acct-group/milter 0: Group for mail-filter/hashcash-milter acct-group/spfpolicy 0: Group for net-mail/spfpolicy acct-user/milter 0: User for mail-filter/hashcash-milter acct-user/spfpolicy 0: User for net-mail/spfpolicy app-admin/keepass 2.53.1: A free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager app-arch/libzim 8.2.0: reference implementation for the ZIM file format, an offline storage solution for content coming from the Web app-arch/nufxlib 3.1.0: library for manipulating NuFX archives app-arch/nulib2 3.1.0: utility for manipulating NuFX archives app-arch/tarballize 0.0.20180904: Make tarballs of given git repository, including its submodules app-cdr/dvdisaster 0.79.10: Tool for creating error correction data (ecc) for optical media (DVD, CD, BD) app-crypt/vanitygen-plus 1.53: cryptocurrency vanity-address generator app-emulation/butane 0.18.0: Butane translates human-readable Butane Configs into machine-readable Ignition Configs app-emulation/container-linux-config-transpiler 0.9.4: Container Linux Config Transpiler app-emulation/gsplus 0.14: Apple IIGS emulator, based on KEGS app-emulation/gsport 0.31 9999: Apple IIGS emulator, based on KEGS app-emulation/kegs 1.16: Apple IIGS emulator app-text/gimagereader 3.4.1: A Gtk/Qt front-end to tesseract-ocr app-text/qtspell 1.0.1: Spell checking for Qt text widgets app-text/rdrview 0.1: C port of Mozilla's Readability library dev-cpp/mustache 4.1: Mustache implementation for modern C++ dev-embedded/cc65 2.19: complete cross development package for 65(C)02 systems dev-embedded/pineflash 0.5.0: firmware updating GUI for Pinecil soldering iron dev-embedded/rpi-imager 1.7.4: Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility dev-embedded/teensy_loader_cli 2.2: Command line Teensy Loader dev-embedded/usbboot 2022.12.15: tool to load Raspberry Pi Compute Modules over USB dev-libs/sealcurses 0.0.20220609: SDL Emulation and Adaptation Layer for Curses dev-libs/the_foundation 1.4.0: an object-oriented C library whose API is designed for a particular coding style, taking cues from C++ STL and Qt dev-perl/App-XML-DocBook-Builder 0.1100: build DocBook/XML files dev-perl/Math-Geometry-Planar 1.18: A collection of planar geometry functions dev-perl/Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC 1.04: Perl wrapper for Alan Murta's gpc library dev-perl/Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset 1.05: Calculate offset polygons dev-python/base58 2.1.1: Base58 and Base58Check implementation dev-python/hdwallet 2.2.1: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet dev-python/ogr 0.44.0: One Git library to Rule dev-python/pick 2.2.0: pick an option in the terminal with a simple GUI dev-python/pybars3 0.9.7: Handlebars.js for Python 3 and 2 dev-python/pymeta3 0.5.1: a fork of PyMeta 0.5.0 that supports Python 2 and 3 dev-python/pyquaternion 0.9.9: A fully featured, pythonic library for quaternion representation, manipulation, 3D animation and geometry dev-python/python-nmap 0.7.1: use nmap from Python dev-python/python-trezor 0.13.6: Client side implementation for TREZOR-compatible Bitcoin hardware wallets games-emulation/sdlmame 0.254: Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator + Multi Emulator Super System (MESS) games-misc/fortune-mod 3.18.0: The notorious fortune program gemini-client/lagrange 1.15.9: desktop GUI (and optional TUI) client for browsing Geminispace mail-filter/hashcash-milter 0.1.3-r2: A milter-based application to mint and check HashCash stamps media-gfx/arcwelder 2.0: 3D printer anti-stutter tool media-gfx/meshconv-bin 