# Copyright 2004-2023 Gentoo Foundation. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # This will help developers track packages, that don't respect LDFLAGS, down # more effectively LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0" #Adding -frecord-gcc-switches to help track down packages which don't respect *FLAGS #should probably leave a note in /etc/portage/make.conf about keeping this when override CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O3 -frecord-gcc-switches -pipe" CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -O3 -frecord-gcc-switches -pipe" FFLAGS="${FFLAGS} -O3 -frecord-gcc-switches -pipe" FCFLAGS="${FCFLAGS} -O3 -frecord-gcc-switches pipe" FEATURES="${FEATURES} usersandbox protect-owned userpriv userfetch fixlafiles news parallel-fetch sfperms unmerge-orphans unknown-features-warn usersync \ multilib-strict preserve-libs parallel-install -ebuild-locks binpkg-multi-instance -buildpkg-live splitdebug compressdebug" #for major use of binpkgs, we need to "fix" a few of gentoo's flaws: #a package built against kernel A will attempt to be used even when remerging on kernel B (often to hilarious consequences) #so we will define a long list of such packages and exclude them from being built and used (catch it on both ends to avoid issues) PENTOO_BINPKG_RESTRICTED="sys-kernel/ax88179_178a x11-drivers/ati-drivers x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers sys-fs/zfs-kmod sys-kernel/spl \ sys-power/bbswitch x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions dev-libs/pocl \ app-emulation/virtualbox-modules app-emulation/vmware-modules app-emulation/open-vm-tools sys-kernel/genkernel dev-python/certifi \ sys-kernel/pentoo-sources dev-python/twisted-web net-analyzer/metasploit sci-libs/lapack-reference x11-base/xorg-drivers app-admin/genmenu \ net-wireless/rtl8812au_aircrack-ng media-libs/libepoxy net-wireless/gr-ieee802154 x11-libs/libva acct-user/* acct-group/* pentoo/* virtual/*" EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="${EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --buildpkg-exclude \"${PENTOO_BINPKG_RESTRICTED}\" --usepkg-exclude \"${PENTOO_BINPKG_RESTRICTED}\"" EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="${EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --ask-enter-invalid --keep-going=y --binpkg-respect-use=y --tree --verbose --autounmask=n" EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="${EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --binpkg-changed-deps=y --ignore-soname-deps=n" XFCE_PLUGINS="${XFCE_PLUGINS} brightness menu logout trash" #libinput replaces evdev, synaptics AND tslib; gentoo defaults keyboard and mouse have been deprecated for years, so drop them INPUT_DEVICES="libinput" # Log eqawarn messages PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="${PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES} qa" PORTAGE_NICENESS="9" PORTAGE_IO_NICENESS="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}" #tslib causes circular deps with libsdl2 USE="${USE} X abi_x86_32 adns caps curl elogind fbcon gles2 gps lm-sensors lto lua lz4 lzip lzma lzo modules-sign networkmanager oss pentoo-full perl pulseaudio python ruby samba sqlite verify-sig vdpau vaapi vulkan wayland xattr xinerama zstd" USE="${USE} python_targets_python3_12" BOOTSTRAP_USE="${BOOTSTRAP_USE} cet http2 lto openmp" PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND="lbzip2" PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND="lbunzip2" PORTAGE_COMPRESS="zstd" BINPKG_FORMAT="gpkg" BINPKG_COMPRESS="zstd" BINPKG_COMPRESS_FLAGS="-c -T0 -19" #mgorny suggested this speeds up sync, in my testing it makes a rather large difference PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS="--omit-dir-times" DISTDIR="${PORTDIR}/distfiles" PKGDIR="${PORTDIR}/packages" ACCEPT_LICENSE="* -@EULA intel-ucode-20180807 FraunhoferFDK Intel-SDP Nordic-5" GPSD_PROTOCOLS="nmea0183 nmea2000" L10N="en en-US"