Title: fem-overlay moves to a new upstream repository Author: Adrian Schollmeyer Posted: 2021-08-13 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 The current FeM Bitbucket is being replaced with a GitLab instance. As such, the fem-overlay, whose upstream repository is currently located in the FeM Bitbucket [0], will also be moved to the GitLab instance. The new repository is: * https://gitlab.fem-net.de/gentoo/fem-overlay.git We will continue to mirror the fem-overlay to the old repository [0] until 2021-10-31. After that day, it is no longer guaranteed that the old repository will be up to date and it will be removed some time later. Furthermore, the SVN mirror [1] will also be disabled. Depending on the overlay management tool being used (and if such a tool is being used at all), the repository URL in /etc/portage/repos.conf might have to be adjusted to match the new upstream URL. If in doubt, check /etc/portage/repos.conf for any occurences of the fem-overlay, e.g.: $ grep -R fem-overlay /etc/portage/repos.conf If a line pops up with the old upstream clone URL [2], edit the corresponding file and insert the new upstream URL instead. If a line pops up, containing the GitHub mirror URL [3], the system is not affected by this change and nothing needs to be done. If the URL had to be changed in repos.conf, it has to be changed in the cloned repo as well. Assuming, the repository is cloned to /var/db/repos/fem-overlay, run the following: # cd /var/db/repos/fem-overlay # git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.fem-net.de/gentoo/fem-overlay.git Alternatively, you can just remove the repository so that the repository is freshly cloned upon the next emerge --sync: # rm -r /var/db/repos/fem-overlay Afterwards syncing now fetches from the new upstream repository and further changes should not be necessary. [0] https://bitbucket.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/projects/GENTOO/repos/fem-overlay/browse [1] http://subversion.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/repository/fem-overlay/trunk/ [2] https://bitbucket.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/scm/gentoo/fem-overlay.git [3] https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/fem-overlay.git