1.29: 3D model converter media-gfx/stl_normalize 0.0.20210314: A script to normalize and validate STL files media-libs/libshout 2.4.5: library for connecting and sending data to icecast servers media-sound/mp3val 0.1.8: MP3 validator media-sound/openkj 2.0.8 9999: karaoke show hosting software media-video/hlsdl 0.1_alpha20230213: C program to download VoD HLS (.m3u8) files media-video/httpsegmenter 9999: HTTP Live Streaming segmenter media-video/mediaelch 2.10.0: Video metadata scraper media-video/vobsub2srt 1.0_alpha7: Converts image subtitles created by VobSub (.sub/.idx) to .srt textual subtitles using tesseract OCR engine net-fs/libs3 20200523: S3 library, forked for Bacula net-fs/netatalk 2.2.5: Open Source AFP server and other AppleTalk-related utilities net-fs/webdavfs 1.0: A FUSE filesystem for WebDAV shares net-mail/spfpolicy 2.011-r1: Postfix policy server implementing Sender Policy Framework (SPF) net-misc/hashcash 1.22-r2: Utility to generate hashcash tokens net-p2p/trezord-go 2.0.33: TREZOR Communication Daemon net-vpn/pia-wg 0.0.20230313: Private Internet Access WireGuard configurator net-wireless/rtlsdr-airband 4.1.1-r1: converts analog broadcast radio to audio streams sci-electronics/altium2kicad 0.0.20221123: Altium to KiCad converter for PCB and schematics sci-electronics/amaranth 0.4_alpha20230322: A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware sci-electronics/amaranth-boards 0.1_alpha20230505: Amaranth boards and connectors sci-electronics/amaranth-soc 0.1_alpha20230214: System on Chip toolkit for Amaranth sci-electronics/apicula 0.8: documentation and tools for the Gowin FPGA bitstream format sci-electronics/ecpprog 0.0.20220913: A basic driver for FTDI based JTAG probes (FT232H, FT2232H, FT4232H), to program Lattice ECP5/Nexus FPGAs sci-electronics/icestorm 0.0.20230218: reverse-engineered tools for Lattice iCE40 FPGAs sci-electronics/kicost 1.1.17: generate part-cost spreadsheets for circuit boards developed with KiCad sci-electronics/kicost-digikey-api-v3 0.1.2: experimental plug-in to allow KiCost to do native Digi-Key API requests sci-electronics/kikit 1.3.0-r2: Automation for KiCad sci-electronics/nextpnr 0.6 0.7_alpha20230516: portable FPGA place and route tool sci-electronics/pcbnewTransition 0.3.4-r1: support KiCad 5-7 in your plugins sci-electronics/prjoxide 9999: documenting Lattice's 28nm Nexus FPGAs sci-electronics/prjtrellis 1.3 1.3.1_alpha20230508: reverse-engineered tools for Lattice ECP5 FPGAs sci-electronics/pyvcd 0.4.0: writes Value Change Dump (VCD) files as specified in IEEE 1364-2005 sci-electronics/tinyprog 1.0.23 9999: Programmer for FPGA boards using the TinyFPGA USB Bootloader sci-electronics/yosys 0.29 9999: framework for Verilog RTL synthesis sci-libs/euclid3 0.2.0: vector, matrix, quaternion and some geometry in 2D and 3D for Python 3 sci-libs/solidpython2 2.0.2: OpenSCAD for Python sci-libs/solidpython2-legacy 0.1.1: legacy SolidPython utils ported to SolidPython 2 sys-apps/fw-ectool 0.0.20221203: EC manipulation tool for the Framework Laptop sys-block/targetcli-fb 2.1.54: Command shell for managing Linux LIO kernel target sys-firmware/brcm43455-rock-pi-x-firmware 0.0.20210309: firmware for Broadcom 43455 WiFi/Bluetooth on Rock Pi X sys-fs/ufiformat 0.9.9: USB Floppy Disk formatting tool www-apps/cops 1.1.3: Calibre OPDS PHP Server www-misc/kiwix-desktop 2.3.1: cross-platform viewer/manager of ZIM files www-misc/kiwix-tools 3.5.0: collection of Kiwix related command line tools www-misc/libkiwix 12.0.0: Kiwix software suite core: code shared by all Kiwix ports