acct-group/valkey 0: Valkey program group acct-group/vmware 0: Group for VMware acct-user/valkey 0: Valkey program user app-admin/conky 1.22.0: An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X app-admin/zenmonitor3 2.0.0_p20220812: Zen monitor is monitoring software for AMD Zen-based CPUs app-alternatives/yacc 0-r1: Virtual for yacc (yet another compiler compiler) app-arch/libzim 9.2.3: reference implementation for the ZIM archive format app-crypt/acme 1.8.0-r201 1.32.0-r1: An implementation of the ACME protocol app-crypt/certbot 1.8.0-r202 1.32.0-r3: Let’s Encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates app-crypt/certbot-dns-linode 1.32.0-r2 2.10.0 2.11.0 3.0.1 3.1.0 3.2.0: Linode DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot app-crypt/certbot-s3front 0.4.2_p20201118-r4: S3/CloudFront plugin for Let's Encrypt client app-editors/gedit 3.32.2-r4: A text editor for the GNOME desktop app-emacs/pymacs 0.26-r201: A tool that allows both-side communication beetween Python and Emacs Lisp app-emulation/vmware-modules 17.6.2: VMware kernel modules app-emulation/vmware-workstation Emulate a complete PC without the performance overhead of most emulators app-misc/electricsheep 3.0.2_p20240213-r1 9999-r9: realize the collective dream of sleeping computers from all over the internet app-misc/iccloader 0.5-r1 9999-r2: systray widget used to load ICC color profiles with different color temperatures app-misc/openrgb 0.9-r2: Open source RGB lighting control app-misc/yworklog 0.0.7-r201: Stack based utility with CLI interface helping to monitor time spent on tasks app-office/upwork Project collaboration and tracking software for app-text/calibre 7.19.0: Ebook management application app-text/fbreader 0.99.4-r8: E-Book Reader. Supports many e-book formats app-text/koreader-bin 2024.11: ebook reader application app-text/multitail 7.1.5-r1: Tail with multiple windows app-text/pinfo 0.6.13-r3: Hypertext info and man viewer based on (n)curses app-text/zettlr-bin 3.4.2: A Markdown Editor for the 21st century. app-vim/airline 9999-r1: vim plugin: lean & mean statusline for vim that's light as air app-vim/ale 3.3.0-r1 99999999-r2: Asynchronous Lint Engine for vim app-vim/chapel-syntax 2.2.0: vim plugin: app-vim/neocomplete 9999-r1: vim plugin: Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache app-vim/nim-syntax 1.2_pre20211111-r1 9999-r1: Nim language support app-vim/pony-syntax 0.1_pre20170926-r1 9999-r1: vim plugin: Pony language support app-vim/vim-linux-coding-style 0.4_p20200610-r1: Vim plugin to respect the Linux kernel coding style dev-cpp/eigen 3.4.0_p20240816-r1: C++ template library for linear algebra dev-cpp/mustache 4.1-r1: Mustache implementation for modern C++ dev-db/metakit Embedded database library dev-db/valkey 8.0.2: Redis fork dev-debug/valgrind 3.24.0-r100: An open-source memory debugger for GNU/Linux dev-lang/chapel 2.3.0: Chapel programming language compiler dev-lang/erlang 27.2: Erlang programming language, runtime environment and libraries (OTP) dev-lang/nim 1.0.10-r101 1.2.18-r101 1.4.8-r101 1.6.20-r100 2.0.14-r100 2.2.2-r100 9999-r16: compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language dev-lang/php 5.3.29-r7 7.4.33-r7 8.0.30-r3: The PHP language runtime engine dev-lang/pony 0.58.11: Compiler for the Pony language dev-lang/python 2.7.18_p113: An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language dev-lang/tauthon 2.8.5-r4 9999-r4: Python 2.7 fork with new syntax, builtins, and libraries backported from Python3 dev-libs/FBGEMM 2025.01.29: Facebook GEneral Matrix Multiplication dev-libs/boost 1.86.0-r2: Boost Libraries for C++ dev-libs/cpuinfo 2025.02.19: CPU INFOrmation library dev-libs/cudnn NVIDIA Accelerated Deep Learning on GPU library dev-libs/cudnn-frontend 1.10.0: A c++ wrapper for the cudnn backend API dev-libs/dht 0.27-r1: BitTorrent DHT library dev-libs/golib 0.0.1_pre20180515-r1 9999-r1: a library exposing Go's channels and goroutines to plain C dev-libs/icu 64.2-r1: International Components for Unicode dev-libs/keybinder 0.3.1-r201: A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts dev-libs/libb64 Fast Base64 encoding/decoding routines dev-libs/libpeas 1.22.0-r8: A GObject plugins library dev-libs/libxml2 2.11.4: XML C parser and toolkit dev-libs/lthread 1.0_pre20150617-r3 9999-r3: multicore enabled coroutine library written in C dev-libs/openssl 1.1.1w: Full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS) dev-libs/protobuf 3.13.0: Google's Protocol Buffers - Extensible mechanism for serializing structured data dev-libs/qtkeychain 0.14.3 0.15.0: Qt API for storing passwords securely dev-libs/sleef 3.8-r100: Implements vectorized versions of C standard math functions dev-nim/c2nim 0.9.19-r1 9999-r3: a tool to translate ANSI C code to Nim dev-nim/nimble 0.16.4 9999-r2: Nim package manager dev-nim/ntags 0.5.0-r1: tool that generates tags for Nim files, similar to ctags dev-php/pecl-apcu 5.1.23-r1: Stripped down version of APC supporting only user cache dev-php/pecl-imagick 3.7.0-r1: PHP wrapper for the ImageMagick library dev-php/xdebug 3.1.6-r1: A PHP debugging and profiling extension dev-python/alabaster 0.7.12-r2: A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme dev-python/alembic 1.4.2-r200: database migrations tool, written by the author of SQLAlchemy dev-python/amqp 1.4.9-r3: Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib) dev-python/amqplib 1.0.2-r201: Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Procotol (AMQP) dev-python/anyjson 0.3.3-r5: Wraps the best available JSON implementation available in a common interface dev-python/anyvc Library to access any version control system dev-python/apache-libcloud 1.5.0-r202 2.8.3-r202: Unified Interface to the Cloud - python support libs dev-python/apipkg 1.5-r4: Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism dev-python/aplpy 1.1.1-r3: Astronomical Plotting Library in Python dev-python/appdirs 1.4.4-r3: Module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs dev-python/arrayterator 1.0.1-r4: A buffered iterator for reading big arrays in small contiguous blocks dev-python/asdf 1.3.3-r201: Python library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format dev-python/astlib 0.8.0-r4: Python