# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 DISTUTILS_EXT=1 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} ) LLVM_COMPAT=( {17..19} ) # OCP uses "python-single-r1" only because VTK uses "python-single-r1". inherit check-reqs cmake llvm-r1 python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs #multiprocessing MY_PN=OCP MY_PV="${PV//_/-}" MY_P="${MY_PN}-${MY_PV}" OCCT_PV=$(ver_cut 1-3) DESCRIPTION="Python wrapper for OCCT generated using pywrap" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/CadQuery/OCP" # FIXME https://github.com/CadQuery/OCP/issues/132 PREBUILT_STUBS_NAME="OCP_src_stubs_ubuntu-20.04" SRC_URI="https://github.com/CadQuery/OCP/archive/refs/tags/${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz https://github.com/CadQuery/OCP/releases/download/${MY_PV}/${PREBUILT_STUBS_NAME}.zip -> ${P}-${PREBUILT_STUBS_NAME}.zip" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" LICENSE="Apache-2.0" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" REQUIRED_USE="${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE}" # CMake and VTK requirements derive from the "OCP/CMakeLists.txt" file # generated by the src_prepare() phase. OCP currently requires opencascade # (OCCT) to be built with "-DUSE_GLES2=OFF" and thus "-gles2". See also: # https://github.com/CadQuery/OCP/issues/46#issuecomment-808920994 BDEPEND=" app-arch/unzip $(python_gen_cond_dep ' >=dev-util/lief-0.11.5[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]') $(llvm_gen_dep ' llvm-core/clang:${LLVM_SLOT} llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT} ') dev-python/clang " RDEPEND=" ${PYTHON_DEPS} sci-libs/opencascade:0/7.8[json,vtk] >=sci-libs/vtk-9.0.0[python,${PYTHON_SINGLE_USEDEP}] " #DEPEND="${RDEPEND} # $(python_gen_cond_dep ' # >=dev-python/cadquery-pywrap-'${OCCT_PV}'_rc0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]') #" # The source "OCP/CMakeLists.txt" file is output by "bindgen" in src_prepare(). CMAKE_IN_SOURCE_BUILD=True # Ensure the path returned by get_llvm_prefix() contains clang. llvm_check_deps() { has_version -r "sys-devel/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}" } cadquery-ocp_check_reqs() { CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=1300M check-reqs_pkg_${EBUILD_PHASE} } pkg_pretend() { cadquery-ocp_check_reqs } pkg_setup() { cadquery-ocp_check_reqs llvm-r1_pkg_setup python-single-r1_pkg_setup } # OCP currently requires manual configuration, compilation, and installation # loosely inspired by the conda-specific "build-bindings-job.yml" file. # # Note that the cmake_src_prepare() function called below handles user patches. src_prepare() { # Most recently installed version of Clang. local _CLANG_VERSION="$(CC=clang CPP=clang clang-fullversion)" # Most recently installed version (excluding trailing patch) of VTK. local _VTK_VERSION="$(best_version -r sci-libs/vtk)" _VTK_VERSION="$(ver_cut 1-2 "${_VTK_VERSION##sci-libs/vtk}")" # Absolute dirname of the most recently installed Clang include directory, # mimicing similar logic in the "dev-python/shiboken2" ebuild. See also: # https://bugs.gentoo.org/619490 local _CLANG_INCLUDE_DIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/clang/$(CC=clang CPP=clang clang-major-version)/include" # Absolute filename of the most recently installed Clang shared library. local _CLANG_LIB_FILE="$(get_llvm_prefix)/lib64/libclang.so" # Absolute dirname of OCCT's include and shared library directories. local _OCCT_INCLUDE_DIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/include/opencascade" local _OCCT_LIB_DIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib64/opencascade" # Absolute dirname of a temporary directory to store symbol tables for this # OCCT version dumped below by the "dump_symbols.py" script. local _OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_ROOT_DIR="${T}/dump_symbols" local _OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_DIR="${_OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_ROOT_DIR}/lib_linux" # Absolute dirname of VTK's include directory, local _VTK_INCLUDE_DIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/include/vtk-${_VTK_VERSION}" # Ensure