.24.0 0.31.0 0.31.2: Manage Govee BLE devices dev-python/govee-local-api 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.5.0: Library to communicate with Govee local API dev-python/gpiod 1.5.4: It is a pure Python library and has no dependencies on other packages dev-python/gpiozero 1.6.2: A simple interface to GPIO devices with Raspberry Pi. dev-python/gps3 0.33.3-r1: Python 2.7-3.5 clients for gpsd dev-python/gql 3.4.1: GraphQL client for Python dev-python/graphql-core 3.3.0_alpha2: GraphQL implementation for Python, a port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL. dev-python/greeclimate 1.4.1: Discover, connect and control Gree based minisplit systems dev-python/greeneye-monitor 3.0.3: Receive data packets from GreenEye Monitor ( dev-python/greenwavereality 0.5.1: Control of Greenwave Reality Lights dev-python/gridnet 5.0.0: Asynchronous Python client for a NET2GRID devices dev-python/growattServer 1.3.0 1.5.0: A package to talk to growatt server dev-python/grpc-google-iam-v1 0.12.4: GRPC library for the google-iam-v1 service dev-python/grpcio 1.59.0: High-performance RPC framework (python libraries) dev-python/grpcio-reflection 1.59.0: Standard Protobuf Reflection Service for gRPC dev-python/grpcio-status 1.59.0: Status proto mapping for gRPC dev-python/gspread 5.5.0: Google Spreadsheets Python API dev-python/gstreamer-player 1.1.2: Python 3 wrapper for playing media via gstreamer dev-python/guppy3 3.1.4 3.1.4_p1: Guppy 3 -- Guppy-PE ported to Python 3 dev-python/ha-HAP-python 4.5.2: HomeKit Accessory Protocol implementation in python dev-python/ha-av 10.1.1: Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries. dev-python/ha-ffmpeg 3.1.0 3.2.0: A library that handling with ffmpeg for home-assistant dev-python/ha-iotawattpy 0.1.1 0.1.2: Python library for the IoTaWatt Energy device dev-python/ha-philipsjs 3.1.1 3.2.1 3.2.2: jointSPACE API for Home-Assistant dev-python/habitipy 0.2.0 0.3.1: tools and library for Habitica restful API ( dev-python/habluetooth 2.4.2 2.8.1 3.1.1: High availability Bluetooth dev-python/hangups 0.4.18-r1: the first third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts dev-python/hass-nabucasa 0.78.0-r1 0.81.1: Home Assistant cloud integration by Nabu Casa, Inc. dev-python/hass-splunk 0.1.1: Async single threaded connector to Splunk HEC using an asyncio session dev-python/hassil 1.6.1 1.7.1: The Home Assistant Intent Language parser dev-python/haversine 2.8.1: Calculate the distance between 2 points on Earth. dev-python/hbmqtt 0.9.5: MQTT client/broker using Python 3.4 asyncio library dev-python/hdate 0.10.4 0.10.8 0.10.9: Jewish/Hebrew date and Zmanim in native Python dev-python/heatmiserV3 1.1.18: A library to interact with Heatmiser Themostats using V3 dev-python/here-routing 0.2.0: Asynchronous Python client for the HERE Routing V8 API dev-python/here-transit 1.2.0: Asynchronous Python client for the HERE Transit V8 API dev-python/hijri-converter 2.2.4: Accurate Hijri-Gregorian dates converter based on the Umm al-Qura calendar dev-python/hijridate 2.3.0: Accurate Hijri-Gregorian dates converter based on the Umm al-Qura calendar dev-python/hikvision 0.4: Provides a python interface to interact with a hikvision camera dev-python/hkavr 0.0.5: Library for controlling a Harman Kardon AVR dev-python/hko 0.3.2: An unofficial Python wrapper for public API of Hong Kong Observatory dev-python/hlk-sw16 0.0.9: Python client for HLK-SW16 dev-python/hole 0.8.0: Python API for interacting with *hole. dev-python/holidays 0.44 0.46 0.47 0.51: Generate and work with holidays in Python dev-python/home-assistant-bluetooth 1.11.0 1.12.0: Home Assistant Bluetooth Models and Helpers dev-python/home-assistant-chip-clusters 2024.2.2 2024.3.2 2024.5.2: Python-base APIs and tools for CHIP. dev-python/home-assistant-frontend 20240307.0 20240404.2 20240501.1 20240610.1: The Home Assistant frontend dev-python/home-assistant-intents 2024.3.12 2024.4.3 2024.4.24 2024.6.21: Intents for Home Assistant dev-python/homeconnect 0.7.2: Python client for the BSH Home Connect REST API dev-python/homematicip 1.1.0 1.1.1: An API for the homematicip cloud dev-python/homepluscontrol 0.0.5: Python-based API to interact with the Legrand Home + Control interface dev-python/horimote 0.4.1: Async API wrapper for Samsumgs set-top boxes SMT-G7400 and SMT-G7401. dev-python/http-ece 1.1.0: Encrypted Content Encoding for HTTP dev-python/httpcore 1.0.2 1.0.4: A minimal low-level HTTP client dev-python/httplib2 0.20.4: A comprehensive HTTP client library dev-python/httpsig 1.3.0: Secure HTTP request signing using the HTTP Signature draft specification dev-python/httpx 0.26.0: Fully-featured HTTP client which provides sync and async APIs dev-python/huawei-lte-api 1.7.3: API For huawei LAN/WAN LTE Modems dev-python/huisbaasje-client 0.1.0: Client for Huisbaasje dev-python/huum 0.7.10: Python library for Huum saunas dev-python/hyper 0.7.0: HTTP/2 Client for Python dev-python/hyperion-py 0.7.5: Hyperion Ambient Lighting Python Package dev-python/hyundai-kia-connect-api 3.17.5 3.19.1 3.20.2: This is a Kia UVO and Hyundai Bluelink written in python for Homeassistant dev-python/i2csense 0.0.4: A library to handle i2c sensors with the Raspberry Pi dev-python/iammeter 0.2.1: IamMeter api dev-python/iaqualink 0.5.0: Asynchronous library for Jandy iAqualink dev-python/ibeacon-ble 1.0.1 1.2.0: Parser for iBeacon devices dev-python/ibm-cloud-sdk-core 3.11.3: Core library used by SDKs for IBM Cloud Services dev-python/ibm-watson 5.2.2: Client library to use the IBM Watson Services dev-python/ibmiotf 0.3.4: Python Client for IBM Watson IoT Platform dev-python/ical 7.0.3 8.0.0 8.0.1: Python iCalendar implementation (rfc 2445) dev-python/icmplib 3.0 3.0.4: Easily forge ICMP packets and make your own ping and traceroute. dev-python/idasen 0.10.3: ikea IDASEN desk API and CLI. dev-python/idasen-ha 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.3: Home Assistant helper lib for the IKEA Idasen Desk integration dev-python/ifaddr 0.1.7: Enumerate IP addresses on the local network adapters dev-python/iglo 1.2.7: Control iGlo based RGB lights dev-python/ihcsdk 2.8.5: IHC Python SDK dev-python/imaplib2 3.6: A threaded Python IMAP4 client. dev-python/imgw-pib 1.0.4 1.0.5: Python wrapper for IMGW-PIB API. dev-python/importlib_resources 5.12.0: Read resources from Python packages dev-python/imutils 0.5.4: A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, displaying Matplotlib images, sorting contours, detecting edges, and much more easier with OpenCV and both Python 2.7 and Python 3. dev-python/incomfort-client 0.5.0: A aiohttp-based client for Intergas InComfort/InTouch Lan2RF systems dev-python/influxdb 5.3.1: InfluxDB client dev-python/influxdb-client 1.24.0: InfluxDB 2.0 Python client library dev-python/inkbird-ble 0.5.6: Parser for INKBIRD BLE devices dev-python/inquirerpy 0.3.4: Python port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces) dev-python/insteon-frontend-home-assistant 0.4.0 0.5.0: The Insteon frontend for Home Assistant dev-python/intel-amt 0.9.0: Tools for interacting with Intel's AMT dev-python/intellifire4py 2.2.2: An API to read the status of an intellifire wifi module dev-python/iotawattpy 0.1.0: Python library for the IoTaWatt Energy device dev-python/iperf3 0.1.11: Python wrapper around iperf3 dev-python/isal 1.6.1: Faster zlib and gzip compatible compression and decompression by providing Python bindings for the ISA-L library dev-python/ismartgate 5.0.1: iSmartGate and GogoGate2 API dev-python/iso4217 1.11.20220401: ISO 4217 currency data package for Python dev-python/janus 1.0.0: Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio tasks and classic threads dev-python/jaraco-abode 3.3.0: A library interfacing to the Abode home security system dev-python/jaraco-email 3.1.0: E-mail facilities by jaraco dev-python/jaraco-functools 3.9.0: Additional functions used by other projects by developer jaraco dev-python/jaraco-net 9.3.1: Networking tools by jaraco dev-python/jellyfin-apiclient-python 1.9.2: Python API client for Jellyfin dev-python/jinja2 3.1.2: A full-featured template engine for Python dev-python/jsonpath 0.82 0.82.2: An XPath for JSON dev-python/jsonpath-ng 1.5.3: A final implementation of JSONPath for Python that aims to be standard compliant. dev-python/jsonpickle 1.4.1-r1: Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON dev-python/jsonrpc-async 2.1.0: A JSON-RPC client library for asyncio dev-python/jsonrpc-base 2.1.0: A JSON-RPC client library base interface dev-python/jsonrpc-websocket 3.1.1: A JSON-RPC websocket client library for asyncio dev-python/justbackoff 0.6.0: Simple backoff algorithm in Python dev-python/justnimbus 0.6.0 0.7.3: A Python Wrapper for the Just Nimbus API dev-python/kaiterra-async-client 1.0.0: Kaiterra API Async Client dev-python/kasa-crypt 0.3.0: Fast kasa crypt dev-python/kconfiglib 13.7.1: A flexible Python Kconfig implementation dev-python/keba-kecontact 1.1.0: A python library to communicate with the KEBA charging stations via udp dev-python/kegtron-ble 0.4.0: Kegtron BLE support dev-python/keyrings_alt 4.1.0: Alternate keyring implementations dev-python/kiwiki-client 0.1.1: KIWI Lock Client Library dev-python/knx-frontend 2023.6.23.191712 2024.1.20.105944: KNX panel for Home Assistant dev-python/konnected 1.2.0: Library for interacting with Konnected home automation controllers. dev-python/korean-lunar-calendar 0.3.1: Korean