# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit flag-o-matic linux-mod-r1 udev DESCRIPTION="VMware kernel modules" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules" # Highest kernel version known to work: MY_KERNEL_VERSION="6.11" # Upstream does not want to tag versions or anything that looks like properly # releasing the software, so we need to just pick a commit from # https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/commits/workstation-${PV} # and test it ourselves. # # Details: https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/issues/158#issuecomment-1228341760 MY_COMMIT="22ec046990969018cfac1f8390dde1faed858c40" SRC_URI=" https://github.com/philipl/vmware-host-modules/archive/${MY_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}-${MY_COMMIT}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/vmware-host-modules-${MY_COMMIT}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" RESTRICT="mirror" RDEPEND=" acct-group/vmware " pkg_setup() { CONFIG_CHECK="~HIGH_RES_TIMERS" if kernel_is -ge 5 5; then CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} X86_IOPL_IOPERM" fi if kernel_is -ge 2 6 37 && kernel_is -lt 2 6 39; then CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} BKL" fi CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} VMWARE_VMCI ~VMWARE_VMCI_VSOCKETS" linux-info_pkg_setup linux-mod-r1_pkg_setup if kernel_is gt ${MY_KERNEL_VERSION//./ }; then ewarn ewarn "Warning: this version of the modules is only known to work with kernels up to ${MY_KERNEL_VERSION}, while you are building them for a ${KV_FULL} kernel." ewarn fi BUILD_TARGETS="auto-build KERNEL_DIR=${KERNEL_DIR} KBUILD_OUTPUT=${KV_OUT_DIR}" filter-flags -mfpmath=sse -mavx -mpclmul -maes append-cflags -mno-sse # Found a problem similar to bug #492964 } src_prepare() { # decouple the kernel include dir from the running kernel version: https://github.com/stefantalpalaru/gentoo-overlay/issues/17 sed -i \ -e "s%HEADER_DIR = /lib/modules/\$(VM_UNAME)/build/include%HEADER_DIR = ${KERNEL_DIR}/include%" \ -e "s%VM_UNAME = .*\$%VM_UNAME = ${KV_FULL}%" \ */Makefile || die "sed failed" # Allow user patches so they can support RC kernels and whatever else default } src_compile() { for mod in vmmon vmnet; do local modlist+=( ${mod}=misc:"${S}"/${mod}-only ) done linux-mod-r1_src_compile } src_install() { linux-mod-r1_src_install local udevrules="${T}/60-vmware.rules" cat > "${udevrules}" <<-EOF KERNEL=="vmci", GROUP="vmware", MODE="660" KERNEL=="vmw_vmci", GROUP="vmware", MODE="660" KERNEL=="vmmon", GROUP="vmware", MODE="660" KERNEL=="vsock", GROUP="vmware", MODE="660" EOF udev_dorules "${udevrules}" dodir /etc/modprobe.d/ cat > "${D}"/etc/modprobe.d/vmware.conf <<-EOF # Support for vmware vmci in kernel module alias vmci vmw_vmci EOF export installed_modprobe_conf=1 dodir /etc/modprobe.d/ cat >> "${D}"/etc/modprobe.d/vmware.conf <<-EOF # Support for vmware vsock in kernel module alias vsock vmw_vsock_vmci_transport EOF export installed_modprobe_conf=1 } pkg_postinst() { linux-mod-r1_pkg_postinst udev_reload ewarn "Don't forget to run '/etc/init.d/vmware restart' to use the new kernel modules." } pkg_postrm() { udev_reload }