astronomy modules for image and coordinate manipulation dev-python/astor 0.8.0-r200: Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs dev-python/astrodendro 0.2.0-r201: Python package for computation of astronomical dendrograms dev-python/astroid 1.6.6-r200: Abstract Syntax Tree for logilab packages dev-python/astroml 0.3-r4: Python Machine Learning library for astronomy dev-python/astroml-addons 0.2.2-r3: Performance add-ons for the astroML package dev-python/astroplan 0.2.1-r201: Observation planning package for astronomers dev-python/astropy 2.0.14-r202: Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python dev-python/astropy-healpix 0.4-r4: HEALPix package developed by the Astropy project dev-python/astropy-helpers 2.0.10-r4: Helpers for Astropy and Affiliated packages dev-python/astroquery 0.3.6-r201: Collection of packages to access online astronomical resources dev-python/astroscrappy 1.0.5-r4: Optimized cosmic ray annihilation astropy python module dev-python/atomicwrites 1.4.0-r201: Atomic file writes dev-python/atpy 0.9.7-r3: Astronomical tables support for Python dev-python/attrdict3 2.0.2-r1: access Python object elements as both keys and attributes dev-python/attrs 20.2.0-r3: Attributes without boilerplate dev-python/autobahn 19.11.2-r201: WebSocket and WAMP for Twisted and Asyncio dev-python/automat 20.2.0-r3: Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go dev-python/aws-sam-translator 1.21.0-r200: A library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates dev-python/aws-xray-sdk 2.4.3-r201: AWS X-Ray SDK for Python dev-python/babel 2.8.0-r5: Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications dev-python/babelfish 0.5.5-r200: Python library to work with countries and languages dev-python/backports 1.0-r4: Namespace for backported Python features dev-python/backports-abc 0.5-r1: Backport of Python 3.5's '' module dev-python/backports-functools-lru-cache 1.6.1-r3: Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 dev-python/backports-shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0-r3: A backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil dev-python/backports-ssl-match-hostname Backport of the ssl.match_hostname function dev-python/backports-tempfile 1.0-r200: Backport of new features in Python's tempfile module dev-python/backports-weakref 1.0_p1-r3: Backport of new features in Python's weakref module dev-python/bandit 1.5.1-r201: A security linter from OpenStack Security dev-python/bcrypt 3.1.7-r200: Modern password hashing for software and servers dev-python/beanstalkc 0.4.0-r200: A simple beanstalkd client library dev-python/beautifulsoup4 4.8.2-r201: Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree dev-python/betamax 0.8.1-r3: python-requests HTTP exchanges recorder dev-python/billiard Python multiprocessing fork dev-python/bjoern 1.4.3-r1: A screamingly fast Python WSGI server written in C dev-python/bleach 3.2.1-r2: an easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool dev-python/blinker 1.4-r4: Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling dev-python/blosc 1.5.1-r200: High performance compressor optimized for binary data dev-python/boto 2.49.0-r200: Amazon Web Services API dev-python/boto3 1.10.2-r201: The AWS SDK for Python dev-python/botocore 1.14.17-r200: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. dev-python/bottle 0.12.18-r3: A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications dev-python/bottleneck 1.3.1-r5: Fast NumPy array functions written in Cython dev-python/brotlipy 0.7.0-r6: Python binding to the Brotli library dev-python/buzhug 1.8-r3: Fast, pure-Python database engine dev-python/cachetools 3.1.1-r3: Extensible memoizing collections and decorators dev-python/cairocffi 0.9.0-r200: CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo dev-python/carrot 0.10.7-r2: AMQP Messaging Framework for Python dev-python/case 1.5.3-r2: Python unittest Utilities dev-python/cbor 1.0.0-r200: RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation dev-python/ccdproc 1.2.0-r4: Astropy affiliated package for reducing optical/IR CCD data dev-python/cddb-py 1.4-r4: CDDB Module for Python dev-python/celery 3.1.25-r201: Asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing dev-python/cement 2.10.0-r201: CLI Application Framework for Python dev-python/certifi 10001-r2: Thin replacement for certifi using system certificate store dev-python/cffi 1.14.3-r1: Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code dev-python/cfgparse 1.3-r2: Config File parser for Python dev-python/cfn-lint 0.28.2-r202: CloudFormation Linter dev-python/characteristic 14.3.0-r6: Python attributes without the boilerplate dev-python/chardet 3.0.4-r4: Universal encoding detector dev-python/cheetah 2.4.4-r1: Python-powered template engine and code generator dev-python/cherrytemplate 1.0.0-r3: Easy and powerful templating module for Python dev-python/click 7.1.2-r3: A Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces dev-python/click-default-group 1.2.2-r200: Extends click. Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name dev-python/clientcookie 1.3.0-r2: Python module for handling HTTP cookies on the client side dev-python/cliff 2.18.0-r201: Command Line Interface Formulation Framework dev-python/cloudlib 0.5.0-r2: Cloud middleware for in application use. dev-python/cloudpickle 1.3.0-r3: Extended pickling support for Python objects dev-python/cmd2 0.8.9-r3: Extra features for standard library's cmd module dev-python/colorama 0.4.3-r3: ANSI escape character sequences for colored terminal text & cursor positioning dev-python/colorlog 3.1.4-r1: Log formatting with colors dev-python/commonmark 0.9.1-r3: Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec dev-python/configargparse 1.0-r202: Drop-in replacement for argparse supporting config files and env variables dev-python/configobj 5.0.6-r4: Simple config file reader and writer dev-python/configparser 4.0.2-r1: Backport of Python-3 built-in configparser dev-python/constantly 15.1.0-r3: Symbolic constants in Python dev-python/contextlib2 0.6.0_p1-r200: Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module dev-python/cookies 2.2.1-r3: Friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer dev-python/corner 