------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPGRADE If you are upgrading from a previous version BACK UP your database. Once you are done with that, browse to http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/wp-admin/upgrade.php and follow the instructions on the screen. Note that the default theme has changed between Wordpress 2.x and 3.x, so if you were using the default theme, your site will fail to load after the upgrade. Log in to the admin interface and open the themes section to reset to the new default theme. If you face other troubles after the upgrade, you might want to look for broken plugins or themes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ !!!!!!!!! SECURITY WARNING !!!!!!!!!!! Wordpress has had a history of serious security flaws. Any application with less widespread use but the same amount of security issues would have been removed from the tree. After a short period of being in the unstable tree we once again decided that we hard mask the package. THIS MEANS THAT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE WHATSOEVER THAT THE PACKAGE WILL GET UPGRADED WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME EVEN IN THE CASE OF SEVERE SECURITY ISSUES. We consider installing this package a severe risk to your system and you should keep a close eye on the common security trackers so that you are able to fix problems with your installation yourself if required.