Title: gap-4.10.1 upgrade Author: Francois Bissey Content-Type: text/plain Posted: 2019-04-08 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Disply-If-Installed: sci-mathematics/gap Gap-4.10.1 is ready and unfortunately upgrading is still painful. I am hopeful that these pains will finally ease in future release. If on upgrading gap (as a sage dependency or stand alone) gap-4.10.1 is not offered because of conflicting dependencies the quickest way to resolve the conflict is to uninstall gap and all the gap packages before re-installing again. The following commands will un-install gap and all the gap packages from your system emerge -C gap emerge -C `equery -q l -F '$category/$name' dev-gap/*` If you want to preserve your list of gap packages for quick re-install after upgrading run equery -q l -F '$category/$name' dev-gap/* > gap_pkg.txt prior to un-install. You can then use the saved file to re-install your old list of gap packages. emerge -v `cat gap_pkg.txt`