import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 Item { implicitHeight: layoutButton.height implicitWidth: layoutButton.width signal valueChanged(int id) // This gives an error but works, applying what the error says causes it to not work so this stays like that for a while. onValueChanged: { keyboard.currentLayout = id } DelegateModel { id: layoutWrapper model: keyboard.layouts delegate: ItemDelegate { id: layoutEntry width: parent.width height: 34 highlighted: layoutList.currentIndex == index contentItem: Text { renderType: Text.NativeRendering Qt.resolvedUrl("../fonts") ? "Segoe UI" : font.pointSize: 10 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter elide: Text.ElideRight color: "white" text: modelData.longName } background: Rectangle { id: layoutEntryBackground color: "transparent" } states: [ State { name: "focused" when: layoutEntry.focus PropertyChanges { target: layoutEntryBackground color: config.color } }, State { name: "hovered" when: layoutEntry.hovered PropertyChanges { target: layoutEntryBackground color: "#343434" } } ] MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { layoutEntryBackground.color = "#35FFFFFF" } onReleased: { if (layoutEntry.focus) { layoutEntryBackground.color = config.color } else { layoutEntryBackground.color = "#1E1E1E" } } onClicked: { layoutList.currentIndex = index layoutPopup.close() valueChanged(layoutList.currentIndex) } } } } Button { id: layoutButton height: 50 width: 50 hoverEnabled: true Text { color: "white" text: keyboard.layouts[keyboard.currentLayout].shortName Qt.resolvedUrl("../fonts") ? "Segoe UI" : font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase renderType: Text.NativeRendering font.pointSize: 12 anchors { horizontalCenter: layoutButton.horizontalCenter verticalCenter: layoutButton.verticalCenter } } ToolTip { id: layoutButtonTip delay: 1000 timeout: 4800 leftPadding: 9 rightPadding: 9 topPadding: 7 bottomPadding: 7 y: layoutButton.height + 5 z: 2 visible: layoutButton.hovered contentItem: Text { text: keyboard.layouts[keyboard.currentLayout].longName Qt.resolvedUrl("../fonts") ? "Segoe UI" : renderType: Text.NativeRendering color: "white" } background: Rectangle { color: "#2A2A2A" border.width: 1 border.color: "#1A1A1A" } } background: Rectangle { id: layoutButtonBackground color: "transparent" } states: [ State { name: "pressed" when: layoutButton.down PropertyChanges { target: layoutButtonBackground color: "#33FFFFFF" } }, State { name: "hovered" when: layoutButton.hovered PropertyChanges { target: layoutButtonBackground color: "#1AFFFFFF" } }, State { name: "selection" when: layoutPopup.visible PropertyChanges { target: layoutButtonBackground color: "transparent" } } ] onClicked: { layoutPopup.visible ? layoutPopup.close() : layoutPopup.visible === ; layoutButton.state = "selection" layoutButtonTip.hide() } } Popup { id: layoutPopup width: 121 x: Math.round((parent.width - width) / 2) y: Math.round(-layoutButton.height -(layoutPopup.height) + 45) topPadding: 5 bottomPadding: 5 leftPadding: 0 rightPadding: 0 background: Rectangle { color: "#1E1E1E" } contentItem: ListView { id: layoutList implicitHeight: contentHeight model: layoutWrapper currentIndex: keyboard.currentLayout clip: true interactive: false } enter: Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 easing.type: Easing.OutCirc } } exit: Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 easing.type: Easing.OutCirc } } } }