DEFINED_PHASES=compile install preinst prepare setup test unpack DEPEND=>=virtual/jdk-1.8:* app-arch/unzip >=dev-java/java-config-2.2.0-r3 source? ( app-arch/zip ) test? ( amd64? ( dev-util/pkgdiff dev-util/japi-compliance-checker ) ) DESCRIPTION=Serpent serializes an object tree into a Python ast.literal_eval() compatible literal expression. It is safe to send serpent data to other machines over the network for instance (because only 'safe' literals are encoded). There is also a deserializer or parse provided that turns such a literal expression back into the appropriate Java object tree. It is an alternative to JSON to provide easy data integration between Java and Python. Serpent is more expressive as JSON (it supports more data types). EAPI=7 HOMEPAGE= IUSE=doc source test binary KEYWORDS=~amd64 LICENSE=MIT RDEPEND=>=virtual/jre-1.8:* >=dev-java/java-config-2.2.0-r3 source? ( app-arch/zip ) RESTRICT=!test? ( test ) SLOT=0 SRC_URI= -> serpent-1.23-bin.jar _eclasses_=java-pkg-2 6e6478d8b78f18251c008bad32994df9 java-pkg-maven abf27287f2ae6b952bdbb04a98f32cce java-pkg-simple 8221818a4df90800de803a44fd0875b4 java-utils-2 df5a29aeeb243804a2f5ef024c8467a9 _md5_=7677c47b1e24696e7baec4a04d0afc2b