2.0.1-r2: Make scatter matrix corner plots dev-python/couchdb-python 1.1-r1: Python library for working with CouchDB dev-python/coverage 5.4-r1: Code coverage measurement for Python dev-python/cryptography 3.1.1-r202: Library providing cryptographic recipes and primitives dev-python/cssselect 1.1.0-r200: parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 dev-python/csv23 0.3.2-r2: Python 2/3 unicode CSV compatibility layer dev-python/cycler 0.10.0-r200: Composable style cycles dev-python/cython 0.29.21-r200: A Python to C compiler dev-python/d2to1 0.2.12_p1-r200: Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package metadata dev-python/dask 0.18.2-r201: Task scheduling and blocked algorithms for parallel processing dev-python/dbus-python 1.2.16-r3: Python bindings for the D-Bus messagebus dev-python/dbutils 1.1-r2: Database connections for multi-threaded environments dev-python/ddt 1.4.1-r2: A library to multiply test cases dev-python/debtcollector 1.22.0-r201: Python deprecation patterns and strategies that collect technical debt dev-python/decorator 4.4.2-r3: Simplifies the usage of decorators for the average programmer dev-python/defusedxml 0.7.0_rc1-r2: XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules, an xml serialiser dev-python/dexml 0.5.1-r3: Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python dev-python/dib-utils 0.0.10-r200: Standalone tools related to diskimage-builder. dev-python/dicttoxml 1.7.4-r3: Converts a Python dictionary or other data type to a valid XML string dev-python/dill Serialize all of python (almost) dev-python/dingus 0.3.4-r2: A record-then-assert mocking library dev-python/dirq 1.7.1-r1: Python port of Perl module Directory::Queue dev-python/disqus-python 0.4.2-r1: Python client library for accessing the API dev-python/distlib 0.3.1-r3: Low-level components of distutils2/packaging dev-python/distributed 1.18.0-r201: Python library for distributed computation dev-python/distro 1.5.0-r3: Reliable machine-readable Linux distribution information for Python dev-python/django 1.6.11-r3 1.7.11-r3 1.8.18-r3 1.9.13-r3 1.10.7-r3: High-level Python web framework dev-python/dns-lexicon 3.3.17-r3: Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized/agnostic way dev-python/dnspython 1.16.0-r3: DNS toolkit for Python dev-python/doc8 0.8.0-r200: Style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation dev-python/docker 4.2.0-r201: Python client for Docker dev-python/doctest-ignore-unicode 0.1.2-r1: Add flag to ignore unicode literal prefixes in doctests dev-python/docutils 0.16-r3: Python Documentation Utilities dev-python/dogpile-cache 0.7.1-r3: A locking API for expiring values while a single thread generates a new value. dev-python/dulwich 0.19.15-r5: Pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols dev-python/ecdsa 0.16.0-r4: ECDSA cryptographic signature library in pure Python dev-python/ed25519ll 0.6-r1: A low-level ctypes wrapper for Ed25519 digital signatures. dev-python/egenix-mx-base 3.2.9-r200: eGenix utils for Python dev-python/email-validator 1.1.1-r4: A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library dev-python/emcee 2.1.0-r2 2.2.1-r2: Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC dev-python/entrypoints 0.3-r4: Discover and load entry points from installed packages dev-python/enum34 1.1.6-r3: Python 3.4 Enum backported dev-python/epydoc 3.0.1-r5: Tool for generating API documentation for Python modules from docstrings dev-python/et-xmlfile 1.0.1-r201: An implementation of lxml.xmlfile for the standard library dev-python/eventlet 0.25.1-r201: Highly concurrent networking library dev-python/execnet 1.7.1-r3: Rapid multi-Python deployment dev-python/extras 1.0.0-r3: Useful extra bits for Python that should be in the standard library dev-python/fabric 2.5.0-r1: A simple pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment dev-python/fasteners 0.15-r200: Python package that provides useful locks dev-python/fastimport 0.9.8-r201: Library for parsing the fastimport VCS serialization format dev-python/faulthandler 3.2-r2: functions to dump Python tracebacks explicitly (on fault, user signal, timeout) dev-python/feedparser 5.2.1-r200: Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python dev-python/fields 5.0.0-r5: Container class boilerplate killer dev-python/filelock 3.0.12-r200: A platform independent file lock for Python dev-python/fitsio 0.9.11-r201: Python library to read from and write to FITS files dev-python/fixtures 3.0.0-r200: Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more dev-python/flake8 3.7.9-r3: A wrapper around PyFlakes, pep8 & mccabe dev-python/flaky 3.6.1-r2: Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests dev-python/flask 1.1.2-r201: A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions dev-python/flask-babel 1.0.0-r3: i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz dev-python/flask-dashed 0.1b_p2-r200: Admin app framework for flask dev-python/flask-evolution 0.6-r200: Simple migrations for Flask/SQLAlchemy projects dev-python/flask-script 2.0.6-r3: Flask support for writing external scripts dev-python/flask-sphinx-themes 1.0.2-r3: Sphinx Themes for Flask related projects and Flask itself dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy 2.4.1-r4: SQLAlchemy support for Flask applications dev-python/flask-wtf 0.14.2-r201: Simple integration of Flask and WTForms dev-python/flup 1.0.2-r3: Random assortment of WSGI servers dev-python/foolscap 0.13.1-r201: RPC protocol for Twisted dev-python/fpconst 0.7.3-r3: Python Module for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values dev-python/freezegun 0.3.15-r200: Let your Python tests travel through time dev-python/fs 0.5.5a-r200: Filesystem abstraction layer dev-python/funcsigs 1.0.2-r3: Python function signatures backport from PEP362 for Python 2.7 dev-python/functest 0.8.8-r2: Functest is a test tool/framework for testing in Python dev-python/functools32 3.2.3-r1: Backport of the functools module from Python 3 dev-python/future 0.18.2-r3: Easy, clean, reliable Python 2/3 compatibility dev-python/futures 3.3.0: Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2 dev-python/gammapy 0.6-r201: Python package for gamma-ray astronomy dev-python/gdata 