acct-group/cloud-print-connector 0: group for Cloud Print Connector acct-user/cloud-print-connector 0: group for Cloud Print Connector app-admin/chaosmonkey 2.0.2: A resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures app-admin/doctl 1.45.1: The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API app-admin/juju 2.1_beta3: juju is devops distilled app-admin/pony 0.2.4: Local File-Based Password, API Key, Secret, Recovery Code Store Backed vy GPG app-admin/scaleway-cli 1.14: Official command line tool to interact with Scaleway API app-admin/trousseau 0.4.0: A networked and encrypted key-value database. app-admin/unik 0.1.0_pre20180130: The Unikernel Compilation and Deployment Platform app-benchmarks/vegeta 6.1.1: HTTP load testing tool and library written in GoLang. app-crypt/acme-dns 0.4: Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges app-crypt/certspotter 0.9: Certificate Transparency Log Monitor app-doc/static 0.0.1: The static site anti-framework app-editors/micro 2.0.6: A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor app-emulation/cinf 0.4.0: A tool to view namespaces and cgroups, useful for low-level container prodding app-emulation/stellar 0.2.0: Simplified Container System app-eselect/eselect-go 0.1.0: Eselect module for managing multiple Go versions app-forensics/onionscan 0.2: a free and open source tool for investigating the Dark Web app-misc/asciinema 1.2.0: A terminal session recorder for service app-misc/aurora 1.8: Cross-platform Beanstalk queue server console app-misc/btcwallet 0.7.0-r1 9999-r1: A secure bitcoin wallet daemon written in Go app-misc/devtodo 2.2_pre20170717: DevTodo is a small command line application for maintaining lists of tasks. app-misc/exercism 2.3.0: A command line tool for app-misc/gogetdoc 0.1_pre20161005: Gets documentation for items in Go source code app-misc/gron 0.6.0: Make JSON greppable! app-misc/impl 0.1_pre20160521: impl generates method stubs for implementing an interface app-misc/jj 1.0.1: JSON Stream Editor app-misc/motion 0.1_pre20180409: Navigation and insight in Go app-misc/pup 0.4.0: Parsing HTML at the command line app-misc/textql 2.0.3 2.1.0_pre20180417: Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV app-misc/thyme 0.2.3: Automatically track which applications you use and for how long app-misc/thymer 0.1.0: Consolo Pomodoro Timer written in GoLang app-misc/weather 0.5.0_pre20151218 0.5.0 0.6.0_pre20151218: Weather via the command line. app-misc/wego 2.0: Wego is a weather client for the terminal app-shells/antibody 2.2.2: A faster and simpler antigen written in Golang app-shells/elvish 0.12-r1: A novel Unix shell app-shells/oh 0.0.1_pre20161126: A surprisingly powerful Unix shell app-shells/powerline-go 1.8.2: A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell app-text/wiki 1.4.0-r1: Command line tool to fetch summaries from MediaWiki dev-db/bolt 1.3.0: Bolt is a low level key/value NoSQL database written in GoLang dev-db/boltd 1.0-r1: Bolts is a introspection tool for Bolt databases. dev-db/cayley 0.4.1-r1 0.5.0: Cayley is a graph databse written in GoLang. dev-db/cockroach 0.1.0_pre20150926: A scalable, geo-replicanted, transactional datastore dev-db/eliasdb 0.8.0_pre20160921: EliasDB is a graph based database dev-db/influxdb 1.0.0: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics dev-db/pgfutter 1.0: Command-line tool to import CSV and JSON into PostgreSQL dev-db/pgrebase 1.1.2: PGRebase handles your postgres codebase for functions, triggers and views dev-db/pgweb 0.9.10: Cross-platform client for PostgreSQL databases dev-db/tidb 1.0.5: TiDB is a distributed SQL database compatible with MySQL protocol dev-db/tiedot 3.2-r2 3.3: Tiedot is a document-oriented NoSQL database written in GoLang dev-go/anderson 0.1_pre20160709: Checks your Go dependencies for contraband licenses dev-go/apimock 0.1_pre20160828: A mock API server dev-go/asmfmt 1.1: Go assembler formatter dev-go/bee 1.5.2: Bee is a tool for helping develop with beego app framework dev-go/benthos 0.0.2: A persistent stream buffer dev-go/callvis 0_pre20170107: Visualize call graph of your Go program using dot format dev-go/codecgen 0.1_pre20160928: Idiomatic codec and rpc lib for