#newer network manager significantly improves privacy net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.3 # use a better tool, https://github.com/pentoo/pentoo-overlay/issues/564 net-misc/rdesktop-brute # this is an old python bindings for brotli # app-arch/brotli provides it's own compatible version and it should be used instead dev-python/brotlipy #deprecated unslotted lua dev-lang/lua:0 =net-dns/dnsmasq-2.83-r1 =net-dns/dnsmasq-2.84 #kill python 2.7 dev-java/jcommander-1.32 #stop constant downgrades (2022-10-04) # (added affected pentoo-sources -Zero) # Regression for some Intel LCDs which may cause physical damage # Please upgrade to 5.19.13 if affected! # https://lore.kernel.org/all/YzwooNdMECzuI5+h@intel.com/ # https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/1664893073238194@kroah.com/T/ =sys-kernel/pentoo-sources-5.19.12 #mask old kismet to ensure old version isn't selected