2.0.18-r1: Python client library for Google data APIs dev-python/gdmodule 0.56-r3: Python extensions for gd dev-python/genshi 0.7.3-r200: Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web dev-python/genty 1.3.2-r200: Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets dev-python/gevent 20.9.0-r200: Coroutine-based network library dev-python/geventhttpclient 1.4.4-r3: A high performance, concurrent HTTP client library for Python using gevent dev-python/ginga 2.7.2-r201: Astronomical image toolkit for Python dev-python/gitdb2 2.0.6-r201: GitDB is a pure-Python git object database dev-python/gitpython 2.1.15-r201: Library used to interact with Git repositories dev-python/glue-vispy-viewers 0.7.2-r201: Vispy-based viewers for Glue dev-python/glueviz 0.10.4-r201: Python library to explore relationships within and among related datasets dev-python/glymur 0.8.10-r201: Python tools for accessing JPEG2000 files dev-python/gmpy2 2.0.8-r201: Python bindings for GMP, MPC and MPFR libraries dev-python/gnome-python-base 2.28.1-r3: Provides the base files for the gnome-python bindings dev-python/gnome-python-extras-base 2.25.3-r2: Provides python the base files for the Gnome Python Desktop bindings dev-python/google-api-core 1.17.0-r5: Core Library for Google Client Libraries dev-python/google-api-python-client 1.8.4-r200: Google API Client for Python dev-python/google-auth 1.16.0-r201: Google Authentication Library dev-python/google-auth-httplib2 0.0.3-r200: httplib2 Transport for Google Auth dev-python/googleapis-common-protos 1.51.0-r202: python classes generated from the common protos in the googleapis repository dev-python/graphy 1.0-r2: Simple Chart Library for Python dev-python/greenlet 0.4.17-r200: Lightweight in-process concurrent programming dev-python/grpcio 1.26.0-r201: High-performance RPC framework (python libraries) dev-python/gtkspell-python 2.25.3-r2: GtkSpell bindings for Python dev-python/guessit 3.1.0-r200: Python library for guessing information from video filenames dev-python/guppy 0.1.10-r2: Guppy-PE -- A Python Programming Environment dev-python/guzzle_sphinx_theme 0.7.11-r200: Sphinx theme used by Guzzle dev-python/gwcs 0.8.0: Python for managing the World Coordinate System dev-python/h2 3.2.0-r202: HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation dev-python/h5py 2.10.0-r202: Simple Python interface to HDF5 files dev-python/hacking 2.0.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack Nova API dev-python/happydoc 3.1-r5: Tool for extracting documentation from Python source code dev-python/hcluster 0.2.0-r4: Python hierarchical clustering package for Scipy dev-python/hcs-utils 2.0-r1: A library containing some useful snippets dev-python/healpy 1.13.0-r4: Python wrapper for healpix dev-python/heapdict 1.0.0-r5: Heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations dev-python/hgdistver 0.25-r2: utility lib to generate python package version infos from mercurial tags dev-python/hiredis 1.0.1-r200: Python extension that wraps hiredis dev-python/hkdf 20150724-r200: Python implementation of HKDF dev-python/hp3parclient 3.0.0-r1: A python interface to sendfile(2) system call dev-python/hpack 3.0.0-r3: Pure-Python HPACK header compression dev-python/html5lib 1.1-r200: HTML parser based on the HTML5 specification dev-python/htmlgen 2.2.2-r201: HTMLgen - Python modules for the generation of HTML documents dev-python/http-parser 0.8.3-r200: HTTP request/response parser for python in C dev-python/httpbin 0.7.0-r200: HTTP Request and Response Service dev-python/httplib2 0.18.1-r3: A comprehensive HTTP client library dev-python/humanize 1.0.0-r200: Common humanization utilities dev-python/hyperframe 5.2.0-r3: HTTP/2 framing layer for Python dev-python/hyperlink 20.0.1-r2: A featureful, correct URL for Python dev-python/hypothesis 4.57.1-r200: A library for property based testing dev-python/idna 2.10-r200: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) dev-python/imagesize 1.1.0-r3: Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file dev-python/imexam 0.8.1-r3: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting dev-python/importlib-metadata 1.7.0-r201: Read metadata from Python packages dev-python/importlib-resources 3.0.0-r201: Read resources from Python packages dev-python/incremental 17.5.0-r200: Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects dev-python/inotifyx 0.2.2-r1: Python bindings to the Linux inotify file system event monitoring API dev-python/invoke 1.4.1-r2: Pythonic task execution dev-python/ip-associations-python-novaclient-ext 0.2-r200: Disk Config extension for python-novaclient dev-python/ipaddr 2.2.0-r200: Python IP address manipulation library dev-python/ipaddress 1.0.23-r1: IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library, backport of the ipaddress module dev-python/ipykernel 4.10.0-r201: IPython Kernel for Jupyter dev-python/ipyparallel 6.2.4-r201: Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython dev-python/ipython 5.9.0-r201: Advanced interactive shell for Python dev-python/ipython-genutils 0.2.0-r201: Vestigial utilities from IPython dev-python/ipywidgets 7.4.2-r200: IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter dev-python/iso8601 0.1.13-r200: Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates dev-python/isort 4.3.21_p2-r200: A python utility/library to sort imports dev-python/itsdangerous 1.1.0-r200: Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back dev-python/jaraco-packaging 6.2-r201: Tools to supplement packaging Python releases dev-python/jaxml 3.02-r200: XML generator written in Python dev-python/jdcal 1.4.1-r3: Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars dev-python/jedi 0.17.2-r202: Autocompletion library for Python dev-python/jinja2 2.11.2-r201: A full-featured template engine for Python dev-python/jmespath 0.9.3-r200: JSON Matching Expressions dev-python/joblib 0.14.1-r200: Tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python dev-python/jonpy 0.13-r200: CGI/FastCGI/mod_python/html-templating facilities dev-python/josepy 1.3.0-r200: JOSE protocol implementation in Python dev-python/jplephem 2.6-r2: Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides for Astronomical Alamanac dev-python/jsondiff 