msgpack, cbor, json, etc. dev-go/dep 0.3.2 0.4.1 0.5.0: A Go's dependency management tool dev-go/depscheck 0.1.0_pre20160406: Prints stats and suggests to remove small LeftPad-like imports from Go packages dev-go/discover 0.1_pre20160103: Discover is a utility to aid in conceptualizing large Go code bases dev-go/duktape 2.0.0_pre20170901: CLI for Duktape JavaScript engine written in GoLang dev-go/esc 0.1.0: A simple file embedder for Go dev-go/ffjson 0.1_pre20160210 0.1_pre20160811: Ffjson is a faster JSON serialization for Go dev-go/gb 0.2.0 0.3.5 0.4.3 0.4.4: Gb is a project based build tool for the Go programming language dev-go/gcli 0.2.3-r1: Gcli builds GoLang command-line applications dev-go/gen 4.3 4.4_pre20160108: Type-driven code generation for GoLang dev-go/ginkgo 1.2.0: BDD Testing Framework for GoLang dev-go/glide 0.13.3: Glide is a vendor Package Management for Golang dev-go/go-bind-plugin 0.2.1: A tool for building Go plugins and generating wrappers around exported symbols dev-go/go-bindata 3.21.0: A small utility for embedding binary data in a GoLang program. dev-go/go-bindata-assetfs 1.0.0: A small utility for embedding binary data in a Go program dev-go/go-carpet 1.4: Shows test coverage for Go source files dev-go/go-fuzz 0.1_pre20171021: Go-fuzz is a coverage-guided fuzzing solution for testing of Go packages dev-go/go-torch 0.1_pre20170718: Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go Programs dev-go/goa 0.0.1_pre20160218: Goa is a framework for building RESTful microservices in Go dev-go/gocode 2017.09.07: An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language dev-go/godep 79: dependency tool for go dev-go/gom 20160119: A visual interface to work with runtime profiling data for Go dev-go/gompatible 0.1.0_pre20160127: A tool to show Go package's API changes between two (git) revisions dev-go/gopherjs 0_pre20181103: GopherJS compiles GoLang code to pure JavaScript code dev-go/gopm 0.7.2 0.8_pre20160708: Gopm is a package manager and build tool for Go dev-go/gops 0.3.2: A tool to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system dev-go/gore 0.2.5 0.2.6: A REPL for Golang dev-go/gostatus 0.1.0_pre20160915: A command-line tool that show the status of GoLang repositories dev-go/gotests 1.5.2: It's a Golang commandline tool that generates table driven tests dev-go/goviz 0.1.0_pre20140425: Goviz is a visualization tool for Golang project dependencies dev-go/govvv 0.2.0: "go build" wrapper to add version info to Golang applications dev-go/goxc 0.18.1-r1: Goxc is a build tool for GoLange, with a focus on cross-compiling and packaging dev-go/grind 0.1.0_pre20150302: Grind rewrites the source files written in GoLang. dev-go/gvt 0.1.0_pre20161118: gvt is a simple vendoring tool made for Go native vendoring dev-go/janus 1.7.4: An Api Gateway written in Go dev-go/kar 0.1_pre20151213: Kar is a simple utility that helps you run Kargar builds from CLI dev-go/liteide-tools 2015.04.09: Liteide Golang tools dev-go/mage 1.7.1: A Make/rake-like build tool using Go dev-go/mock 0.1.0_pre20160127: GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language dev-go/otto 0.0.1_pre20180617: CLI for Otto, an JavaScript (ECMA5) interpreter written in Go dev-go/packr 1.9.0: The simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries dev-go/prdeps 0.1_pre20160501: prdeps prints the dependency graph of a Go package dev-go/re2dfa 0.1.0_pre20151021: Transforms regexs into finite state machines and output Go source code dev-go/revive 1.1.2: a linter for Go dev-go/rts 0.1.0_pre20160617: Generates Go structs from JSON server responses dev-go/safesql 0.2.0: Static analysis tool for GoLang that protects against SQL injections dev-go/staticfiles 0_pre20160903: staticfiles compiles a directory of files into an embeddable .go file dev-go/statik 0.1.1 0.1.7: statik embeds static files into a GoLang executable dev-go/tomlv 0.2.0: A TOML validator written in GoLang dev-go/wago 1.0 1.2.0: Wago automates the actions you do after saving code. dev-go/walter 1.4.0: Walter is a tiny deployment pipeline dev-go/xj2s 20151106: A small tool for Golang to generate Golang strunc from xml/json file dev-go/xo 0.1_pre20170823: A cli tool to generate Golang