Title: Khoverlay moved to Sourcehut Author: Bryan Gardiner Posted: 2024-05-19 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 The upstream source repository for khoverlay has moved from Gitlab to Sourcehut. No action is required for users that enabled khoverlay via 'eselect repository enable khoverlay'. If you set up your own configuration in /etc/portage/repos.conf and are pulling directly from Gitlab, then please update sync-uri as follows. On the next sync, Portage will pull from the new location. old) sync-uri = https://gitlab.com/khumba/khoverlay.git new) sync-uri = https://git.sr.ht/~khumba/khoverlay No change is required if you are using the gentoo-mirror copy of the repository: also fine) https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/khoverlay.git