Lunar Calendar dev-python/kostal-plenticore 0.2.0: Kostal Plenticore REST-API client dev-python/krakenex 2.1.0: cryptocurrency exchange API dev-python/lacrosse-view 1.0.1: Client for retrieving data from the La Crosse View cloud dev-python/lakeside 0.13: Python API for controlling Eufy LED bulbs dev-python/laundrify-aio 1.1.2: A Python package to communicate with the laundrify API dev-python/ld2410-ble 0.1.1: Interface with LD2410B modules from HiLink dev-python/leaone-ble 0.1.0: Bluetooth parser for LeaOne devices dev-python/led-ble 1.0.1: Control a wide range of LED BLE devices dev-python/libcst 0.3.23: A concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 programs. dev-python/libpurecool 0.6.4: Dyson Pure Cool/Hot+Cool Link and 360 eye robot vacuum devices Python library dev-python/libpyfoscam 1.0 1.2.2: Python Library for Foscam IP Cameras dev-python/libpyvivotek 0.4.0: Python Library for Vivotek IP Cameras dev-python/librouteros 3.2.0: Python implementation of MikroTik RouterOS API dev-python/libsoundtouch 0.8.0-r1: Bose Soundtouch Python library dev-python/libusb1 3.0.0: Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0 dev-python/life360 6.0.1: Life360 Communications Module dev-python/liffylights 0.9.4: LIFX Python library dev-python/lightify A library to work with OSRAM lightify. dev-python/lightwave 0.24: Python library to provide a reliable communication link with LightWaveRF lights, switches and TRVs. dev-python/limitlessled 1.1.3: Control LimitlessLED products. dev-python/linear-garage-door 0.2.7 0.2.9: Control Linear Garage Doors with Python dev-python/linode-api 4.1.9_beta1: Linode API Library dev-python/lmcloud 0.4.35: A Python implementation of the new La Marzocco API dev-python/lmnotify 0.0.4: A package for sending notifications to LaMetric Time. dev-python/locationsharinglib 5.0.1: A library to retrieve coordinates from an google account that has been shared locations of other accounts. dev-python/logi-circle 0.2.3: A Python library to communicate with Logi Circle cameras dev-python/lomond 0.3.3-r2: Websocket Client Library dev-python/london-tube-status 0.5: Parse London tube data into a dictionary dev-python/loqedAPI 2.1.8 2.1.10: Python package to use the Loqed Smart Door Lock APIs in a local network. To be used by Home Assistant. dev-python/lru-dict 1.3.0: An Dict like LRU container. dev-python/luftdaten 0.7.4: Python API for interacting with dev-python/lupupy 0.3.1 0.3.2: A python cli for Lupusec alarm panels. dev-python/lw12 0.9.2: Library to control the Lagute LW-12 WiFi LED controller. dev-python/lxml 4.9.1: A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries dev-python/lyft_rides 0.2: Unofficial Lyft Rides API Python SDK dev-python/mac-vendor-lookup 0.1.12: Find the vendor for a given MAC address dev-python/magicseaweed 1.0.3: Provides API wrapper to dev-python/marshmallow 3.21.1: A library for converting to and from native Python datatypes dev-python/marshmallow-dataclass 8.5.9: Python library to convert dataclasses into marshmallow schemas. dev-python/mashumaro 3.12: Fast and well tested serialization library dev-python/matplotlib 3.6.1: Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax dev-python/matrix-client 0.4.0: Client-Server SDK for Matrix dev-python/matrix-nio 0.22.1 0.24.0: A Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/O principles. dev-python/maxcube-api 0.4.3-r1: eQ-3/ELV MAX! Cube Python API dev-python/mbddns 0.1.2: Mythic Beasts Dynamic DNS updater dev-python/mcstatus 11.0.0 11.1.1: A library to query Minecraft Servers for their status and capabilities. dev-python/meater-python 0.0.8: A wrapper for the Apption Labs Meater probe API v1 dev-python/medcom-ble 0.1.1: Library to communicate with Medcom BLE radiation monitors dev-python/melnor-bluetooth 0.0.25: A small python library for discovery and interacting with Melnor, Eden, etc Bluetooth water timers. dev-python/messagebird 1.2.0: MessageBird's REST API dev-python/meteoalertapi 0.3.0: A small api to get alerting messages from extreme weather in Europe from dev-python/meteocalc 1.1.0: Functions for calculation of meteorological variables. dev-python/meteofrance-api 1.3.0: Python client for Meteo-France API. dev-python/mficlient 0.3.0: A remote control client for Ubiquiti's mFi system dev-python/micloud 0.5: Xiaomi cloud connect library dev-python/microBeesPy 0.3.2: microBees Python Library dev-python/mill-local 0.3.0: A python3 library to communicate with Mill dev-python/millheater 0.11.8: A python3 library to communicate with Mill dev-python/mini-racer 0.12.1: Minimal, modern embedded V8 for Python. dev-python/miniaudio 1.59: python bindings for the miniaudio library and its decoders (mp3, flac, ogg vorbis, wav) dev-python/minio 7.1.12: MinIO Python Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage for Python dev-python/moat-ble 0.1.1: Manager Moat BLE Devices dev-python/mock-open 1.4.0: A better mock for file I/O dev-python/moehlenhoff-alpha2 1.3.0: Python client for the Moehlenhoff Alpha2 underfloor heating system dev-python/monzopy 1.2.0: A simple async python wrapper for the Monzo API, used primarily by the Monzo Home Assistant integration. dev-python/mopeka-iot-ble 0.5.0 0.7.0: Mopeka IOT BLE Parser dev-python/motionblinds 0.6.19 0.6.21 0.6.23: Python library for interfacing with Motion Blinds dev-python/motionblindsble 0.0.9: Python library for interfacing with Motionblinds using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). dev-python/motioneye-client 0.3.14: motionEye client library Python Package dev-python/mozart-api Mozart platform API dev-python/ms-cv 0.1.1: A correlation vector implementation in python dev-python/msal 1.29.0: The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python library enables your app to access the Microsoft Cloud by supporting authentication of users with Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts (AAD) and Microsoft Accounts (MSA) using industry standard OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. dev-python/msal-extensions 1.2.0: Microsoft Authentication Library extensions (MSAL EX) provides a persistence API that can save your data on disk, encrypted on Windows, macOS and Linux. Concurrent data access will be coordinated by a file lock mechanism. dev-python/mt_940 4.26.0: A library to parse MT940 files and returns smart Python collections for statistics and manipulation. dev-python/mullvad-api 1.0.0: Python wrapper around mullvad api dev-python/mutesync 0.0.1: Asynchronous library to control mutesync devices. dev-python/mychevy 2.1.1: Python interface to My Chevy online data dev-python/mycroftapi 2.0: a library to communicate with Mycroft API dev-python/mypermobil 0.1.6 0.1.8: A Python wrapper for the MyPermobil API dev-python/mypy-dev 1.11.0_alpha3: Optional static typing for Python dev-python/mysql-connector-python 8.0.28-r1: Python client library for MariaDB/MySQL dev-python/myuplink 0.0.9 0.5.0 0.6.0: API package for myUplink dev-python/nad-receiver 0.3.0: Library to interface with NAD receivers through RS232, TCP and telnet dev-python/nclib 1.0.1: Netcat as a library: convienent socket interfaces dev-python/ndms2-client 0.1.2: Keenetic NDMS 2.x and 3.x client dev-python/nessclient 1.0.0: Implementation/abstraction of the Ness D8x / D16x Serial Interface ASCII protocol dev-python/netdata 1.1.0: Python API for interacting with Netdata. dev-python/netdisco 3.0.0-r1: Discover devices on your local network dev-python/netmap This is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3 dev-python/nettigo-air-monitor 2.2.2 3.0.0 3.1.0: Python wrapper for getting air quality data from Nettigo Air Monitor devices. dev-python/neurio 0.3.1: Neurio energy sensor and appliance automation API library dev-python/nexia 2.0.7 2.0.8: Python library for connecting to nexia dev-python/nextcloudmonitor 1.4.0 1.5.0: Python wrapper around nextcloud monitor api dev-python/nextcord 2.6.0: A Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from dev-python/nextdns 2.1.0 3.0.0: Python wrapper for NextDNS API. dev-python/nibe 2.5.2 2.8.0: Nibe heatpump communication library dev-python/niko-home-control 0.2.1: SDK for Niko Home Control dev-python/niluclient 0.1.2: An API client for getting pollution data from NILU sensor stations in Norway. dev-python/noaa-coops 0.1.9: Python wrapper for NOAA Tides & Currents Data and Metadata dev-python/noiseprotocol 0.3.1: Implementation of Noise Protocol Framework dev-python/notifications-android-tv 0.1.5: Notifications for Android/Fire TVs dev-python/notify-events 1.0.4: Extension to integrate your project with Notify.Events service. dev-python/nsapi 3.0.5: api wrapper for Dutch Railways (NS) dev-python/nsw-fuel-api-client 1.1.0: API Client for NSW Government Fuel dev-python/nuheat 1.0.1: Control of connected NuHeat Signature radiant floor thermostats. dev-python/numato-gpio 0.10.0 0.12.0 0.13.0: Python API for Numato GPIO Expanders dev-python/numpy 1.26.0-r1: Fast array and numerical python library dev-python/oasatelematics 0.3: Python wrapper for the OASA Telematics API dev-python/oauth2client 4.1.3: OAuth 2.0 client library dev-python/objgraph 3.5.0-r1: Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz dev-python/odp-amsterdam 6.0.0 6.0.1: Asynchronous Python client providing Open Data information of Amsterdam dev-python/oemthermostat 1.1.1: A package to interface with the HTTP API of the OpenEnergyMonitor Thermostat. dev-python/ollama-hass 0.1.7: A fork of the official