types and funcs based on a database schema dev-go/zebrapack 2.0.4: ZebraPack is a data definition language and serialization format dev-go/zygomys 4.8.3: A 100% Golang, easy-to-use Lisp dev-lang/go 1.13.4-r1: A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language dev-lang/go-bin 1.13.4: Version of go compiler used for bootstrapping dev-python/mdx_anchors_away 1.0.1: Add anchor tags and icons to all headers dev-python/mdx_callouts 1.0.0: Add anchor tags and icons to all headers dev-python/mdx_foldouts 1.0.0: Add anchor tags and icons to all headers dev-util/addlicense 0_pre20160627: A program which ensures source code files have copyright license headers dev-util/bug 0.4: Distributed bug tracking with the filesystem and hg or git dev-util/c-for-go 0.1.0_pre20171012 0.1.0_pre20180214: Automatic C-Go Bindings Generator for Go Programming Language dev-util/check 0.1_pre20180911: A set of utilities for checking Go sources dev-util/deadcode 0.1_pre20160724: Deadcode finds unused Go source code dev-util/diagram 1.0.2: CLI app to convert ascii arts into hand drawn diagrams. dev-util/direnv 2.21.2: Direnv is an environment switcher for the shell. dev-util/dupl 0.1_pre20181011: A tool for Go code clone detection dev-util/errcheck 1.2.0: Errcheck checks that you checked errors dev-util/flint-checker 0.1.0: Check your project for common sources of contributor friction dev-util/forego 20180216151118: Foreman written in GoLang dev-util/gdlv 0_pre20170124: A graphical frontend to Delve dev-util/ghfs 0.1_pre20150217: Ghfs is a user space filesystem that overlays the GitHub API dev-util/gini 0.1_pre20161014: A fast SAT solver dev-util/github-release 0.6.2: CLI to create and edit releases on Github dev-util/go-raml-mocker 1.0.4: RAML (1.0) web mock server implementation in Go dev-util/go-swagger 0.12.0: Swagger 2.0 implementation for GoLang dev-util/go-tools 2020.1.3: Collection of linters and static-analysis tools for Go dev-util/goconst 1.1.0: Find repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant. dev-util/gocyclo 0.1_pre20150627-r1: Calculate cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code dev-util/godef 0.1_pre20160620: Godef prints where symbols are defined in Go source code dev-util/golex 0.1.0_pre20160422: A lex/flex like (not fully POSIX lex compatible) utility dev-util/golint 0.1_pre20200301: This is a linter for Go source code dev-util/gometalinter 2.0.2 3.0.0: Concurrently run Go lint tools and normalise their output dev-util/goreleaser 0.128.0: Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible dev-util/gorganizer 1.0.1: Organize your folders into a beautiful classified folder structure dev-util/gosec 2.2.0: Inspects golang source code for security problems dev-util/gotags 1.3.0 1.4.0_pre20150803: ctags-compatible tag generator for Go dev-util/goyacc 0.1.0_pre20160420: Goyacc is a version of yacc generating Go parsers. dev-util/hulk 0.1.0_pre20160930: Ultimate job/build runner dev-util/ineffassign 0.1_pre20200309: Detects ineffectual assignments in Go code. dev-util/interfacer 0.0.1_pre20180901: A linter for GoLang that suggests interface types dev-util/lll 1.0.1: Line length linter, used to enforce line length in files. dev-util/maligned 0.1_pre20180707: Detects Go structs that would take less memory if their fields were sorted dev-util/mdfmt 0.1_pre20160209: Like gofmt, but for Markdown with front matter. dev-util/minify 2.3.8: Go minifiers for web formats. dev-util/misspell 0.3.4: Correct commonly misspelled words in source files dev-util/nakedret 1.0.0: a Go static analysis tool to find naked returns in functions dev-util/node-prune 1.0.1: Remove unnecessary files from node_modules dev-util/orange-cat 0.2.2-r1: A Markdown previewer written in GoLang dev-util/panicparse 1.0.1: Parses Go's panic stack traces dev-util/pcstat 0.1_pre20160126: Page Cache stat: get page cache stats for files on Linux dev-util/perf-data-converter 0.1.0_pre20171201-r1 0.1.0_pre20180509: Convert Linux perf files to the profile.proto format used by pprof dev-util/pipecat 0.2: Pipecat allows you to scale any program using traditional UNIX pipes and AMQP dev-util/pprof 0.1_pre20171202: pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data