Gentoo overlay containing audio production applications ## We're looking for maintainers! This overlay is looking for maintainers. If you use this overlay and would like to (help) maintain it, please post a message in [this issue]( ## How to use this overlay - If you manage [`/etc/portage/repos.conf`]( manually add the following entry: ```ini [audio-overlay] location = /////audio-overlay sync-type = git sync-uri = auto-sync = yes ``` - If you use [eselect repository]( enable this overlay using: ``` eselect repository enable audio-overlay ``` ## Contact Join us at the `#audio-overlay` channel at `` or [create an issue]( ## Packages {% for category, category_packages in packages.items() %} ### {{ category }} {% for package in category_packages %} #### {{ }} Homepage: [{{ package.homepage }}]({{ package.homepage_url }})
{{ package.description }}
Available versions: {% for version in package.versions %}`{{ version }}`{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}