Title: IMPORTANT: media-video/wireplumber has been upgraded to 0.5.2 Author: James Calligeros Posted: 2024-04-30 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 As some will be aware, WirePlumber 0.5.0 introduced a significant breaking change to its entire configuration system, eliminating the use of Lua scripts for basic config-like actions. This also came with a complete rework of how Lua scripts are registered with WirePlumber for execution. ANY CUSTOM FUNCTIONALITY WHICH RELIES ON WIREPLUMBER'S LUA API WILL BREAK ON UPGRADE If you rely on this functionality, please review the WirePlumber documentation on porting your Lua scripts to the new API and registering them with the system: https://pipewire.pages.freedesktop.org/wireplumber/daemon/configuration/migration.html Most typical desktop users, including EasyEffects users, should experience no regressions as a result of this. If for any reason you do, or if you encounter a dependency conflict when upgrading your system, please open an issue on the overlay: https://github.com/chadmed/asahi-overlay/issues We are deploying this to ::asahi as a canary for wider deployment to ::gentoo simply because media-libs/asahi-audio-2.1 relies on the WirePlumber 0.5.x API.