dev-util/prealloc 0.1_pre20171020: Go static analysis tool to find slice declarations that could potentially be preallocated dev-util/rambler 4.1.3: A simple and language-independent SQL schema migration tool dev-util/ramlapi 1.1.0: Automatic API generation for Go projects dev-util/realize 1.5.2: A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload dev-util/rubigo 1.0.3: Golang dependency tool and package manager dev-util/shfmt 3.1.2: A shell parser and formatter for POSIX shell and bash dev-util/unconvert 0.1_pre20200301: Remove unnecessary type conversions from Go source dev-util/unparam 0.1_pre20191111: a Go static analysis tool to find naked returns in functions dev-util/wellington 1.0.5_pre20180225: Wellington is a CSS preprocessor with spriting and based on libsass dev-vcs/gitql 1.3.0-r2 1.4.0_pre20171101: A git query language dev-vcs/grv 0.1.2: GRV is a terminal interface for viewing git repositories dev-vcs/gtm 1.3.5-r1: Simple, seamless, lightweight time tracking for Git net-analyzer/dbshield 1.0.0_beta4: Protects your data by inspecting incoming queries from your application server net-ftp/pixiecore 0.1.0_pre20161101: PXE booting for people in a hurry net-misc/bat 0.1.0 0.1.0-r1: Go implemented CLI cURL-like tool for humans net-misc/claws 0.2.1: An interactive command line client for testing websockets net-misc/curlie 1.3.1 1.5.4: The power of curl, the ease of use of HTTPie net-misc/dbxcli 1.4.0: A command line client for Dropbox built using the Go SDK net-misc/gnatsd 0.9.4: A high Performance NATS Server written in GoLang net-misc/goduckgo 0.1.0_pre20150206: Command-line tool for DuckDuckGo API net-misc/gollum 0.4.4: A n:m message multiplexer written in GoLang net-misc/hoverfly 0.14.2: Hoverfly is a lightweight, open source service virtualization tool. net-misc/httplab 0.4.0: Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection net-misc/httpstat 1.0.0: It's like curl -v, with colours net-misc/nsq 1.0.0: A real-time distributed messaging platform, written in GoLang net-misc/wsd 0.0.0_pre20150722: Simple cURL-like command line utility for debugging WebSocket servers net-misc/wuzz 0.4.0: Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection net-misc/yandex-weather-cli 1.13 1.14: A command line interface for Yandex weather service net-nds/dex 2.0.0_alpha2: Dex is a Federated Indentity Provider net-p2p/bmagent 9999-r2: Client for bmd, functions as IMAP/SMTP server net-p2p/bmd 0.1.0_pre20160605-r1 9999-r5: bmd is a collection of Bitmessage tools inspired by btcsuite net-p2p/btcd 0.12.0-r1 9999: An alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go net-p2p/btcsim 0.1_pre20150902 9999: Implements a simulation test driver using the simnet network provided by btcd net-p2p/cloud-torrent 0.8.11: Cloud Torrent is a self-hosted remote torrent client, written in GoLang net-print/cloud-print-connector 1.16: Google Cloud Print CUPS Connector net-proxy/morty 0_pre20161029: Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service net-proxy/toxiproxy 2.1.3: A proxy to simulate network and system conditions net-proxy/traefik 1.7.18 1.7.19: A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices sci-misc/gobot 1.9.0: Go framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) sys-apps/sift 0.8.0: A fast and powerful open source alternative to grep sys-apps/up 0.3.1: Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview sys-cluster/kubeless 0.3.4 0.4.0: Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework sys-devel/calc 0.1_pre20160311: A simple, fast command-line calculator written in GoLang sys-devel/gcvis 0.1.0_pre20160427: Visualise Go program Garbage Collector trace data in real-time. sys-fs/gocryptfs 1.2: Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go sys-fs/tmsu 0.7.5: www-apps/beehive 0.2-r2 0.3_pre20171101: An event and agent system which allows you to perform automated tasks www-apps/gogs 0.11.43: Gogs is a self-hosted Git service written in Go www-apps/gotty 0.0.13: A simple command-line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications x11-misc/cowyo 2.10.0 2.12.0: A feature-rich wiki webserver for minimalists x11-misc/noti 3.0.0 3.1.0: Display a notification when a terminal process finishes