app-admin/cmd-polkit 0.3.0: Command-line Polkit tool app-admin/hardinfo2 2.2.4-r2: System Information and Benchmark for Linux Systems app-backup/snapper-gui 9999: GUI for snapper, a tool for Linux filesystem snapshot management app-backup/timeshift 24.06.6: A system restore utility for Linux app-backup/timeshift-autosnap 0.9-r1: Automatically creates a timeshift-snapshot when executed app-editors/bluegriffon-bin 3.1-r1: The Open Source next-gen Web Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox app-emulation/quickemu 4.9.7: Create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux desktop virtual machines app-mobilephone/scrcpy 3.1-r1: Display and control your Android device app-office/hibiscus 2.10.24 9999: Official prebuilt nightly HBCI Plugin for Jameica app-office/jameica-syntax 2.10.0: Jameica plugin SynTAX ist eine freie Finanzbuchhaltung für Selbständige nach SKR03/04 app-portage/find_cruft 5.2: find cruft files not managed by portage app-portage/portconf 1.6.9-r2: /etc/portage cleaner app-portage/pyerge 0.7.2: Wrapper tool for emerge - it can mount RAM disk and compile packages inside it. app-portage/showbuild 0.9.1-r1: Script to follow log of running portage builds app-text/ascii-design 1.1.1-r2: Ascii Design is an ascii-art program based on figlet engine. dev-java/jameica 2.10.4-r1 9999: Official prebuilt nightly Jameica Online Banking Software, written in Java dev-php/pdlib 1.1.0-r3: PHP bindings for dlib dev-php/pecl-mcrypt 1.0.7-r1: Bindings for the libmcrypt library dev-python/cloudscraper 1.2.69-r1: A Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page dev-python/i3ipc 2.2.1-r1: An improved Python library to control i3wm and sway. dev-util/android-tools-google 35.0.2: Android platform-tools same as android-tools, but without sdk from google dev-util/apktool 2.9.3: A tool for reengineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps dev-util/pmbootstrap 3.0.0: Helper tool for developing and building postmarketOS dev-vcs/lazygit 0.44.1: Simple terminal UI for git commands games-util/xone 0.3_p20240425: Linux kernel driver for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S accessories gui-apps/eww 0.6.0-r3 9999: Elkowars Wacky Widgets is a standalone widget system made in Rust media-fonts/nerd-fonts 3.1.1 3.3.0: Collection of fonts that are patched to include a high number of glyphs (icons). media-gfx/icoextract 0.1.4: Extract icons from Windows PE files (.exe/.dll) media-gfx/iscan-data Image Scan! for Linux data files media-gfx/iscan-plugin-network-nt 1.1.4-r2: Network scanning plugin for EPSON scanners (nonfree) media-sound/mpd 0.23.16: The Music Player Daemon (mpd) media-video/tartube 2.5.062: A GUI front-end for youtube-dl net-dns/noip-updater 2.1.9-r6: dynamic DNS updater net-misc/networkmanager-dmenu 2.3.1-r1: Control networkmanager using DMENU net-p2p/dumptorrent 1.3-r1: A command-line tool to extract metadata from torrent files sys-apps/czkawka 8.0.0: CLI frontend of Czkawka sys-auth/rofi-polkit-agent 9999: Polkit agent, using rofi for UI sys-fs/dua-cli 2.29.4: A tool to conveniently learn about the disk usage of directories, fast! sys-fs/gdu 5.29.0 5.30.1-r1: Disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go sys-process/nvtop 3.1.0: NVIDIA GPUs htop like monitoring tool x11-misc/jgmenu 4.4.1: Simple, independent and contemporary-looking X11 menu, designed for scripting, ricing and tweaking. x11-misc/pywal 3.3.0: Generate and change color-schemes on the fly x11-wm/wmutils 1.7: Set of window manipulation tools