app-crypt/qca 9999: Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) app-dicts/stardict-ruspack 0.2-r3: Collection of dicts for stardict. app-editors/typora 1.0.3: markdown editor app-misc/ddccontrol-db 20170716: DDCControl monitor database app-misc/qmetro 0.7.1 9999: Metro/subway map and route computation software. app-misc/qtnote 3.0.5 3.1.0 9999: Qt note-taking application compatible with tomboy app-text/qstardict 1.2 9999: QStarDict is a StarDict clone written with using Qt dev-libs/launchdarkly-sdk-c 1.7.6 2.3.0: LaunchDarkly Client-side SDK for C/C++ dev-util/cpp2text 1.1 9999: String representation converter (text, cpp, json) dev-util/douml 9999: Powerful UML 2 modelling tool. BoUML fork games-action/oolite 1.90: Elite space trading & warfare remake media-gfx/flameshot 9999: Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software for GNU/Linux media-gfx/simpleviewer-gl 9999: Small and simple image viewer for Linux. media-libs/qimageblitz 5.9999: Graphical effect and filter library by KDE media-plugins/gst-plugins-webrtcdsp 1.16.3: Audio Filter using WebRTC Audio Processing library plugin for GStreamer media-sound/qomp 1.4 9999: Quick(Qt) Online Music Player - one player for different online music hostings net-im/bluejeans 2.24.0: Online meetings, video conferencing, and screen sharing for teams of any size net-im/cutegram 9999: A different telegram client from Aseman team forked from Sigram by Sialan Labs. net-im/psi 9999: Qt XMPP client net-im/psi-attention 9999: Psi plugin for making attention (XEP-0224) net-im/psi-autoreply 9999: Psi plugin to gnerate automatic replies. net-im/psi-birthdayreminder 9999: Psi plugin to remind contact's birthdays net-im/psi-chess 9999: Psi plugin to play chess with your friends net-im/psi-cleaner 9999: Psi plugin for profile cleaning for specified contacts. net-im/psi-clientswitcher 9999: Psi plugin for client version masking net-im/psi-conferencelogger 9999: Psi plugin which saves logs of conferences net-im/psi-contentdownloader 9999: Psi plugin for downloading extras net-im/psi-enummessages 9999: Psi plugin to enumarate messages added to chat net-im/psi-extendedmenu 9999: Psi plugin which adds special submenu to contacts net-im/psi-extendedoptions 9999: Psi plugin for UI for some hidden options net-im/psi-gomokugame 9999: Psi plugin for Gomoku game net-im/psi-historykeeper 9999: Psi plugin to keep certain contacts history clean net-im/psi-image 9999: Psi plugin for sending in-band images net-im/psi-imagepreview 9999: Psi plugin to preview images in chat log net-im/psi-jabberdisk 9999: Psi plugin for file sharing via jabber disk net-im/psi-juick 9999: Psi plugin for service net-im/psi-messagefilter 9999: Psi plugin to filter out messages by various conditions net-im/psi-omemo 9999: Psi plugin for OMEMO net-im/psi-openpgp 9999: Psi plugin to manager OpenPGP keys and settings net-im/psi-otr 0.9.4 9999: Psi plugin for OTR message ecnryption net-im/psi-pepchangenotify 9999: Psi plugin to show PEP change notifications net-im/psi-plugins-meta 9999: Meta package for net-im/psi plugins net-im/psi-qipxstatuses 9999: Psi plugin for QIP xStatus to xmpp user moods translation net-im/psi-screenshot 9999: Psi plugin to quickly make screenshots net-im/psi-stopspam 9999: Psi plugin for spam blocking net-im/psi-storagenotes 9999: Psi plugin for Jabber notes protocol extension net-im/psi-translate 9999: Psi plugin to fix incorrect input net-im/psi-videostatus 9999: Psi plugin for settings some status during video watching net-im/psi-watcher 9999: Psi plugin for watching on contacts net-im/psimedia 9999: Psi/Psi+ plugin for voice/video calls net-im/viber Free calls, text and picture sharing with anyone, anywhere! net-libs/jdns 2.0.4: JDNS is a simple DNS implementation library net-libs/srt 1.4.3: Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) library and tools net-misc/TelegramQML 9999: Telegram API tools for QtQML and Qml net-misc/aseman-qt-tools 9999: Set of tools from Aseman-Land net-misc/libqtelegram-ae 9999: A fork of libqtelegram by Aseman Team net-print/samsung-unified-driver 1.00.39: Samsung Unified Linux Driver for printers and MFDs dev-build/qconf 9999: ./configure like generator for qmake-based projects sys-libs/rts_bpp 9999: Driver for realtek 5289/8411 card readers www-servers/civetweb 1.12: Embedded C/C++ web server x11-apps/ocs-url 9999: A program enabling web-installation of items via OpenCollaborationServices x11-misc/kbdd 9999: Very simple layout switcher x11-themes/country-flag 0: The flag icon filenames follow the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. x11-themes/elementary-icon-theme 4.3.1: Elementary gnome icon theme