# Some Compatibility to other OS USE="samba zeroconf snmp" # Some useful things and preferences USE="$USE cacert" USE="$USE logrotate" USE="$USE threads" USE="$USE git" USE="$USE sqlite" USE="$USE openrc sysv-utils" # Disable not useful things USE="$USE -systemd" USE="$USE -mysql" USE="$USE -btrfs -jfs -reiserfs" USE="$USE -subversion" # git is enough in most cases USE="$USE -gnome -gnome-online-accounts -ldap" USE="$USE -cups -scanner" USE="$USE -xscreensaver" # Only required on workstation with personal data. # My preferred languages. Ask me if you nee additional languages in my precompiled packages L10N="-* en en-US de de-DE"