Title: Ongoing removal of Ruby 3.0 support from Gentoo Author: Horst Prote Posted: 2023-09-27 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Installed: www-apps/gitlab Recent Gentoo update removed another bit of Ruby 3.0 support: - virtual/rubygems lost ruby_targets_ruby30 USE flag - dev-ruby/bundler lost ruby_targets_ruby30 USE flag - ruby-ng.eclass added ruby30 to "removed implementations" - ruby-utils.eclass lost ruby30 in RUBY_TARGETS_PREFERENCE This causes masked by: invalid: DEPEND: expected: dependency string, got: ')', token 15, invalid: RDEPEND: expected: dependency string, got: ')', token 15) errors for our gitlab ebuilds. Since GitLab still works on the migration to Ruby 3.1 (see https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/10034) I had to add the old versions of the ebuilds/eclasses to the gitlab overlay. In addition you have to a) unmask the ruby_targets_ruby30 USE flag for virtual/rubygems by adding =virtual/rubygems-17 -ruby_targets_ruby30 to /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask (note the '-' here; its a kind of double negation). b) set the ruby_targets_ruby30 USE flag for virtual/rubygems by adding virtual/rubygems ruby_targets_ruby30 to /etc/portage/package.use/