Python client for Ollama for Home Assistant. dev-python/omnilogic 0.4.5: Integration for the Hayward OmniLogic pool control system dev-python/ondilo 0.2.0 0.4.0 0.5.0: A client to access Ondilo ICO APIs dev-python/onkyo-eiscp 1.2.7: Control Onkyo receivers over ethernet. dev-python/onvif-zeep-async 3.1.12: Async Python Client for ONVIF Camera dev-python/open-garage 0.2.0: A python3 library to communicate with Open Garage dev-python/open-meteo 0.3.1: Asynchronous client for the Open-Meteo API. dev-python/openai 1.3.8: Python client library for the OpenAI API dev-python/opencv-python-headless Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings. dev-python/openerz-api 0.2.0 0.3.0: A Python wrapper around the OpenERZ API. dev-python/openevsewifi 1.1.2: A python library for communicating with the ESP8266-based wifi module from OpenEVSE dev-python/openhomedevice 2.2: Provides an API for requesting information from an Openhome device dev-python/opensensemap-api 0.2.0: Python client for interacting with the openSenseMap API. dev-python/openwebifpy 4.0.2 4.2.4: Provides a python interface to interact with a device running OpenWebIf dev-python/openwrt-luci-rpc 1.1.16 1.1.17: Module for interacting with OpenWrt Luci RPC interface dev-python/openwrt-ubus-rpc 0.0.2: OpenWrt ubus RPC API library dev-python/opower 0.3.1 0.4.3 0.4.4 0.4.7: A Python library for getting historical and forecasted usage/cost from utilities that use such as PG&E dev-python/opuslib 3.0.1: Python bindings to the libopus, IETF low-delay audio codec dev-python/oralb-ble 0.17.6: Bluetooth library for Oral B devices dev-python/orjson 3.9.9 3.9.15: Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy dev-python/oru 0.1.11: Python client for Orange and Rockland Utility smart energy meters dev-python/orvibo 1.1.1 1.1.2: Control Orvibo products. dev-python/oscrypto 1.3.0: TLS (SSL) sockets, key generation, encryption, decryption, signing, verification and KDFs using the OS crypto libraries. dev-python/ourgroceries 1.5.4: Our Groceries Unofficial Python Package dev-python/ovoenergy 1.2.0 2.0.0: Get energy data from OVO's API dev-python/oyaml 1.0: Ordered YAML: drop-in replacement for PyYAML which preserves dict ordering dev-python/p1monitor 3.0.0: Asynchronous Python client for the P1 Monitor dev-python/paho-mqtt 1.6.1: MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class dev-python/panacotta 0.2: Python API for controlling Panasonic Blu-Ray players dev-python/panasonic-viera 0.3.6: Library to control Panasonic Viera TVs dev-python/pandas 2.1.4: Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics dev-python/pcal9535a 0.7: A library to control NXP PCAL9535A GPIO expander dev-python/pdunehd 1.3.2: A Python wrapper for Dune HD media player API dev-python/peco 0.0.29-r1: Wrapper for PECO Outage API dev-python/pem 21.2.0: Easy PEM file parsing in Python. dev-python/pencompy 0.0.3: Pencom relay controller over Ethernet dev-python/pescea 1.0.12: A python interface to the Escea fireplace controllers dev-python/pexpect 4.6.0: Python module for spawning child apps and responding to expected patterns dev-python/pfzy 0.3.4: Python port of the fzy fuzzy string matching algorithm dev-python/phone-modem 0.1.1: An asynchronous modem implementation designed for Home Assistant for receiving caller id and call rejection. dev-python/phx-filters 2.0.2: Validation and data pipelines made easy! dev-python/pifacecommon 4.2.2: The PiFace common functions module. dev-python/pifacedigitalio 3.0.5: The PiFace Digital I/O module. dev-python/piglow 1.2.4: Drive the Pimoroni PiGlow board, based on the sn3218 i2c LED controller dev-python/pigpio 1.78: Raspberry Pi GPIO module dev-python/pilight 0.1.1: Pure python module to connect to a pilight daemon to send and receive commands. dev-python/pillow 9.3.0-r1: Python Imaging Library (fork) dev-python/pipdeptree 2.13.2 2.16.1 2.19.0: Utility for displaying installed packages in a dependency tree dev-python/pizzapi 0.0.3: A Python wrapper for the Dominos Pizza API dev-python/pkce 1.0.3: PKCE Pyhton generator. dev-python/plexauth 0.0.6: Handles the authorization flow to obtain tokens from via external redirection. dev-python/plexwebsocket 0.0.14: Support for issuing callbacks in response to Plex websocket updates. dev-python/plugwise 0.36.3 0.37.1 0.37.3 Plugwise (Adam/Anna/P1/Stick/Stretch) API to use in conjunction with Home Assistant Core. dev-python/plumlightpad 0.0.11: A python package that interacts with the Plum Lightpad dev-python/pmsensor 0.4: Library to read data from environment sensors dev-python/poolsense 0.0.8: Asynchronous Python client for getting PoolSense data. dev-python/praw 7.5.0: PRAW, an acronym for Python Reddit API Wrapper, is a python package that allows for simple access to reddit's API. dev-python/prawcore 2.3.0: Low-level communication layer for PRAW 4+. dev-python/prayer-times-calculator 0.0.10 0.0.12: Prayer Times Calculator dev-python/prayer-times-calculator-offline 1.0.3: Prayer Times Calculator - Offline dev-python/proliphix 0.4.1: API for Proliphix nt10e network thermostat. dev-python/prometheus-client 0.17.1: Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system dev-python/protobuf 4.25.1 4.25.2 5.28.2: Google's Protocol Buffers - Python bindings dev-python/proxmoxer 2.0.1: Python Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API (HTTP and SSH) dev-python/psutil 5.9.2: Retrieve information on running processes and system utilization dev-python/psutil-home-assistant 0.0.1: Wrapper for psutil to allow it to be used several times in the same process. dev-python/pubnub 7.4.2: PubNub Real-time push service in the cloud dev-python/pubnubsub-handler 1.0.9: Handles the PubNub subscriptions between PubNub and Home-Assistant for Wink dev-python/pulsectl 23.5.2-r1: Python high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse) dev-python/pure-pcapy3 1.0.1-r1: Pure Python reimplementation of pcapy. This package is API compatible and a drop-in replacement. dev-python/pure-python-adb 0.3.0-r2: Pure python implementation of the adb client dev-python/push-receiver 0.1.1: subscribe to GCM/FCM and receive notifications dev-python/pushbullet-py 0.11.0: A simple python client for dev-python/pushover_complete 1.1.1: A Python package for interacting with *all* aspects of the Pushover API dev-python/pvo 2.1.1: Asynchronous client for the PVOutput API. dev-python/pwmled 1.6.10: Control LEDs connected to a micro controller using pwm. dev-python/py-aosmith 1.0.1 1.0.8: A Python client library for A. O. Smith water heaters dev-python/py-canary 0.5.3 0.5.4: Python API for Canary Security Camera dev-python/py-ccm15 0.0.9: A package to control Midea CCM15 data converter modules dev-python/py-cpuinfo 8.0.0: Get CPU info with pure Python 2 & 3 dev-python/py-dormakaba-dkey 1.0.5: API to interact with a Dormakaba dkey lock via bluetooth dev-python/py-improv-ble-client 1.0.3: API to provision devices which implement Improv via BLE dev-python/py-melissa-climate 2.1.4: Api wrapper for Melissa Climate dev-python/py-nextbusnext 1.0.2: Minimalistic Python client for the NextBus public API for real-time transit arrival data dev-python/py-nightscout 1.2.2: A library that provides a Python async interface to Nightscout dev-python/py-schluter 0.1.7: Python API for Schluter DITRA-HEAT thermostat dev-python/py-sucks 0.9.8 0.9.9 0.9.10: a library for controlling certain robot vacuums dev-python/py-synologydsm-api 2.1.4 2.4.2 2.4.4: Python API for communication with Synology DSM dev-python/py-vapid 1.8.2: Simple VAPID header generation library dev-python/py-zabbix 1.1.7: Python module to work with zabbix. dev-python/py17track 2021.12.2: A Simple Python API for dev-python/py3rijndael 0.3.3: Rijndael algorithm library for Python3. dev-python/pyAtome 0.1.1: Get your energy consumption from Atome Linky device dev-python/pyCEC 0.5.2: Provide HDMI CEC devices as objects, especially for use with Home Assistant dev-python/pyControl4 1.1.0: Python 3 asyncio package for interacting with Control4 systems dev-python/pyDuotecno 2024.1.2 2024.3.2 2024.5.0 2024.5.1: Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3. dev-python/pyEGPS 0.2.5: Controlling Energenie Power Strips with python. dev-python/pyEight 0.3.2: Provides a python api to interact with an Eight Sleep mattress cover. dev-python/pyElectra 1.2.0 1.2.1: Electra Smart Python Integration. dev-python/pyEmby 1.9: Provides a python interface to interact with a Emby media server. dev-python/pyFortiManagerAPI 0.2.3: A Python wrapper for the FortiManager REST API dev-python/pyHik 0.3.2: Provides a python api to interact with a Hikvision camera event stream and toggle motion detection. dev-python/pyRFXtrx 0.31.0 0.31.1: a library to communicate with the RFXtrx family of devices dev-python/pySDCP 1: SDCP library to control Sony Projectors dev-python/pyTibber 0.28.2: A python3 library to communicate with Tibber dev-python/pyW215 0.7.0: Interface for d-link W215 Smart Plugs. dev-python/pyW800rf32 0.4: A library to communicate with the W800rf32 family of devices dev-python/pyads 3.2.2 3.4.0: Python wrapper for TwinCAT ADS library dev-python/pyaehw4a1 0.3.9: Python interface for Hisense AEH-W4A1 module dev-python/pyaftership 21.11.0: A module to get information pending parcels. dev-python/pyairnow 1.2.1: A lightweight Python wrapper for EPA AirNow Air Quality API dev-python/pyairvisual 2023.8.1: A simple API for AirVisual air quality data dev-python/pyalmond 0.0.2: Python module to