DEFINED_PHASES=install postinst preinst prerm setup DEPEND=net-dns/avahi virtual/pkgconfig DESCRIPTION=Plex Media Server is a free media library that is intended for use with a plex client available for OS X, iOS and Android systems. It is a standalone product which can be used in conjunction with every program, that knows the API. For managing the library a web based interface is provided. EAPI=2 HOMEPAGE= KEYWORDS=-* ~x86 ~amd64 LICENSE=PMS-License RDEPEND=net-dns/avahi SLOT=0 SRC_URI=x86? ( ) amd64? ( ) _eclasses_=epatch 8233751dc5105a6ae8fcd86ce2bb0247 estack 43ddf5aaffa7a8d0482df54d25a66a1f eutils 9c113d6a64826c40154cad7be15d95ea ltprune 2770eed66a9b8ef944714cd0e968182e multilib 97f470f374f2e94ccab04a2fb21d811e systemd ec2e9154031d942186c75c0aabb41900 toolchain-funcs 6eb35f81556258a4bc9182ad3dfd58ee user 9903ef4e6829343eb83f1da3bda64d33 _md5_=16bf35ccfebc55a41c705cda632bff78