# TiDB Configuration. # TiDB server host. host = "" # TiDB server port. port = 4000 # Registered store name, [memory, goleveldb, boltdb, tikv, mocktikv] store = "mocktikv" # TiDB storage path. path = "/var/lib/tidb" # The socket file to use for connection. socket = "/run/tidb/tidb.sock" # Socket file to write binlog. #binlog-socket = "" # Run ddl worker on this tidb-server. run-ddl = true # Schema lease duration, very dangerous to change only if you know what you do. lease = "10s" # When create table, split a separated region for it. # split-table = false [log] # Log level: info, debug, warn, error, fatal. level = "info" # Log format, one of json, text, console. format = "text" # Disable automatic timestamps in output disable-timestamp = false # Queries with execution time greater than this value will be logged. (Milliseconds) slow-threshold = 300 # Maximum query length recorded in log. query-log-max-len = 2048 # File logging. [log.file] # Log file name. filename = "" # Max log file size in MB. #max-size = 300 # Max log file keep days. #max-days = 28 # Maximum number of old log files to retain. #max-backups = 7 # Rotate log by day log-rotate = true [security] # Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs. ssl-ca = "" # Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format. ssl-cert = "" # Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format. ssl-key = "" [status] # If enable status report HTTP service. report-status = true # TiDB status port. status-port = 10080 # Prometheus pushgateway address, leaves it empty will disable prometheus push. metrics-addr = "" # Prometheus client push interval in second, set \"0\" to disable prometheus push. metrics-interval = 15 [performance] # Set keep alive option for tcp connection. tcp-keep-alive = true # The maximum number of retries when commit a transaction. retry-limit = 10 # The number of goroutines that participate joining. join-concurrency = 5 # Whether support cartesian product. cross-join = true # Stats lease duration, which inflences the time of analyze and stats load. stats-lease = "3s" # Run auto analyze worker on this tidb-server. run-auto-analyze = true [xprotocol] # Start TiDB x server. xserver = false # TiDB x protocol server host. xhost = "" # TiDB x protocol server port. xport = 14000 # The socket file to use for x protocol connection. xsocket = "" [plan-cache] plan-cache-enabled = false plan-cache-capacity = 2560 plan-cache-shards = 256