talk to the Web Almond API. dev-python/pyaprilaire 0.7.0: a library to interact with Aprilaire thermostats dev-python/pyarlo 0.2.4: Python Arlo is a library written in Python 2.7/3x that exposes the Netgear Arlo cameras as Python objects. dev-python/pyasn1 0.4.8-r2: ASN.1 library for Python dev-python/pyasuswrt 0.1.21: Api wrapper for Asuswrt using protocol HTTP dev-python/pyatag Python module to talk to Atag One. dev-python/pyatmo 8.0.2 8.0.3: Simple API to access Netatmo weather station data from any Python 3 script. Designed for Home Assistant (but not only) dev-python/pyatv 0.14.3: A client library for Apple TV and AirPlay devices dev-python/pyaussiebb 0.0.15: Aussie Broadband API module dev-python/pybalboa 1.0.1: Module to communicate with a Balboa spa wifi adapter. dev-python/pybase64 1.3.2: Fast Base64 implementation dev-python/pybbox 0.0.5_alpha0: a simple python3 library for the Bouygues BBox Routeur API dev-python/pyblackbird 0.6: Python API for talking to Monoprice Blackbird 4k 8x8 HDBaseT Matrix dev-python/pybluez 0.22-r1: Bluetooth Python extension module dev-python/pybotvac 0.0.24 0.0.25: Python package for controlling Neato pybotvac Connected vacuum robot dev-python/pybravia 0.3.3: Python async library for remote control of Sony Bravia TVs 2013 and newer. dev-python/pycarwings2 2.14: Python library for interacting with the Nissan Leaf Carwings telematics service dev-python/pycfdns 3.0.0: Update Cloudflare DNS A-records. dev-python/pychannels 1.2.3: API client for the Channels app - dev-python/pychromecast 13.0.8 13.1.0-r1 14.0.1: Python module to talk to Google Chromecast dev-python/pycketcasts 1.0.1: Interact with PocketCast's unofficial API dev-python/pyclimacell 0.18.2: Async Python3.7+ package to access the ClimaCell API dev-python/pycmus 0.1.1: A python cmus remote library dev-python/pycocotools 2.0.6: Official APIs for the MS-COCO dataset dev-python/pycognito 2023.5.0 2024.2.0 2024.5.1: Python class to integrate Boto3's Cognito client so it is easy to login users. With SRP support. dev-python/pycomfoconnect 0.5.1: Python interface for the Zehnder ComfoConnect LAN C bridge. dev-python/pycoolmasternet-async 0.1.5: A python library to control CoolMasterNet HVAC bridges over asyncio. dev-python/pycountry-convert 0.7.2: Extension of Python package pycountry providing conversion functions. dev-python/pycrc16 0.1.2: Library for calculating CRC16 dev-python/pycryptodomex 3.20.0: Cryptographic library for Python dev-python/pycsspeechtts 1.0.8: Python 3 interface to Microsoft Cognitive Services Text To Speech dev-python/pycups 1.9.73-r3: Python bindings for the CUPS API dev-python/pydaikin 2.11.1: Python Daikin HVAC appliances interface dev-python/pydanfossair 0.1.0: Python interface for Danfoss Air HRV systems dev-python/pydantic 1.10.12 1.10.15: Data parsing and validation using Python type hints dev-python/pydeconz 115 116: A Python library for communicating with deCONZ REST-API from Dresden Elektronik dev-python/pydelijn 1.1.0: Get realtime info on stop passages of De Lijn ( dev-python/pydexcom 0.2.3: Python API to interact with Dexcom Share API dev-python/pydiscovergy 3.0.0 3.0.1: Async Python 3 library for interacting with Discovergy smart meters API dev-python/pydoods 1.0.2: A Python wrapper for the DOODS image detection service dev-python/pydrawise 2024.3.0 2024.6.3 2024.6.4: Python API for interacting with Hydrawise sprinkler controllers. dev-python/pydroid-ipcam 2.0.0: Library for handling the Android IP Webcam app dev-python/pyebox 1.1.4: Get your EBox consumption ( dev-python/pyecoforest 0.4.0: Python library for ecoforest local device. dev-python/pyeconet 0.1.22: Interface to the unofficial EcoNet API dev-python/pyedimax 0.2.1: Interface with Edimax Smart Plugs dev-python/pyefergy 22.1.1 22.5.0: An API library for Efergy energy meters. dev-python/pyenphase 1.19.2 1.20.1 1.20.3: Library to control enphase envoy dev-python/pyenvisalink 4.6 4.7: A python3 library for running asynchronus communications with envisalink alarm control panel modules. dev-python/pyephember 0.3.1: Python library to work with ember from EPH Controls dev-python/pyeverlights 0.1.0: A library for controlling an EverLights lighting system. dev-python/pyevilgenius 2.0.0: Python module to talk to Evil Genius Labs devices. dev-python/pyezviz Pilot your Ezviz cameras dev-python/pyfibaro 0.7.6 0.7.8: Simple API to access fibaro home center from any Python 3 script. Designed for Home Assistant (but not only) dev-python/pyfido 2.1.2: Get your Fido consumption ( dev-python/pyfireservicerota 0.0.43: Python 3 API wrapper for FireServiceRota/BrandweerRooster dev-python/pyflexit 0.3: Flexit CI66 helper library dev-python/pyflic 2.0.3: Python library to connect to and interact with Flic buttons. dev-python/pyflunearyou 2.0.2: A clean, well-tested Python3 API for Flu Near You dev-python/pyfnip 0.2: Python wrapper for FutureNow IP relay/dimmer units dev-python/pyforked-daapd 0.1.14: Python Interface for forked-daapd dev-python/pyfreedompro 1.1.0: Freedompro API dev-python/pyfritzhome 0.6.9 0.6.10 0.6.11: Fritz!Box Smarthome Python Library dev-python/pyfttt 0.3.2: Python tools for interacting with the IFTTT Webhooks Channel dev-python/pygatt 4.0.5-r1: Python Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) and GATT Library dev-python/pygtfs 0.1.9: Models GTFS data in a database. dev-python/pygti 0.9.4: access public transport information in hamburg, germany. dev-python/pyhaversion 22.8.0: Get the latest Home Assistant version from various sources. dev-python/pyheos 0.7.2: An async python library for controlling HEOS devices through the HEOS CLI Protocol dev-python/pyhiveapi 0.5.16: A Python library to interface with the Hive API dev-python/pyhomematic 0.1.77: Homematic interface dev-python/pyhomeworks 0.0.6: Lutron Homeworks Series 4 and 8 interface over Ethernet dev-python/pyhumps 3.5.0-r1: Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Inspired by Humps for Node dev-python/pyialarm 2.2.0: A simple library to interface with iAlarm systems, built for use with Home-Assistant dev-python/pyialarmxr-homeassistant 1.0.18: A simple library to interface with iAlarmXR systems, built for use with Home Assistant dev-python/pyicloud 1.0.0: PyiCloud is a module which allows pythonistas to interact with iCloud webservices. dev-python/pyinsteon 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6.1: Python API for controlling Insteon devices dev-python/pyintesishome 1.8.0: A python3 library for running asynchronus communications with IntesisHome Smart AC Controllers dev-python/pyipma 3.0.7: Python library to retrieve information from Instituto Português do Mar e Atmosfera dev-python/pyipp 0.14.4 0.15.0 0.16.0: Asynchronous Python client for Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). dev-python/pyiqvia 2022.4.0: A clean, async-focused Python3 API for IQVIA data dev-python/pyirishrail 0.0.2: Python library to get the real-time transport information (RTPI) from Irish Rail dev-python/pyiss 1.0.1: A simple python3 library for info about the current International Space Station location dev-python/pyisy 3.1.14: Python module to talk to ISY devices from UDI. dev-python/pyitachip2ir 0.0.7: A library for sending IR commands to an ITach IP2IR gateway dev-python/pyjvcprojector 1.0.6 1.0.9 1.0.11: A python library for controlling a JVC Projector over a network connection dev-python/pykaleidescape 1.0.1: A python client library for the Kaleidescape System Control Protocol. dev-python/pykira 0.1.1: Communicate with Kira IR-IP modules dev-python/pykmtronic 0.3.0: Python library to interface with KM Tronic Web Relays dev-python/pykodi 0.2.7-r1: An async python interface for Kodi over JSON-RPC. dev-python/pykoplenti 1.2.2: Python REST-Client for Kostal Plenticore Solar Inverters dev-python/pykrakenapi 0.1.8: A Python implementation of the Kraken API. dev-python/pykulersky 0.5.2: Library to control Brightech Kuler Sky Bluetooth LED smart lamps dev-python/pykwb 0.0.8: KWB Easyfire serial library, for inclusion into homeassistant dev-python/pylacrosse 0.4: LaCrosse sensor library dev-python/pylast 5.1.0: Python interface to and other api-compatible websites dev-python/pylaunches 1.4.0 2.0.0: A python packages to get information form upcoming space launches dev-python/pylgnetcast 0.3.7 0.3.9: Client for the LG Smart TV running NetCast 3 or 4. dev-python/pylibrespot-java 0.1.1: Python Interface for librespot-java dev-python/pylint 3.2.2: Python code static checker dev-python/pylint-per-file-ignores 1.2.1 1.3.2: A pylint plugin to ignore error codes per file. dev-python/pylitejet 0.6.2: A library for controlling a LiteJet lighting system. dev-python/pylitterbot 2023.4.9 2023.4.11 2023.5.0: Python package for controlling Whisker automatic robots. dev-python/pyloopenergy 0.2.1: Access Loop Energy energy monitors via Socket.IO API dev-python/pylutron 0.2.8 0.2.12 0.2.13: Python library for Lutron RadioRA 2 dev-python/pylutron-caseta 0.18.3 0.19.0 0.20.0: Provides an API to the Lutron Smartbridge dev-python/pymailgunner 1.4: A simple mailgun client - pymailgun fork with Python 3 support dev-python/pymata-express 1.19: A Python Protocol Abstraction Library For Arduino Firmata using Python asyncio dev-python/pymediaroom Remote control your Mediaroom Set-up-box dev-python/pymelcloud 2.5.8 2.5.9: Python MELCloud interface dev-python/pymeteoclimatic 0.0.6 0.1.0: A Python wrapper around the Meteoclimatic service dev-python/pymfy 0.11.0: A Somfy