1.2.0-r200: Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python dev-python/jsonpatch 1.25-r200: Apply JSON-Patches like dev-python/jsonpickle 1.3-r200: Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON dev-python/jsonpointer 2.0-r200: Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (according to draft 08) dev-python/jsonschema 3.2.0-r201: An implementation of JSON-Schema validation for Python dev-python/jupyter-client 5.3.4-r201: Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries dev-python/jupyter-core 4.6.3-r201: Core common functionality of Jupyter projects dev-python/kerberos 1.3.1-r201: A high-level Python wrapper for Kerberos/GSSAPI operations dev-python/key-mon 1.20_p20240509: screencast utility that displays your keyboard and mouse status dev-python/keyczar 0.715-r200: Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography dev-python/keyring 18.0.1-r4: Provides access to the system keyring service dev-python/keyrings-alt 2.4-r201: Alternate keyring implementations dev-python/keystoneauth1 3.18.0-r201: This package contains tools for authenticating to an OpenStack-based cloud. dev-python/kiwisolver 1.1.0-r200: An efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm dev-python/kombu 3.0.37-r202: AMQP Messaging Framework for Python dev-python/lazy-object-proxy 1.4.3-r201: A fast and thorough lazy object proxy dev-python/libextractor-python 0.6-r2: A library used to extract metadata from files of arbitrary type dev-python/libiscsi-python 0_pre160211-r1: Python bindings for libiscsi dev-python/libnatpmp 20150609-r1: Python module for libnatpmp, an alternative protocol to UPnP IGD dev-python/librharris 0.1.14-r2: Python Internet Programming Library dev-python/linecache2 1.0.0-r200: Backports of the linecache module dev-python/linode_api4 2.0.0-r1: The official python SDK for Linode API v4 dev-python/lmdb 0.92-r200: Python bindings for the Lightning Database dev-python/locket 0.2.0-r200: File-based locks for Python dev-python/lockfile 0.12.2-r200: Platform-independent file locking module dev-python/log4py 1.3-r4: A python logging module similar to log4j dev-python/louie 1.1-r2: Signal dispatching mechanism for Python dev-python/lp_solve Python wrappers for lpsolve linear programming library dev-python/lupy 0.2.1-r4: Lupy is a is a full-text indexer and search engine written in Python dev-python/lxml 4.5.2-r201: A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries dev-python/lz4 2.2.1-r201: LZ4 Bindings for Python dev-python/m2crypto 0.35.2-r200: A Python crypto and SSL toolkit dev-python/m2r 0.2.1-r200: Markdown to reStructuredText converter dev-python/m2secret 0.1.1-r200: Encryption and decryption module and CLI utility dev-python/mako 1.1.3-r200: A Python templating language dev-python/markdown 3.1.1-r200: Python implementation of the markdown markup language dev-python/markupsafe 1.1.1-r200: Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python dev-python/matplotlib 2.2.5-r102: Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax (py2 version) dev-python/mccabe 0.6.1-r200: flake8 plugin: McCabe complexity checker dev-python/messaging 0.5.12_p20151120-r200: SMS/MMS encoder/decoder dev-python/mistune 0.8.4-r200: The fastest markdown parser in pure Python dev-python/mock 3.0.5-r200: Rolling backport of unittest.mock for all Pythons dev-python/mocker 1.1.1-r3: Platform for Python test doubles: mocks, stubs, fakes, and dummies dev-python/monotonic 1.5-r200: An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3 dev-python/montage-wrapper 0.9.9-r1: Python wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit dev-python/more-itertools 5.0.0-r201: More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools dev-python/moto 1.3.14-r201: Mock library for boto dev-python/mox3 0.28.0-r201: Mock object framework for Python dev-python/mpi4py 3.0.3-r200: Message Passing Interface for Python dev-python/mpmath 1.1.0-r202: Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic dev-python/msgpack 0.6.2-r200: MessagePack (de)serializer for Python dev-python/munch 2.5.0-r200: A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) dev-python/mwlib-ext 0.13.2-r1: Extension module to mwlib to pull in reportlab dev-python/mysql-python 1.2.5-r200: Python interface to MySQL dev-python/naima 0.8.4-r201: Python package for gamma-ray astronomy dev-python/namespace-jaraco 2-r4: Namespace package declaration for jaraco dev-python/nautilus-python 1.2.2-r3: Python bindings for the Nautilus file manager dev-python/nbconvert 5.6.1-r201: Converting Jupyter Notebooks dev-python/nbformat 4.4.0-r201: Reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format dev-python/nbsphinx 0.5.1-r201: Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx dev-python/nbval 0.9.5-r201: A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks dev-python/netaddr 0.7.19-r4: Network address representation and manipulation library dev-python/netifaces 0.10.9-r200: Portable network interface information dev-python/networkx 2.2-r201: Python tools to manipulate graphs and complex networks dev-python/nevow 0.14.3-r201: A web templating framework that provides LivePage, an automatic AJAX toolkit dev-python/newt_syrup 0.1.2-r2: Python framework for creating text-based applications dev-python/nose 1.3.7-r201 1.3.7_p20221026-r1: Unittest extension with automatic test suite discovery and easy test authoring dev-python/nose-cover3 0.1.0-r200: Coverage 3.x support for Nose dev-python/nose-exclude 0.5.0-r200: Exclude specific directories from nosetests runs dev-python/nose-testconfig 0.10-r200: Test Configuration plugin for nosetests dev-python/nose-warnings-filters 0.1.5-r201: A python module to inject warning filters during nosetest dev-python/notebook 5.7.8-r201: Jupyter Interactive Notebook dev-python/notify2 0.3.1-r200: Python interface to DBus notifications. dev-python/numexpr 2.6.9-r201: Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy dev-python/numpy 1.16.6-r2: Fast array and numerical python library dev-python/numpydoc 0.9.2-r201: Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format dev-python/oauth2client 4.1.3-r200: Library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0 dev-python/objgraph 3.2.0-r200: Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz