Title: gst-plugins-bad splits off fdkaac plugin Author: Adrian Schollmeyer Posted: 2022-04-24 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Installed: >=media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.18.4 gst-plugins-bad was imported into the FeM Overlay to add support for the fdkaac plugin. In the Gentoo Bugzilla, Bug #837809 [1] has been opened, requesting addition of the fdkaac plugin. The maintainers have decided to make the fdkaac plugin available in a split package. As soon as the split package gets added to ::gentoo, the cleanup of gst-plugins-bad in the FeM Overlay shall start. To ease with the transition, a split package media-plugins/gst-plugins-fdkaac has been created, which is equivalent to the package in the open pull request. The current revision of media-libs/gst-plugins-bad in the FeM Overlay pulls in media-plugins/gst-plugins-fdkaac conditionally if the fdk USE flag is present. However, to make sure the plugin doesn't get removed in the next deplean, users must add the package to the world set: emerge --ask --noreplace media-plugins/gst-plugins-fdkaac [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/837809