Open API library dev-python/pymitv 1.4.3: A Python 3 based Xiaomi TV remote dev-python/pymochad 0.2.0: A python library for interacting with moch dev-python/pymodbus 3.5.4 3.6.3 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8: A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python dev-python/pymodbus-repl 2.0.3: REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) tool for working with Modbus devices using the Pymodbus library. dev-python/pymonoprice 0.4: Python API for talking to Monoprice 6-zone amplifier dev-python/pymsteams 0.1.12: Format messages and post to Microsoft Teams. dev-python/pymyq 3.1.4: Python package for controlling MyQ-Enabled Garage Door dev-python/pymysensors 0.24.0: Python API for talking to a MySensors gateway dev-python/pynello 2.0.3: Python library for intercoms dev-python/pynetgear 0.10.10: Access Netgear routers using their SOAP API dev-python/pynetio Binding library for Koukaam netio devices dev-python/pynobo 1.6.0 1.8.0 1.8.1: Nobø Hub / Nobø Energy Control TCP/IP Interface dev-python/pynuki 1.6.2 1.6.3: Python bindings for bridges dev-python/pynut2 2.1.2: A Python abstraction class to access NUT servers. dev-python/pynws 1.6.0 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.8.1: Python library to retrieve observations and forecasts from NWS/NOAA dev-python/pynx584 0.5: NX584/NX8E Interface Library and Server dev-python/pynzbgetapi 0.2.0: Basic Python NZBGet API client. dev-python/pyobihai 1.4.2: A Python wrapper for Obihai dev-python/pyoctoprintapi 0.1.12: An asynchronous Python library for communicating with the OctoPrint API dev-python/pyombi 0.1.10: A python module to retrieve information from Ombi. dev-python/pyopensprinkler 0.7.6: Python module for OpenSprinker API dev-python/pyopenssl 23.2.0: Python interface to the OpenSSL library dev-python/pyopenuv 2023.2.0: A simple Python API data from dev-python/pyopenweathermap 0.0.9: lib for OpenWeatherMap for Home Assistant dev-python/pyopnsense 0.4.0: A python API client for OPNsense dev-python/pyoppleio 1.0.5: Python library for interfacing with opple mobile control light dev-python/pyoppleio-legacy 1.0.8: Python library for interfacing with old models of opple lights with wifi control. dev-python/pyosoenergyapi 1.1.3 1.1.4: A Python library to interface with the OSO Energy API dev-python/pyotgw 2.1.3 2.2.0: A library to interface with the opentherm gateway through serial or network connection. dev-python/pyotp 2.8.0: PyOTP is a Python library for generating and verifying one-time passwords dev-python/pyoverkiz 1.13.8 1.13.9 1.13.10 1.13.11: Async Python client to interact with internal OverKiz API (e.g. used by Somfy TaHoma). dev-python/pyowm 3.2.0: A Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs dev-python/pyownet 0.10.0_p1: Python OWFS client library (owserver protocol) dev-python/pypandoc 1.7.4: Thin wrapper for pandoc. dev-python/pypca 0.0.7: A python cli for PCA 301 smart plugs. dev-python/pypck 0.7.17: LCN-PCK library dev-python/pypjlink2 1.2.1: PJLink is a standard for controlling data projectors. dev-python/pyplaato 0.0.18: Asynchronous Python client for getting Plaato Airlock and Keg data dev-python/pypoint 2.3.2: API for Minut Point dev-python/pyprof2calltree 1.4.5: Help visualize profiling data from cProfile with kcachegrind and qcachegrind dev-python/pyprosegur 0.0.9: Unofficial Python library to interface with Prosegur Alarmes PT/ES. dev-python/pyprusalink 2.0.0 2.1.1: Library to interact with PrusaLink v2 dev-python/pyps4-2ndscreen 1.3.1: PS4 2nd Screen Python Library dev-python/pyqrcode 1.2.1-r3: A pure Python QR code generator with SVG, EPS, PNG and terminal output dev-python/pyqvrpro 0.52: QVR Pro API wrapper. dev-python/pyqwikswitch 0.93: Library to interface Qwikswitch USB Hub dev-python/pyrail 0.0.3: Python wrapper for the iRail API dev-python/pyrainbird 4.0.1 4.0.2 6.0.1: Rain Bird Controller dev-python/pyrecswitch 1.0.2: A pure-python interface for controlling Ankuoo RecSwitch MS6126 dev-python/pyrepetierng 0.1.0-r1: A updated python Repetier-Server library based on Mtrabs library dev-python/pyrisco 0.5.10 0.6.0 0.6.1 0.6.2: A python library to communicate with Risco Cloud. dev-python/pyrituals 0.0.6-r1: Async Python wrapper for the Rituals Perfume Genie API dev-python/pyroute2 0.7.5: A pure Python netlink and Linux network configuration library dev-python/pyrympro 0.0.7 0.0.8: A python library to communicate with Read Your Meter Pro. dev-python/pysabnzbd 1.1.1: Python wrapper for SABnzbd API dev-python/pysaj 0.0.16: Library to communicate with SAJ inverters dev-python/pyschlage 2023.12.1 2024.2.0: Python API for interacting with Schlage WiFi locks. dev-python/pysensibo 1.0.36: asyncio-friendly python API for Sensibo dev-python/pyserial-asyncio 0.6: Python Serial Port Extension - Asynchronous I/O support dev-python/pyserial-asyncio-fast 0.11: Python Serial Port Extension - Asynchronous I/O support dev-python/pysesame2 1.0.1: Python API for Sesame Smartlock made by CANDY HOUSE, Inc. dev-python/pysha3 1.0.2: SHA-3 (Keccak) for Python 2.7 - 3.5 dev-python/pysiaalarm 3.1.1: Python package for creating a client that talks with SIA-based alarm systems. dev-python/pysignalclirestapi 0.3.18-r1 0.3.23: Small python library for the Signal Cli REST API dev-python/pyskyqhub 0.1.4: Library for Sky Q hub dev-python/pysma 0.7.3: Library to interface an SMA Solar WebConnect module dev-python/pysmappee 0.2.29: Offical Smappee dev API and MQTT python wrapper dev-python/pysmartapp 0.3.5: A python library for building a SmartThings SmartApp dev-python/pysmartthings 0.7.8: A python library for interacting with the SmartThings cloud API build with asyncio and aiohttp. dev-python/pysmarty 0.8: Python API for Salda Smarty Modbus TCP dev-python/pysmb pysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python dev-python/pysmi-lextudio 1.4.1: A pure-Python implementation of SNMP/SMI MIB parsing and conversion library. dev-python/pysml 0.0.12: Python library for EDL21 smart meters using Smart Message Language (SML) dev-python/pysnmp-lextudio 5.0.31 6.0.11: pure-Python, open source and free implementation of v1/v2c/v3 SNMP engine dev-python/pysnmp-pyasn1 1.1.3: ASN.1 types and codecs dev-python/pysnmp-pyasn1-modules 0.2.9: A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules. dev-python/pysnmp-pysmi 1.1.10: PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser. This tool is designed to turn ASN.1 MIBs into various formats. dev-python/pysnmpcrypto 0.0.4: Strong cryptography support for PySNMP (SNMP library for Python) dev-python/pysnmplib 5.0.21-r3: Pure-Python, open source and free implementation of v1/v2c/v3 SNMP engine dev-python/pysnooz 0.8.6: Control SNOOZ white noise machines. dev-python/pysoma 0.0.12: A simple package for controlling SOMA devices dev-python/pyspcwebgw 0.7.0: A Python library for communicating with SPC Web Gateway. dev-python/pysqueezebox 0.7.1: Asynchronous library to control Logitech Media Server dev-python/pystiebeleltron 0.0.1: Python API for interacting with the Stiebel Eltron ISG web gateway via Modbus. dev-python/pysuez 0.2.0: Get your water consumption data from your Suez account ( dev-python/pyswitchbee 1.8.0: SwitchBee Python Integration. dev-python/pytankerkoenig 0.0.6: Library for JSON API dev-python/pytautulli 23.1.1: Python API wrapper for Tautulli. dev-python/pytedee-async 0.2.13 0.2.17: A Tedee Lock Client package dev-python/pytest 8.1.1 8.2.0-r1: Simple powerful testing with Python dev-python/pytest-asyncio 0.23.6: Library for testing asyncio code with pytest dev-python/pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures 0.2.0: pytest plugin to annotate failed tests with a workflow command for GitHub Actions dev-python/pytest-picked 0.5.0: Run the tests related to the changed files dev-python/pytest-runner 6.0.0: Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution dev-python/pytest-socket 0.6.0 0.7.0: Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests dev-python/pytest-test-groups 1.0.3: A Pytest plugin for running a subset of your tests by splitting them in to equally sized groups. dev-python/pytest-unordered 0.5.2 0.6.0: Test equality of unordered collections in pytest dev-python/pytest-xdist 3.3.1-r1 3.5.0: Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes dev-python/pytfiac 0.4: API for Tfiac AC dev-python/pythinkingcleaner 0.0.3: Library to control ThinkingCleaner devices dev-python/python-MotionMount 0.3.1 1.0.0: Control your MotionMount Signature TVM7675 Pro using Python dev-python/python-awair 0.2.4: asyncio client for the Awair GraphQL and Local APIs dev-python/python-blockchain-api 0.0.2: Python API for interacting with dev-python/python-bring-api 3.0.0: Unofficial python package to access Bring! shopping lists API. dev-python/python-bsblan 0.5.16 0.5.18: Asynchronous Python client for BSBLAN dev-python/python-clementine-remote 1.0.1: Python library and CLI for the Clementine Music Player remote protocol. dev-python/python-didl-lite 1.4.0: DIDL-Lite (Digital Item Declaration Language) tools for Python dev-python/python-digitalocean 1.13.2: API to manage Droplets and Images dev-python/python-ecobee-api 0.2.17 0.2.18: Python API for talking to Ecobee thermostats dev-python/python-engineio 3.14.2: Python implementation of the Engine.IO realtime server. dev-python/python-eq3bt 0.2: EQ3 bluetooth thermostat support library dev-python/python-etherscan-api 0.0.3: Python API for interacting with dev-python/python-family-hub-local 