dev-python/olefile 0.46-r200: Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files dev-python/openpyxl 2.6.4-r202: Pure python reader and writer of Excel OpenXML files dev-python/openstackdocstheme 1.18.1-r200: Theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation dev-python/openstacksdk 0.39.0-r201: A collection of libraries for building applications to work with OpenStack. dev-python/optcomplete 1.2.1: Shell completion self-generator for Python dev-python/os-client-config 1.33.0-r200: OpenStack Client Configuation Library dev-python/os-diskconfig-python-novaclient-ext 0.1.3-r200: Disk Config extension for python-novaclient dev-python/os-networksv2-python-novaclient-ext 0.26-r200: Adds network extension support to python-novaclient dev-python/os-service-types 1.7.0-r200: A library to handle official service types for OpenStack and it's aliases. dev-python/os-virtual-interfacesv2-python-novaclient-ext 0.20-r200: Adds Virtual Interfaces support to python-novaclient dev-python/osc-lib 1.15.0-r201: A package of common support modules for writing OSC plugins. dev-python/oslo-concurrency 3.31.0-r200: library for running multi-thread, multi-process applications dev-python/oslo-config 7.0.0-r200: Oslo Configuration API dev-python/oslo-context 2.23.0-r200: Helpers to maintain useful information about a request context dev-python/oslo-i18n 3.25.1-r201: Oslo i18n library dev-python/oslo-log 3.45.2-r200: OpenStack logging config library, configuration for all openstack projects. dev-python/oslo-serialization 2.29.2-r200: Oslo Serialization library dev-python/oslo-sphinx 4.18.0-r200: OpenStack Sphinx Extensions and Theme dev-python/oslo-utils 3.41.4-r200: Oslo Utility library dev-python/oslotest 3.9.0-r201: Oslo test framework dev-python/osprofiler 2.9.0-r200: OpenStack Profiler Library dev-python/packaging 20.4-r203 24.2-r100: Core utilities for Python packages dev-python/pallets-sphinx-themes 1.2.3-r1: Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects dev-python/pandas 0.24.2-r202: Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics dev-python/pandocfilters 1.4.2-r200: Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python dev-python/parameterized 0.7.4-r200: Parameterized testing with any Python test framework dev-python/paramiko 2.7.2-r200: SSH2 protocol library dev-python/parsedatetime 2.5-r200: Parse human-readable date/time strings dev-python/parso 0.7.1-r200: a Python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing dev-python/partd 0.3.8-r201: Appendable key-value storage dev-python/paste 3.5.0-r201: Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack dev-python/pastedeploy 2.1.1-r201: Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers dev-python/path 11.5.2-r201: A module wrapper for os.path dev-python/pathlib 1.0.1-r3: Object-oriented filesystem paths dev-python/pathlib2 2.3.5-r200: Fork of pathlib aiming to support the full stdlib Python API dev-python/patsy 0.5.1-r201: Python module to describe statistical models and design matrices dev-python/pbr 5.5.0-r200: Inject some useful and sensible default behaviors into setuptools dev-python/pep8 1.7.1-r201: Python style guide checker dev-python/pexpect 4.8.0-r200: Python module for spawning child apps and responding to expected patterns dev-python/pgmagick 0.7.5-r200: Yet another boost.python based wrapper for GraphicsMagick dev-python/photutils 0.4.1-r4: Python package for image astronomical photometry dev-python/pickleshare 0.7.5-r201: A small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support dev-python/piddle 1.0.15-r3: Cross-media, cross-platform 2D graphics package dev-python/pillow 6.1.0-r201: Python Imaging Library (fork) dev-python/pip 20.3.4-r200: Installs python packages -- replacement for easy_install dev-python/pipfile 0.0.2-r200: Replacement for the existing standard pip's requirements.txt file dev-python/pkgconfig 1.5.2-r200: Interface Python with pkg-config dev-python/pkginfo Provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in a PKG-INFO file dev-python/pkipplib 0.07-r200: Pkipplib is a Python module which parses IPP requests dev-python/pluggy 0.13.1-r201: plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python dev-python/ply 3.11-r200: Python Lex-Yacc library dev-python/pp 1.6.5-r1 1.6.6-r1: Parallel and distributed programming for Python dev-python/pretend 1.0.9-r200: A library for stubbing in Python dev-python/prettytable 0.7.2-r200: Easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format dev-python/priority 1.3.0-r200: A pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree dev-python/process-tests 2.1.1-r200: Tools for testing processes dev-python/prometheus-client 0.7.1-r201: Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system dev-python/prompt-toolkit 1.0.18-r4 2.0.10-r4: Building powerful interactive command lines in Python dev-python/protobuf 3.13.0-r202: Google's Protocol Buffers - Python bindings dev-python/psutil 5.7.2-r200: Retrieve information on running processes and system utilization dev-python/psycopg 2.8.6-r200: PostgreSQL database adapter for Python dev-python/ptyprocess 0.6.0-r200: Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal dev-python/py 1.9.0-r201: library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities dev-python/py-notify 0.3.1-r2: Tools for implementing the Observer programming pattern in Python dev-python/py-smbpasswd 1.0.2-r1: Module capable of generating both LANMAN and NT password hashes, for e.g. Samba dev-python/py-ubjson 0.16.1-r200: Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder dev-python/pyamf 0.8.0-r200: Action Message Format (AMF) support for Python dev-python/pyamg 4.0.0-r201: Algebraic multigrid solvers in Python dev-python/pyaml 19.12.0-r4: PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data dev-python/pyao 0.82-r5: Python bindings for the libao library dev-python/pyasn1 0.4.8-r200: ASN.1 library for Python dev-python/pyasn1-modules 0.2.8-r200: pyasn1 modules dev-python/pyavm 0.9.4-r1: Python module for Astronomy Visualization Metadata i/o dev-python/pybind11 2.4.3-r201: AST-based Python refactoring library dev-python/pycairo 1.18.2-r202: Python bindings for the cairo library dev-python/pycdf 0.6.3-r5: Python interface to scientific netCDF