# -*-eselect-*- vim: ft=eselect # Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 inherit config DESCRIPTION="Manage D symlinks" MAINTAINER="marco.leise@gmx.de" VERSION="20241105" ETC_PATH="${EROOT}/etc" COMPILER_PATH="${EROOT}/usr/bin" MAN1_PATH="${EROOT}/usr/share/man/man1" MAN5_PATH="${EROOT}/usr/share/man/man5" INC_PATH="${EROOT}/usr/include/dlang" CONFIG_FILE="${EROOT}/var/lib/dlang" declare -A COMPILER_NAMES=([dmd]="Digital Mars D (dmd)" [ldc2]="LLVM D2 (ldc2)") ### list action ### describe_list() { echo "List installed D compilers by vendor (or all installed compilers)" } describe_list_options() { for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do printf "% -11s : List installed %s compilers\n" $compiler "${COMPILER_NAMES[$compiler]}" done } describe_list_parameters() { echo "[]" } do_list() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && has "$1" ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]} || [[ $# -eq 0 ]] \ || die -q "Syntax: eselect dlang list [$(compiler_options)]" for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || [[ $compiler == $1 ]]; then write_list_start "Available ${COMPILER_NAMES[$compiler]} compilers:" local targets=($(find_targets $compiler)) local active="$(do_show $compiler)" local mode="$(load_config "$CONFIG_FILE" $compiler)" for ((i = 0; i < ${#targets[@]}; i++)); do if [[ "${targets[$i]}" == "$active" ]]; then if [[ "${mode:-auto}" == "auto" ]]; then targets[$i]="$(highlight_marker "${targets[$i]}" auto)" else targets[$i]="$(highlight_marker "${targets[$i]}" manual)" fi fi done write_numbered_list -m "(none found)" "${targets[@]}" echo fi done } ### set action ### describe_set() { echo "Set active version of D compilers" } describe_set_options() { for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do printf "% -11s : Set active %s compiler\n" $compiler "${COMPILER_NAMES[$compiler]}" done } describe_set_parameters() { echo "" } do_set() { [[ $# -eq 2 ]] && has "$1" ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]} \ || die -q "2 arguments required: eselect dlang set $(compiler_options) " local targets=($(find_targets $1)) local target="$2" if [[ "$target" == "auto" ]]; then local autoTarget="${targets[$((${#targets[@]} - 1))]}" if [[ -n "${targets[$(($target - 1))]}" ]]; then target="$autoTarget" fi elif is_number "$2" && [[ $2 -ge 1 ]]; then local idxToTarget="${targets[$(($target - 1))]}" if [[ -n "${targets[$(($target - 1))]}" ]]; then target="$idxToTarget" fi fi has "$target" "${targets[@]}" || die -q "Invalid or unavailable target" if [[ "$2" == "auto" ]]; then echo -n "Switching $1 to always latest version, currently $target..." else echo -n "Switching $1 to $target..." fi case $1 in dmd) symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/dmd/${target}/bin/dmd" "${COMPILER_PATH}/dmd" symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/dmd/${target}/bin/dmd.conf" "${ETC_PATH}/dmd.conf" symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/dmd/${target}/import" "${INC_PATH}/dmd" [[ -d ${MAN1_PATH} ]] && symlink_helper "/usr/lib/dmd/${target}/man/man1/dmd.1" "${MAN1_PATH}/dmd.1" [[ -d ${MAN5_PATH} ]] && symlink_helper "/usr/lib/dmd/${target}/man/man5/dmd.conf.5" "${MAN5_PATH}/dmd.conf.5" ;; ldc2) symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/ldc2/${target}/bin/ldc2" "${COMPILER_PATH}/ldc2" symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/ldc2/${target}/bin/ldmd2" "${COMPILER_PATH}/ldmd2" symlink_helper "${EROOT}/usr/lib/ldc2/${target}/include/d" "${INC_PATH}/ldc" ;; esac store_config "$CONFIG_FILE" $1 "$2" echo " done" } ### show action ### describe_show() { echo "Show active D compiler by vendor" } describe_show_options() { for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do printf "% -11s : Show active %s compiler\n" $compiler "${COMPILER_NAMES[$compiler]}" done } describe_show_parameters() { echo "" } do_show() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && has "$1" ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]} \ || die -q "1 argument required: eselect dlang show $(compiler_options)" local interpreter="$(readlink "${COMPILER_PATH}/$1" | sed -r "s#^/usr/lib(32|64)?/$1/##;s#/bin/$1\$##")" [[ -n "$interpreter" ]] && echo "$interpreter" } ### update action ### describe_update() { echo "Update active D compilers to the latest installed version in absense of a manually set version" } describe_update_options() { for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do printf "% -11s : Update active %s compiler\n" $compiler "${COMPILER_NAMES[$compiler]}" done } describe_update_parameters() { echo "" } do_update() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && has "$1" ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]} \ || die -q "1 argument required: eselect dlang update $(compiler_options)" local targets=($(find_targets $1)) if [[ ${#targets[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then # No compiler avalable, remove symlinks echo "No installed ${COMPILER_NAMES[$1]} compilers. Removing any existing symlinks." case $1 in # Keep this in sync with `do_set` dmd) rm -f "${COMPILER_PATH}/dmd" rm -f "${ETC_PATH}/dmd.conf" rm -f "${INC_PATH}/dmd" rm -f "${MAN1_PATH}/dmd.1" rm -f "${MAN5_PATH}/dmd.conf.5" ;; ldc2) rm -f "${COMPILER_PATH}/ldc2" rm -f "${COMPILER_PATH}/ldmd2" rm -f "${INC_PATH}/ldc" ;; esac else # Check if the active compiler is actually available, update otherwise local compiler=$1 local active="$(do_show $compiler)" local latest="${targets[$((${#targets[@]} - 1))]}" local mode="$(load_config "$CONFIG_FILE" $compiler)" if [[ "$active" == "" ]]; then # First installation of a compiler do_set $compiler auto elif ! has "$active" "${targets[@]}"; then # Active compiler is no longer valid (uninstalled), switch to "auto" echo "Switching $1 from uninstalled version '$active' to '$latest'" do_set $compiler auto elif [[ "${mode:-auto}" == "auto" ]] && [[ "$active" != "$latest" ]]; then # Active compiler was set to auto and we have a more recent version echo "Updating active $1 version from '$active' to '$latest'" do_set $compiler auto fi fi } ### helper functions ### # Find a list of D versions find_targets() { case "$1" in dmd) ls /usr/lib/dmd/*/bin/dmd 2> /dev/null | sed "s#^/usr/lib/dmd/##;s#/.*##" ;; ldc2) ls -v /usr/lib/ldc2/?.*/bin/ldc2 2> /dev/null | sed "s#^/usr/lib/ldc2/##;s#/.*##" ;; *) die "Unknown compiler '$1'" esac } # Creates a symlink or prints a message and quits on error symlink_helper() { local link="$(canonicalise "$1")" ln -nfs "$link" "$2" || die -q "Couldn't symlink '$link' as '$2'!" } # Prints compilers as argument options compiler_options() { local additional=0 echo -n "<" for compiler in ${!COMPILER_NAMES[@]}; do [[ $additional -eq 1 ]] && echo -n "|" echo -n $compiler additional=1 done echo -n ">" }