0.0.2: Python API for accessing information from Samsung FamilyHub fridges locally. dev-python/python-forecastio 1.4.0: A thin Python Wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly weather API dev-python/python-fullykiosk 0.0.12: Python wrapper for Fully Kiosk Browser REST API dev-python/python-gammu 3.2.4: Gammu bindings dev-python/python-gc100 1.0.3_alpha0: A Python-based socket client for Global Cache GC100 digital I/O interface dev-python/python-gitlab 1.6.0: Interact with GitLab API dev-python/python-homeassistant-analytics 0.6.0: Asynchronous Python client for Homeassistant Analytics. dev-python/python-homewizard-energy 4.3.1 5.0.0 6.0.0: Asynchronous Python client for the HomeWizard Energy dev-python/python-hpilo 4.3 4.4.3: Accessing the HP iLO XML interface from python dev-python/python-http-client 3.3.2: HTTP REST client, simplified for Python dev-python/python-izone 1.2.9: A python interface to the iZone airconditioner controller dev-python/python-join-api 0.0.9: Python API for interacting with Join by joaoapps. dev-python/python-juicenet 1.1.0: Read and control Juicenet/Juicepoint/Juicebox based EVSE devices dev-python/python-kasa 0.5.4 Python API for TP-Link Kasa Smarthome devices dev-python/python-matter-server 5.7.0 5.10.0 6.1.0: Python Matter WebSocket Server dev-python/python-metar 1.4.0: Metar - a package to parse METAR coded weather reports dev-python/python-miio 0.5.12: Python library for interfacing with Xiaomi smart appliances dev-python/python-mpd2 3.0.5: A Python MPD client library dev-python/python-myq 3.1.13: Python package for controlling MyQ-Enabled Garage Door. dev-python/python-mystrom 2.2.0: Python API for interacting with myStrom devices dev-python/python-nest 4.2.0: Python API and command line tool for talking to the Nest Thermostat dev-python/python-opendata-transport 0.4.0: Python API for interacting with dev-python/python-opensky 1.0.0: Asynchronous Python client for Opensky API. dev-python/python-openzwave-mqtt 1.4.0: Converts MQTT messages from qt-openzwave into Python objects and events dev-python/python-otbr-api 2.5.0 2.6.0: API to interact with an OTBR via its REST API dev-python/python-picnic-api 1.1.0: Unofficial Python wrapper for the Picnic API dev-python/python-qbittorrent 0.4.3: Python wrapper for qBittorrent >4.1.x dev-python/python-rabbitair 0.0.8: Python library for local control of Rabbit Air air purifiers dev-python/python-ripple-api 0.0.3: Python API for interacting with dev-python/python-roborock 2.0.0 2.2.3 2.3.0: A package to control Roborock vacuums. dev-python/python-sense-hat 2.2.0-r3: Raspberry Pi Sense HAT python library dev-python/python-singleton 0.1.2: Singleton Metaclass. dev-python/python-slugify 4.0.1 8.0.1: A Python Slugify application that handles Unicode dev-python/python-smarttub 0.0.36: API to query and control hot tubs using the SmartTub system dev-python/python-sochain-api 0.0.2: Python API for interacting with dev-python/python-socketio 4.6.0-r2: Socket.IO server dev-python/python-songpal 0.16 0.16.1 0.16.2: Python library for interfacing with Sony's Songpal devices dev-python/python-tado 0.17.0 0.17.4: PyTado -- Pythonize your central heating dev-python/python-technove 1.2.2: Asynchronous Python client for TechnoVE. dev-python/python-telegram-bot 13.1 21.0.1: We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse dev-python/python-vlc 3.0.18122: VLC bindings for python. dev-python/python-wink 1.10.5: Access Wink devices via the Wink API dev-python/pythonegardia 1.0.52: Python 3 support for Egardia / Woonveilig alarm dev-python/pytile 2023.4.0 2023.12.0: A simple Python API for Tile Bluetooth trackers dev-python/pytomorrowio 0.3.6: Async Python3.9+ package to access the API dev-python/pytouchline 0.7: A Roth Touchline interface library dev-python/pytraccar 2.0.0 2.1.1: Update and fetch device information from Traccar. dev-python/pytrackr 0.0.5: Interface to the TrackR API dev-python/pytradfri 9.0.1: IKEA Tradfri/Tradfri API. Control and observe your lights from Python. dev-python/pytrafikverket 0.3.10: Retreive values from public API at the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). dev-python/pytrydan 0.4.0 0.6.0 0.6.1: Library to interface with V2C EVSE Trydan dev-python/pyudev 0.23.2: Python binding to libudev dev-python/pyunifiprotect 4.22.5 4.23.2 5.0.2 5.1.2: Unofficial UniFi Protect Python API and CLI dev-python/pyuptimerobot 22.2.0: Python API wrapper for Uptime Robot. dev-python/pyusb 1.2.1-r2: USB support for Python dev-python/pyvera 0.3.13: Python API for talking to Veracontrollers dev-python/pyversasense 0.0.6: Versasense API consumer dev-python/pyvesync 2.1.1 2.1.10: pyvesync is a library to manage Etekcity Devices and Levoit Air Purifier dev-python/pyvizio 0.1.61: Python library for interfacing with Vizio SmartCast TVs and Sound Bars (2016+ models) dev-python/pyvlx 0.2.21: PyVLX is a wrapper for the Velux KLF 200 API. PyVLX enables you to run scenes and or open and close velux windows. dev-python/pyvolumio 0.1.5: A python library to control Volumio. dev-python/pywaze 0.5.1 1.0.0 1.0.1: Asynchronous Waze client for calculating routes and travel times. dev-python/pyweatherflowudp 1.4.5: An event-based asynchronous library to read UDP packets from Weatherflow weather systems on a local network without any reliance on the cloud. dev-python/pywebpush 1.9.2 1.14.1: WebPush publication library dev-python/pywemo 1.3.0 1.4.0: Lightweight Python module to discover and control WeMo devices dev-python/pywilight 0.0.74: Python API for WiLight in Home Assistant dev-python/pywizlight 0.5.14: A python connector for WiZ light bulbs (e.g SLV Play) dev-python/pyws66i 1.1: Python API for talking to Soundavo's WS66i 6-zone amplifier using the telnet protocol dev-python/pyxeoma 1.4.1: Python wrapper for Xeoma web server API dev-python/pyyardian 1.1.1: A module for interacting with the Yardian irrigation controller dev-python/pyzbar 0.1.7: Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python dev-python/pyzerproc 0.4.8: Async library to control Zerproc Bluetooth LED smart string lights dev-python/pyzipper 0.3.6: AES encryption for zipfile. dev-python/qingping-ble 0.9.0 0.10.0: Qingping BLE support dev-python/qnapstats 0.4.0: Python API for obtaining QNAP NAS system stats dev-python/quantum-gateway 0.0.8: Query a Quantum Gateway dev-python/radios 0.2.0 0.3.1: Asynchronous Python client for the Radio Browser API dev-python/radiotherm 2.1.0: client library for wifi thermostats sold by dev-python/raincloudy 0.0.7-r1: Melnor RainCloud Smart Garden Watering Irrigation Timer. dev-python/rapt-ble 0.1.2: Parser for the RAPT Pill hydrometer BLE packets. dev-python/raspihats 2.2.3: package for controlling boards dev-python/raspyrfm-client 1.2.8: A library to send rc signals with the RaspyRFM module dev-python/readlike 0.1.2: GNU Readline-like line editing module dev-python/refoss-ha 1.2.0: Refoss to support for Home Assistant dev-python/regenmaschine 2023.6.0 2024.1.0 2024.3.0: A simple API for RainMachine sprinkler controllers dev-python/regex 2021.8.28: Alternative regular expression module to replace re dev-python/related 0.7.2: Related: Straightforward nested object models in Python dev-python/renault-api 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3: Renault API dev-python/renson-endura-delta 1.7.1: Unofficial Renson endura delta Python library dev-python/reolink-aio 0.8.9 0.8.10 0.9.1: Reolink NVR/cameras API package dev-python/requests 2.31.0: HTTP library for human beings dev-python/requests-mock 1.11.0: Mock out responses from the requests package dev-python/requests-oauth 0.4.1: Hook for adding Open Authentication support to Python-requests HTTP library. dev-python/respx 0.21.0: A utility for mocking out the Python HTTPX and HTTP Core libraries. dev-python/rfk101py 0.0.1: RFK101 Proximity card reader over Ethernet dev-python/rflink 0.0.65 0.0.66: Library and CLI tools for interacting with RFlink 433MHz transceiver. dev-python/rich 12.6.0: Python library for rendering rich text, tables, etc. to the terminal dev-python/ring-doorbell 0.8.7 0.8.9 0.8.11: A Python library to communicate with Ring Door Bell ( dev-python/ritassist 0.9.2-r1: RitAssist API Access dev-python/rjpl 0.3.6: Interface with Rejseplanen API dev-python/rocketchat-API 0.6.1: Python API wrapper for Rocket.Chat dev-python/rokuecp 0.19.2 0.19.3: Asynchronous Python client for Roku (ECP) dev-python/romy 0.0.7 0.0.10: Python program and library to control Wi-Fi enabled ROMY vacuum cleaners dev-python/roombapy 1.6.10 1.6.13 1.8.1: Python program and library to control Wi-Fi enabled iRobot Roombas dev-python/roonapi 0.1.6: Provides a python interface to interact with Roon dev-python/rova 0.3.0 0.4.1: API wrapper for ROVA calendar dev-python/rpi-bad-power 0.1.0: A Python library to detect bad power supply on Raspberry Pi dev-python/rpi-rf 0.9.7: Send and receive 433/315MHz signals with GPIO RF modules on a Raspberry Pi dev-python/rtsp-to-webrtc 0.5.1: Python client library for RTSPtoWeb and RTSPtoWebRTC dev-python/russound 0.1.9: Python API for Russound RNET commands. dev-python/russound-rio 1.0.0: Asyncio client for Russound RIO devices dev-python/ruuvitag-ble 0.1.2: Manage Ruuvitag BLE devices dev-python/rxv 0.7.0-r1: Automation Library for Yamaha RX-V473, RX-V573, RX-V673, RX-V773 receivers dev-python/samsungctl 0.7.1: Remote control Samsung televisions via TCP/IP connection dev-python/samsungtvws 2.6.0: Samsung Smart TV WS API wrapper