library dev-python/pychecker 0.8.19-r4: Python source code checking tool dev-python/pychef 0.2.3-r1: A Python API for interacting with a Chef server dev-python/pycodestyle 2.5.0-r200 2.6.0-r200: Python style guide checker (fka pep8) dev-python/pycparser 2.20-r201: C parser and AST generator written in Python dev-python/pycrypto 2.6.1-r200: Python Cryptography Toolkit dev-python/pycryptodome 3.9.8-r200: A self-contained cryptographic library for Python dev-python/pycryptopp 0.7.1-r2: Python wrappers for a few algorithms from the Crypto++ library dev-python/pycurl python binding for curl/libcurl dev-python/pycxx 7.1.3-r201: Set of facilities to extend Python with C++ dev-python/pydl 0.7.0-r3: Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python dev-python/pydot 1.4.1-r200: Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language dev-python/pyenchant 2.0.0-r200: Python bindings for the Enchant spellchecking system dev-python/pyfakefs 3.7.2-r200: a fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules dev-python/pyfits 3.5-r3: Provides an interface to FITS formatted files under python dev-python/pyflakes 2.1.1-r200 2.2.0-r200: Passive checker for Python programs dev-python/pyftpdlib 1.5.6-r201: Python FTP server library dev-python/pygame 1.9.6-r201: Python bindings for SDL multimedia library dev-python/pyglet 1.4.11-r2: Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python dev-python/pygments 2.5.2-r200: Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python dev-python/pygobject 2.28.6-r59 3.36.1-r5: Python bindings for GObject Introspection dev-python/pygraphviz 1.5-r200: Python wrapper for the Graphviz Agraph data structure dev-python/pygresql 5.2.1-r200: A Python interface for the PostgreSQL database dev-python/pygtk 2.24.0-r8: GTK+2 bindings for Python dev-python/pyhamcrest 1.10.1-r201: Hamcrest framework for matcher objects dev-python/pyifp 0.2.2-r3: Python bindings for libifp library for accessing iRiver iFP devices dev-python/pyinotify 0.9.6-r200: Python module used for monitoring filesystems events dev-python/pylibmc 1.6.1-r200: Libmemcached wrapper written as a Python extension dev-python/pylibpcap 0.6.4-r3: Python interface to libpcap dev-python/pylint 1.9.5-r200: Python code static checker dev-python/pyml Python machine learning package dev-python/pymoc 0.5.0-r1: Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory dev-python/pymongo 3.11.2-r201: Python driver for MongoDB dev-python/pymysql 0.9.3-r200: Pure-Python MySQL Driver dev-python/pynacl 1.4.0-r200: Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library dev-python/pynag 0.9.1-r1: Python modules for Nagios plugins and configuration dev-python/pyndex 0.3.2a-r3: Simple and fast Python full-text indexer using Metakit as its back-end dev-python/pyoembed 0.1.1-r2: Python library for oEmbed with auto-discovered and manually added providers dev-python/pyopencl 2019.1.2-r201: Python wrapper for OpenCL dev-python/pyopengl 3.1.5-r202: Python OpenGL bindings dev-python/pyopenssl 19.1.0-r201: Python interface to the OpenSSL library dev-python/pyosd 0.2.14-r201: displaying text on your X display, like the 'On Screen Displays' used on TVs dev-python/pyparsing 2.4.7-r200: Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing dev-python/pypdf 1.13-r3: Python library to work with pdf files dev-python/pypdf2 1.26.0-r201: Python library to work with pdf files dev-python/pyperclip 1.8.0-r201: A cross-platform clipboard module for Python. dev-python/pypng 0.0.20-r200: Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder dev-python/pyptlib 0.0.6-r1: Python library for tor's pluggable transport managed-proxy protocol dev-python/pyqrcode 1.2.1-r200: A pure Python QR code generator with SVG, EPS, PNG and terminal output dev-python/pyqt5 5.15.4-r203 5.15.11-r1: Python bindings for the Qt framework dev-python/pyqt5-sip 4.19.25-r201 12.17.0: sip extension module for PyQt5 dev-python/pyqtwebengine 5.15.4-r3: Python bindings for QtWebEngine dev-python/pyquery 1.4.1-r201: A jQuery-like library for python dev-python/pyrax 1.9.7-r200: Python language bindings for OpenStack Clouds dev-python/pyregion 2.0-r202: Python module to parse ds9 region file dev-python/pyrex 0.9.9-r4: A language for writing Python extension modules dev-python/pyrfc3339 1.1-r200: Generates and parses RFC 3339 timestamps dev-python/pyro 4.79-r200: Distributed object middleware for Python (RPC) dev-python/pyrsistent 0.16.1-r200: Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures dev-python/pysctp 0.6-r1: PySCTP gives access to the SCTP transport protocol from Python dev-python/pysensors 0.0.3-r201: Python bindings to libsensors (via ctypes) dev-python/pyserial 3.4-r200: Python Serial Port extension dev-python/pysmi 0.3.4-r200: Python Lex & Yacc dev-python/pysnmp 4.4.12-r200: Python SNMP library dev-python/pysocks 1.7.1-r4: SOCKS client module dev-python/pystache 0.5.4-r200: Mustache for Python dev-python/pystatgrab 0.7-r1: pystatgrab is a set of Python bindings for the libstatgrab library dev-python/pysubs2 1.8.0: A library for editing subtitle files dev-python/pysvn 1.9.11-r200: Object-oriented python bindings for subversion dev-python/pytest 3.10.1-r201: Simple powerful testing with Python dev-python/pytest-arraydiff 0.1-r201: pytest plugin to facilitate comparison of arrays dev-python/pytest-cov 2.8.1-r200: py.test plugin for coverage reporting dev-python/pytest-cython 0.1.0-r200: Plugin for testing Cython extension modules dev-python/pytest-expect 1.1.0-r201: py.test plugin that stores test expectations by saving the set of failing tests dev-python/pytest-flakes 4.0.0-r2: Collection of small Python functions & classes dev-python/pytest-forked 1.3.0-r201: run tests in isolated forked subprocesses dev-python/pytest-httpbin 1.0.0-r200: Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin dev-python/pytest-localserver 0.5.0-r200: Py.test plugin to test server connections locally dev-python/pytest-mock 2.0.0-r201: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest dev-python/pytest-mpl 0.11-r201: pytest plugin to faciliate image comparison for matplotlib figures dev-python/pytest-runner 5.2-r201: Adds support for tests during installation of files dev-python/pytest-timeout 1.4.2-r200: py.test plugin to abort hanging tests dev-python/pytest-xdist 1.34.0-r201: Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes dev-python/pytest-xprocess 0.14.0-r200: Manage external processes across test runs dev-python/python-biggles 1.6.6-r5: A Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific plots dev-python/python-catcher 0.1.7-r200: Beautiful stack traces for Python dev-python/python-cdb 0.34-r2: A Python extension module for cdb dev-python/python-cinderclient 5.0.