Title: Webcam now available on Asahi Author: James Calligeros Posted: 2023-10-9 Revision: 3 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Webcam support has finally been merged into the Asahi kernel! All users of machines equipped with a webcam can begin enjoying this functionality by upgrading to asahi-sources-6.5.0_p11. Requirements: - asahi-sources-6.5.0_p11 or later - asahi-firmware-0.6.8 or later If you installed Asahi on 21 August 2023 or later, simply update @world run asahi-fwupdate as root, then reboot. No further action is necessary. If your install predates 21 August 2023, some additional work will be required for you to get the maximum possible quality out of your webcam. To retrieve the calibration blobs for your machine, please follow these steps after updating your @world set: 1. Boot into macOS 2. Mount your ESP to /Volumes/EFI 3. cp /usr/sbin/appleh13camerad /Volumes/EFI/ 4. Reboot into Linux and mount the ESP to /boot/efi/ 5. mkdir /tmp/firmware 6. cd /tmp/firmware 7. mv /boot/efi/appleh13camerad . 8. sudo tar xzf /boot/efi/asahi/all_firmware.tar.gz 9. sudo tar czf /boot/efi/asahi/all_firmware.tar.gz . 10. sudo asahi-fwupdate 11. Reboot for the firmware loading script to pick up the changes You should now be able to enjoy your webcam at full quality. Note that your webcam will still work even without completing these steps, however it will produce a much lower quality image.