Title: www-apps/gitlab-15.10.0 upgrade Author: Horst Prote Posted: 2023-03-21 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Installed: www-apps/gitlab NOTE! The upgrade to www-apps/gitlab-15.10.0 needs some preparation and precautions as it depends on ruby-3.0.x and the switch from ruby27 to ruby30 has to be done in the correct order. So, here is how I did the upgrade on my GitLab Host: 1. Prepare for ruby30 --------------------- Change the RUBY_TARGETS variable in /etc/portage/make.conf to: RUBY_TARGETS="ruby27 ruby30" We have to keep ruby27 here as long as the old GitLab server (in my case gitlabhq-15.9.3) is running. Then run emerge -DuN1 dev-lang/ruby:3.0 eselect ruby set ruby30 2. Update gitlab ---------------- Do emerge -DuN gitlab systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart gitlab.target emerge --config "=www-apps/gitlab-15.10.0" 3. Cleanup ---------- If you like you could now in /etc/portage/make.conf change to RUBY_TARGETS="ruby30" rebuild the affected packages and then remove ruby27.