dev-python/sanix 1.0.6: Python wrapper for getting measurements data from Sanix devices. dev-python/satel-integra 0.3.7: Communication library for Satel Integra alarm system. dev-python/schedule 1.1.0: Job scheduling for humans. dev-python/schiene 0.23: schiene is a Python library for interacting with dev-python/screenlogicpy 0.10.0: Interface for Pentair ScreenLogic connected pool controllers over IP via Python dev-python/scsgate 0.1.0: A Python module to interact with SCSGate dev-python/securesystemslib 0.31.0 1.0.0: A library that provides cryptographic and general-purpose routines for Secure Systems Lab projects at NYU dev-python/securetar 2023.3.0 2024.2.1: Python module to handle tarfile backups. dev-python/sendgrid 6.8.2: Twilio SendGrid library for Python dev-python/sense-energy 0.12.2: API for the Sense Energy Monitor dev-python/sensirion-ble 0.1.1-r2: Manage Sensirion BLE devices dev-python/sensor-state-data 2.18.0: Models for storing and converting Sensor Data state dev-python/sensorpro-ble 0.5.3: SensorPro BLE Devices dev-python/sensorpush-ble 1.5.5 1.6.2: Parser for SensorPush BLE devices dev-python/sentry-sdk 1.37.1 1.39.2 1.40.3: Python client for Sentry dev-python/sepaxml 2.2.0: Python SEPA XML implementations dev-python/setuptools-markdown 0.4.1: [Deprecated] Use Markdown for your project description dev-python/sfrbox-api 0.0.8: SFR Box API dev-python/sharkiq 1.0.2: Python API for Shark IQ robots dev-python/sharp_aquos_rc 0.3.2: Control Sharp Aquos SmartTVs through the IP interface. dev-python/shodan 1.28.0: Python library and command-line utility for Shodan ( dev-python/shortuuid 1.0.12: A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs. dev-python/sigstore 1.0.0: A tool for generating and verifying Sigstore signatures. dev-python/simplehound 0.3: Unofficial python API for Sighthound dev-python/simplepush 2.2.3: Simplepush python library dev-python/simplisafe-python 2023.8.0 2024.1.0: A Python3, async interface to the SimpliSafe API dev-python/siobrultech-protocols 0.5.0: A Sans-I/O Python client library for Brultech Devices dev-python/sisyphus-control 3.1.3: Control your Sisyphus kinetic art tables ( dev-python/slackclient 2.5.0-r1: Slack API clients for Web API and RTM API dev-python/sleekxmppfs 1.4.1: A fork of SleekXMPP with TLS cert validation disabled, intended only to be used with the sucks project dev-python/slixmpp 1.8.4: Python 3 library for XMPP dev-python/smart-meter-texas 0.4.7 0.5.5: Package to connect to and retrieve data from the unofficial Smart Meter Texas API dev-python/smbus-cffi 0.5.1: SMBus access through the I2C /dev interface on Linux hosts. dev-python/smhi-pkg 1.0.16: Gets the weather forecast data from Swedish weather institute dev-python/snapcast 2.3.3 2.3.6: Control Snapcast. dev-python/snitun 0.36.2 0.39.1: SNI proxy with TCP multiplexer dev-python/sockio 0.15.0: Concurrency agnostic socket API dev-python/soco 0.30.2 0.30.3 0.30.4: SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a simple library to control Sonos speakers. dev-python/solaredge 0.0.2: A python API wrapper for Solaredge monitoring service dev-python/solaredge-local 0.2.3: API wrapper to communicate locally with SolarEdge Inverters dev-python/solax 0.3.2 3.1.0: Solax inverter API client dev-python/somecomfort 0.8.0: A client for Honeywell's US-based cloud devices dev-python/somfy-mylink-synergy 1.0.6: Python API to utilise the Somfy Synergy JsonRPC API dev-python/sonos-websocket 0.1.2 0.1.3: An asynchronous Python library to communicate with Sonos devices over websockets. dev-python/speak2mary 1.4.0: A Python wrapper for Mary TTS dev-python/spiderpy 1.6.1: Python wrapper for the Spider API, a way to manage your Spider installation dev-python/spidev 3.5: Python bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev dev-python/spotipy 2.23.0: A lightweight Python library for the Spotify Web API dev-python/sqlitedict 1.6.0: Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe. dev-python/srpenergy 1.3.6: An unofficial Python module for interacting with Srp Energy data. dev-python/srptools 1.0.1: Tools to implement Secure Remote Password (SRP) authentication dev-python/sseclient-py 1.7.2: SSE client for Python dev-python/starkbank-ecdsa 1.0.0: A lightweight and fast pure python ECDSA library dev-python/starline 0.1.5: Unofficial python library for StarLine API dev-python/starlingbank 3.2: Python package that provides access to parts of the Starling bank API. dev-python/starlink-grpc-core 1.1.3: Core functions for Starlink gRPC communication dev-python/statsd 3.2.1: A simple statsd client. dev-python/stdiomask 0.0.6: A cross-platform Python module for entering passwords to a stdio terminal and displaying a **** mask, which getpass cannot do. dev-python/stdlib-list 0.7.0: A list of Python Standard Libraries (2.6-7, 3.2-9). dev-python/steamodd 4.21: High level Steam API implementation with low level reusable core dev-python/stookalert 0.1.4: Stookalert package dev-python/stookwijzer 1.3.0: Stookwijzer package dev-python/streamlabswater 1.0.1: Unofficial Python library for the Streamlabs Water API dev-python/stringcase 1.2.0: String case converter. dev-python/striprtf 0.0.26: A simple library to convert rtf to text dev-python/subarulink 0.7.9 0.7.11: A package for interacting with Subaru Starlink Remote Services API. dev-python/sucks 0.9.4: a library for controlling certain robot vacuums dev-python/sunwatcher 0.2.1: Binding to SolarLog HTTP API dev-python/sunweg 2.0.3 2.1.0 2.1.1: A library to retrieve data from dev-python/surepy 0.9.0: Library to interact with the flaps & doors from Sure Petcare. dev-python/swisshydrodata 0.1.0: A library to fetch data from the Swiss federal Office for Environment FEON dev-python/switchbot-api 2.0.0 2.1.0: An asynchronous library to use Switchbot API dev-python/synology-srm 0.2.0: Synology SRM API dev-python/syrupy 4.6.0 4.6.1: Pytest Snapshot Test Utility dev-python/systembridgeconnector 3.10.0 4.0.3: System Bridge Connector dev-python/systembridgemodels 4.0.4: System Bridge Models dev-python/tahoma-api 0.0.16: Tahoma Api - Python connect to Tahoma REST API dev-python/tailer 0.4.1: Python tail is a simple implementation of GNU tail and head. dev-python/tailscale 0.6.0: Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API. dev-python/tank-utility 1.5.0: A smart propane tank monitor. dev-python/tapsaff 0.2.1: Provides an API for requesting information from dev-python/tellcore-net 0.4: a Python module that allow to run tellcore over TCP/IP dev-python/tellcore-py 1.1.2: Python wrapper for Telldus' home automation library dev-python/tellduslive 0.10.11: Communicate with Telldus Live dev-python/tellsticknet 0.1.2: Listen for UDP sensor broadcasts from a Tellstick dev-python/temescal 0.5: Python API for controlling LG speakers dev-python/temperusb 1.6.1: Reads temperature from TEMPerV1 devices (USB 0c45:7401) dev-python/tenacity 8.0.1-r1: General-purpose retrying library dev-python/tesla-fleet-api 0.4.6 0.4.9 0.5.12: Tesla Fleet API library for Python dev-python/tesla-powerwall 0.3.19 0.5.1 0.5.2: API for Tesla Powerwall dev-python/tesla-wall-connector 1.0.2: API Library for communicating with a Tesla Wall Connector dev-python/teslajsonpy 0.18.3: A library to work with Tesla API. dev-python/tessie-api 0.0.9: A small python package that wraps up the Tessie API dev-python/tf-models-official 2.5.0: TensorFlow Official Models dev-python/thermobeacon-ble 0.6.2: Parser for Thermobeacon devices dev-python/thermopro-ble 0.5.0 0.9.0 0.10.0: Thermopro BLE Sensors dev-python/thermoworks-smoke 0.1.8: Pull data for your thermoworks smoke thermometer dev-python/thingspeak 1.0.0: Client library for the API dev-python/tikteck 0.4: Python API for controlling Tikteck LED bulbs dev-python/tilt-ble 0.2.3: Parser for Tilt BLE devices dev-python/titlecase 2.3: Python Port of John Gruber's dev-python/tmb 0.0.4: Library that interacts with TMB API dev-python/todoist-api-python 2.1.2: Official Python SDK for the Todoist REST API. dev-python/todoist-python 8.0.0: todoist-python - The official Todoist Python API library dev-python/tololib 1.1.0: Python Library for Controlling TOLO Sauna/Steam Bath Devices dev-python/toonapi 0.3.0: Asynchronous Python client for the Quby ToonAPI. dev-python/total-connect-client 2023.2 2023.12.1 2024.5: Interact with Total Connect 2 alarm systems dev-python/tp-connected 0.0.4: TP-Link LTE modem API dev-python/tplink-omada-client 1.3.2 1.3.11 1.3.12: Python wrapper for TP-Link Omada SDN Controller API (OC200/OC300/Software Controller) dev-python/tqdm 4.66.2: Add a progress meter to your loops in a second dev-python/transmission-rpc 7.0.3: Python module that implements the Transmission bittorent client JSON-RPC protocol dev-python/transmissionrpc 0.11: Python module that implements the Transmission bittorent client RPC protocol. dev-python/ttls 1.5.1: Twinkly Twinkly Little Star dev-python/ttn-client 0.0.4 1.0.0: A python client to fetch/receive and parse uplink messages from The Thinks Network dev-python/tuf 4.0.0 5.0.0: A secure updater framework for Python dev-python/tuya-device-sharing-sdk 0.1.9: A Python sdk for Tuya Open API, which provides IoT capabilities, maintained by Tuya official dev-python/tuya-iot-py-sdk 0.6.6: A Python sdk for Tuya Open API, which provides IoT capabilities, maintained by Tuya official dev-python/twentemilieu 2.0.1: Asynchronous Python client for Twente Milieu API. dev-python/twilio 6.32.0: Helper library for the Twilio