Title: PosgreSQL Upgrade Author: Horst Prote Posted: 2024-04-25 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Installed: www-apps/gitlab One of the breaking changes with upcoming release 17.0 is: Postgres 13 deprecated Since version 16.2.0 Postgres 14 is already supported but with version 17.0 failing to upgrade to Postgres 14 will break the deployment. In today's versions 16.9.6, 16.10.4, 16.11.1 the PostgreSQL dependency was changed to "dev-db/postgresql:14" so the emerge will pull in the new slot 14 of dev-db/postgresql. If only the postgresql client is installed on the local host (USE flag -server) the ebuild will do "eselect postgresql set 14" before building GitLab. If the postgresql server is running on the local host the ebuild will terminate and ask you to upgrade postgresql first.