the above paths exist as a crude sanity test. test -d "${_CLANG_INCLUDE_DIR}" || die "${_CLANG_INCLUDE_DIR} not found." test -f "${_CLANG_LIB_FILE}" || die "${_CLANG_LIB_FILE} not found." test -d "${_OCCT_INCLUDE_DIR}" || die "${_OCCT_INCLUDE_DIR} not found." test -d "${_OCCT_LIB_DIR}" || die "${_OCCT_LIB_DIR} not found." test -d "${_VTK_INCLUDE_DIR}" || die "${_VTK_INCLUDE_DIR} not found." # "dev-python/clang" atom targeting this Clang version. local _CLANG_PYTHON_ATOM="dev-python/clang-${_CLANG_VERSION}" # Ensure "dev-python/clang" targets this Clang version. has_version -r "=${_CLANG_PYTHON_ATOM}" || die "${_CLANG_PYTHON_ATOM} not installed." # Remove all vendored paths. rm -r conda opencascade pywrap || die # Inject a symlink to OCCT's include directory. ln -s "${_OCCT_INCLUDE_DIR}" opencascade || die mv "${WORKDIR}/OCP_src_stubs_ubuntu-20.04" OCP || die ## Inject a symlink from OCCT's shared library directory into this temporary ## directory as required by the "dump_symbols.py" script. #mkdir -p "${_OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_DIR}" || die #ln -s "${_OCCT_LIB_DIR}" "${_OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_DIR}"/. || die ## Update all hardcoded OCCT shared library versions in "dump_symbols.py". #sed -i -e 's~\(\.so\.\)[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+~\1'${OCCT_PV}'~' \ # dump_symbols.py || die ## Dump (i.e., generate) symbol tables for this OCCT version. #einfo 'Dumping OCCT symbol tables...' #${EPYTHON} dump_symbols.py "${_OCCT_DUMP_SYMBOLS_ROOT_DIR}" || die # Generate OCCT bindings in the "OCP/" subdirectory. #einfo 'Building OCP CMake binary tree...' #pywrap \ # --verbose \ # --njobs $(makeopts_jobs) \ # --libclang "${_CLANG_LIB_FILE}" \ # --include "${_CLANG_INCLUDE_DIR}" \ # --include "${_VTK_INCLUDE_DIR}" \ # all ocp.toml || die ## Remove the source "FindOpenCascade.cmake" after generating bindings, ## which copied that file to the target "OCP/FindOpenCascade.cmake". #rm FindOpenCascade.cmake || die ##FIXME: Submit an issue recommending upstream replace their ##non-working "OCP/FindOpenCascade.cmake" file with a standard top-level ##"CMakeLists.txt" file that finds dependency paths: e.g., via @waebbl ## find_package(vtk 9 CONFIG REQUIRED) ## if(TARGET VTK::VTK) ## get_target_property(VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS VTK::VTK INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) ## endif() ## Replace all hardcoded paths in "OCP/FindOpenCascade.cmake" with ## standard OCCT paths derived above. That file is both fundamentally ## broken and useless, as the ${CASROOT} environment variable and ## "/usr/lib64/cmake/opencascade-${PV}/OpenCASCADEConfig.cmake" file ## already reliably identify all requisite OpenCASCADE paths. Failure to ## patch this file results in src_configure() failures resembling: ## -- Could NOT find OPENCASCADE (missing: OPENCASCADE_LIBRARIES) #sed -i \ # -e 's~$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}/include/opencascade\b~'${_OCCT_INCLUDE_DIR}'~' \ # -e 's~$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}/lib\b~'${_OCCT_LIB_DIR}'~' \ # -e 's~$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}/Library/\(lib\|include/opencascade\)~~' \ # OCP/FindOpenCascade.cmake || die ## Patch the "OCP/CMakeLists.txt" file generated by "bindgen" above, passed ## as an absolute path both here and below to minimize eclass issues. #CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}/OCP" cmake_src_prepare } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -B "${S}/OCP.build" #-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="${PYTHON}" #-D3RDPARTY_TBB_LIBRARY_DIR=/usr/include/tbb -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=ON -Wno-dev ) cmake_src_configure } src_compile() { CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}/OCP.build" cmake_src_compile } # OCP currently ships no test suite, so we synthesize a crude import unit test. src_test() { PYTHONPATH="${S}/OCP.build" ${EPYTHON} -c \ 'from OCP.gp import gp_Vec, gp_Ax1, gp_Ax3, gp_Pnt, gp_Dir, gp_Trsf, gp_GTrsf, gp, gp_XYZ' } src_install() { python_moduleinto . python_domodule "${S}/OCP.build/OCP/"OCP*.so }