API dev-python/twitchAPI 4.0.0: A Python 3.7+ implementation of the Twitch Helix API, its Webhook, PubSub and EventSub dev-python/typer 0.7.0 0.12.3: Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints. dev-python/typing-extensions 4.4.0: Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+ dev-python/typing-inspect 0.7.1: Runtime inspection utilities for typing module. dev-python/tzdata 2022.2: Provider of IANA time zone data dev-python/uModbus 1.0.4: Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python. dev-python/ua-parser 0.10.0: Python port of Browserscope's user agent parser dev-python/uamqp 1.6.0-r1: AMQP 1.0 Client Library for Python dev-python/uart-devices 0.1.0: UART Devices for Linux dev-python/uasiren 0.0.1: Implements API - public wrapper for API that returns info about Ukraine air-raid alarms. dev-python/uiprotect 1.7.2: Python API for Unifi Protect (Unofficial) dev-python/ulid-transform 0.9.0: Create and transform ULIDs dev-python/ultraheat-api 0.5.7: Reading usage data from the Landys & Gyr Ultraheat heat meter unit dev-python/unicode-rbnf 1.0.0 1.1.0: Rule-based number formatting using Unicode CLDR data dev-python/unifi-ap 0.0.1: Python API for UniFi accesspoints dev-python/unifi-discovery 1.1.7 1.1.8: Discover Unifi Devices dev-python/unifiled 0.11: Easily connect to Ubiquiti Unifi led devices dev-python/universal-silabs-flasher 0.0.18 0.0.20: Tool to flash firmware onto any Silicon Labs radio running EmberZNet, CPC multi-PAN, or just a bare Gecko Bootloader dev-python/uonet-request-signer-hebe 0.1.1: UONET+ (hebe) request signer for Python dev-python/upb-lib 0.5.4 0.5.6: Library for interacting with UPB PIM. dev-python/upcloud-api 2.0.0 2.5.1: UpCloud API Client dev-python/uplink 0.9.7: A Declarative HTTP Client for Python. dev-python/uplink-protobuf 0.1.0: Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) support for Uplink. dev-python/usb-devices 0.4.5: Tools for mapping, describing, and resetting USB devices dev-python/uscisstatus 0.1.1-r1: USCIS Status Checker dev-python/user-agents 2.0-r2: A library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities by parsing browser user agent strings. dev-python/uv 0.1.35 0.1.43: A Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust dev-python/uvcclient 0.11.0: A remote control client for Ubiquiti's UVC NVR dev-python/vacuum-map-parser-base 0.1.2 0.1.3: Common code for vacuum map parsers dev-python/vacuum-map-parser-roborock 0.1.1 0.1.2: Functionalities for Roborock vacuum map parsing dev-python/vallox-websocket-api 4.0.2 4.0.3 5.1.0 5.1.1: Vallox WebSocket API dev-python/vehicle 2.2.1: Asynchronous Python client providing RDW vehicle information. dev-python/velbus-aio 2023.12.0 2024.4.1 2024.5.1: Python Library for the Velbus protocol based on asyncio dev-python/venstarcolortouch 0.19: Interface Library for Venstar ColorTouch Thermostat API v5 dev-python/vilfo-api-client 0.4.1 0.5.0: Simple wrapper client for the Vilfo router API dev-python/vincenty 0.1.4: Calculate the geographical distance between 2 points with extreme accuracy. dev-python/voip-utils 0.1.0: Voice over IP Utilities dev-python/vol 0.1.1: volume control in the shell for your mac dev-python/volkszaehler 0.4.0: Python Wrapper for interacting with the Volkszahler API. dev-python/voluptuous 0.13.1-r1 0.14.1: A Python data validation library dev-python/voluptuous-openapi 0.0.4: Convert voluptuous schemas to OpenAPI Schema object dev-python/voluptuous-serialize 2.6.0: Convert voluptuous schemas to dictionaries dev-python/volvooncall 0.10.3: Communicate with VOC dev-python/vsure 2.6.6: Read and change status of verisure devices through mypages. dev-python/vtjp 0.2.1: Vasttrafik API dev-python/vulcan-api 2.3.0 2.3.2: Nieoficjalne API do dzienniczka elektronicznego UONET+ dev-python/vultr 0.1.2: API Client dev-python/wakeonlan 2.1.0: A small python module for wake on lan. dev-python/wallbox 0.4.14 0.6.0: Module for interacting with Wallbox EV charger api dev-python/waqiasync 1.0.0: asyncio-friendly python API for dev-python/warrant-lite 1.0.4-r1: Small Python library for process SRP requests for AWS Cognito. dev-python/watchdog 2.3.1: Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events dev-python/waterfurnace 1.1.0: Python interface for waterfurnace geothermal systems dev-python/weatherflow4py 0.1.17 0.2.20 0.2.21: Simple Python library used by Home Assistant to interact with the WeatherFlow RESTApi dev-python/webexteamssdk 1.1.1: Community-developed Python SDK for the Webex Teams APIs dev-python/webmin-xmlrpc 0.0.1 0.0.2: Provides a python interface to interact with the Webmin XML-RPC API. dev-python/webrtc-noise-gain 1.2.3: Noise suppression and automatic gain with webrtc dev-python/webrtcvad 2.0.10: Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) dev-python/whirlpool-sixth-sense 0.18.4 0.18.7 0.18.8: Unofficial API for Whirlpool's 6th Sense appliances dev-python/whois 0.9.27: Python package for retrieving WHOIS information of domains. dev-python/wiffi 1.1.2: Python 3 package to interface devices from STALL WIFFI. dev-python/wirelesstagpy 0.8.1: Simple python wrapper over wirelesstags REST API dev-python/withings-api 2.4.0: Library for the Withings API dev-python/wled 0.17.0 0.17.1 0.18.0: Asynchronous Python client for WLED. dev-python/wolf-comm 0.0.6 0.0.7 0.0.8: A package to communicate with Wolf SmartSet Cloud dev-python/wolf-smartset 0.1.11: A package to communicate with Wolf Smart Set Cloud dev-python/wolf_smartset 0.1.11: A package to comunicate with Wolf Smart Set Cloud dev-python/wyoming 1.5.3 1.5.4: Protocol for Rhasspy Voice Assistant dev-python/xbee-helper 0.0.7: a high level API to an XBee device dev-python/xbox-webapi 2.0.11: A library to authenticate with Windows Live/Xbox Live and use their API dev-python/xboxapi 2.0.1: A wrapper library for dev-python/xiaomi-ble 0.21.1 0.23.1 0.25.2 0.28.0: Manage Xiaomi BLE devices dev-python/xknx 2.11.2 2.12.0 2.12.2: An Asynchronous Library for the KNX protocol. Documentation: dev-python/xknxproject 3.4.0 3.6.0 3.7.0 3.7.1: A library to gather information from ETS project files used for KNX dev-python/xmlsec 1.3.12-r3: Python bindings for the XML Security Library dev-python/xmltodict 0.12.0-r1: Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON dev-python/xs1-api-client 3.0.0: A library to get and set values of the EZcontrol XS1 Gateway dev-python/yagrc 1.1.2: Yet another gRPC reflection client dev-python/yalesmartalarmclient 0.3.9: Interact with Yale Smart Alarm systems dev-python/yalexs 1.11.4 2.0.0 3.0.1 3.1.0: Python API for Yale Access (formerly August) Smart Lock and Doorbell dev-python/yalexs-ble 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2: Bluetooth control of Yale and August locks dev-python/yarl 1.9.2: Yet another URL library dev-python/yeelight 0.7.14: A Python library for controlling YeeLight RGB bulbs. dev-python/yeelightsunflower 0.0.10: Python package for interacting with Yeelight Sunflower bulbs dev-python/yolink-api 0.3.7 0.4.2 0.4.4: A library to authenticate with yolink device dev-python/youless-api 1.0.1 1.1.1: A bridge for python to the YouLess sensor dev-python/youtubeaio 1.1.5: Asynchronous Python client for YouTube V3 API. dev-python/zamg 0.3.3 0.3.5 0.3.6: Asynchronous Python client for ZAMG weather data. dev-python/zeep 4.2.1: A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests dev-python/zengge 0.2: Python API for controlling Zengge LED bulbs dev-python/zeroconf 0.128.5: Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible) dev-python/zeversolar 0.3.1: Simple Python wrapper for the local CGI provided by ZeverSolar dev-python/zha-quirks 0.0.112 0.0.114 0.0.115 0.0.116: Library implementing Zigpy quirks for ZHA in Home Assistant dev-python/zhong-hong-hvac 1.0.9 1.0.12: Python library for interfacing with ZhongHong HVAC controller dev-python/ziggo-mediabox-xl 1.1.0: Python interface to Ziggo's Mediabox XL dev-python/zigpy 0.63.4 0.63.5 0.64.0 0.64.1: Library implementing a ZigBee stack dev-python/zigpy-deconz 0.22.4 0.23.0 0.23.1: A library which communicates with Deconz radios for zigpy dev-python/zigpy-xbee 0.20.1: A library which communicates with XBee radios for zigpy dev-python/zigpy-zigate 0.12.0: A library which communicates with ZiGate radios for zigpy dev-python/zigpy-znp 0.12.1: A library for zigpy which communicates with TI ZNP radios dev-python/zlib-ng 0.2.0: Drop-in replacement for zlib and gzip modules using zlib-ng dev-python/zm-py 0.5.2-r1 0.5.4: A loose python wrapper around the ZoneMinder REST API. dev-python/zwave-js-server-python 0.55.3 0.55.4 0.56.0: Python wrapper for zwave-js-server dev-python/zwave-me-ws 0.4.3: Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me dev-vcs/pre-commit 3.6.2 3.7.1: A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language Git pre-commit hooks media-libs/lv2 1.18.10: A simple but extensible successor of LADSPA net-misc/yt-dlp 2023.09.24 2023.10.13 2023.11.16: youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes sci-geosciences/GeographicLib 1.52-r3: C++ library for converting geographic coordinate systems sci-geosciences/aranet4 2.2.2 2.3.3 2.3.4: Aranet4 and Aranet2 Python client sci-geosciences/geopy 2.1.0 2.3.0-r2: Python client for several popular geocoding web services sci-libs/tensorflow 2.5.0-r3: Computation framework using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning sys-libs/tdb 1.4.10: Simple database API virtual/mqtt 1: Virtual for Home Assistant MQTT