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack Cinder API dev-python/python-daap 0.7.1-r2: PyDaap is a DAAP client implemented in Python, based on PyTunes dev-python/python-dateutil 2.8.1-r201: Extensions to the standard Python datetime module dev-python/python-digest 1.7-r2: A Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication dev-python/python-editor 1.0.4-r200: Programmatically open an editor, capture the result. dev-python/python-exconsole 0.1.5-r1: Emergency/postmortem Python console dev-python/python-fastcgi 1.1-r2: Interface to OpenMarket's FastCGI C Library/SDK dev-python/python-gflags 3.1.2-r200: Google's Python argument parsing library dev-python/python-glanceclient 2.17.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack Glance API dev-python/python-jose 3.1.0-r200: A JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) implementation in Python dev-python/python-keystoneclient 3.22.0-r201: Client Library for OpenStack Identity dev-python/python-ldap 3.3.1-r200: Various LDAP-related Python modules dev-python/python-mhash 1.4-r4: Python interface to libmhash dev-python/python-mimeparse 1.6.0-r200: Basic functions for handling mime-types in python dev-python/python-modernize 0.7-r2: Modernizes Python code for eventual Python 3 migration dev-python/python-neutronclient 6.14.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack Quantum API dev-python/python-novaclient 16.0.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack Nova API dev-python/python-oembed 0.2.4-r1: A Python library that implements an OEmbed consumer dev-python/python-openid 2.2.5-r200: OpenID support for servers and consumers dev-python/python-openstackclient 4.0.0-r201: A client for the OpenStack APIs dev-python/python-pam 0.1.4-r1: A python interface to the PAM library on linux using ctypes dev-python/python-pluginloader 1.0.0-r5 1.0.0-r203: Library to manage python plugins/extensions dev-python/python-prctl 1.6.1-r1: Control process attributes through prctl dev-python/python-recaptcha 2.0.1-r200: A plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide dev-python/python-snappy 0.6.0-r201: Python library for the snappy compression library from Google dev-python/python-subunit 1.4.0-r7: A streaming protocol for test results dev-python/pythondialog 3.5.1-r4 3.5.1-r202: A Python module for making simple text/console-mode user interfaces dev-python/pytidylib 0.3.2-r2: Python wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib) dev-python/pytools 2019.1.1-r201: Collection of tools missing from the Python standard library dev-python/pytrie 0.3.1-r200: A pure Python implementation of the trie data structure dev-python/pytz 2020.1-r200: World timezone definitions for Python dev-python/pyutil 2.0.0-r2: A collection of utilities for Python programmers dev-python/pyutmp 0.2.1-r1: Python UTMP wrapper for Un*x systems dev-python/pyvtk 0.5.18-r200: Tools for manipulating VTK files in Python dev-python/pywavelets 0.5.2-r201: Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python dev-python/pyxdg 0.26-r200: A Python module to deal with specifications dev-python/pyxenstore 0.0.2-r1: Provides Python interfaces for Xen's XenStore dev-python/pyyaml 5.3.1-r200: YAML parser and emitter for Python dev-python/pyzilla 0.1.0-r3: Python wrapper for the BugZilla XML-RPC API dev-python/pyzmq 17.1.0-r201: Lightweight and super-fast messaging library built on top of the ZeroMQ library dev-python/qrcode 6.1-r200: QR Code generator on top of PIL dev-python/qscintilla 2.14.1-r4: Python bindings for QScintilla dev-python/qserve 0.2.8-r200: A job queue server dev-python/qtconsole 4.6.0-r201 5.6.1: Qt-based console for Jupyter with support for rich media output dev-python/qtpy 1.9.0-r201 2.4.2: Abstraction layer on top of PyQt and PySide with additional custom QWidgets dev-python/quixote 2.9.1: Python HTML templating framework for developing web applications dev-python/rackspace-auth-openstack 1.3-r200: Rackspace Auth Plugin for OpenStack Clients dev-python/rackspace-monitoring 0.8.1-r201: Client library for Rackspace Cloud Monitoring dev-python/rackspace-monitoring-cli 0.6.10-r1: Command Line Utility for Rackspace Cloud Monitoring (MaaS) dev-python/rackspace-novaclient 2.1-r200: A client for the OpenStack Nova API dev-python/radio-beam 0.3.2-r201: toolkit for reading/manipulating beam information from FITS headers dev-python/rax-default-network-flags-python-novaclient-ext 0.4.0-r200: Disk Config extension for python-novaclient dev-python/rax-scheduled-images-python-novaclient-ext 0.3.1-r200: Adds backup-schedule extension support to python-novaclient dev-python/readthedocs-sphinx-ext 1.0.3-r201: Code specific for Read the Docs and Sphinx dev-python/rebulk 2.0.1-r200: Python library that performs advanced searches in strings dev-python/recommonmark 0.6.0-r200: Python docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark dev-python/reconfigure 0.1.79-r200: An ORM for config files dev-python/recsql 0.7.11-r3: Simple SQL analysis of python records dev-python/redis 3.3.11-r201: Python client for Redis key-value store dev-python/regex 2020.10.11-r200: Alternative regular expression module to replace re dev-python/regions 0.4-r201: Astropy affiliated package for region handling dev-python/rencode 1.0.6-r200: similar to bencode from the BitTorrent project dev-python/reno 2.11.3-r3: Release notes manager, storing release notes in a git repo and building docs dev-python/reportlab 3.5.13-r4: Tools for generating printable PDF documents from any data source dev-python/repoze-lru 0.7-r201: A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator dev-python/repoze-sphinx-autointerface 0.8-r201: Sphinx extension: auto-generates API docs from Zope interfaces dev-python/reproject 0.5.1-r201: Reproject astronomical images with Python dev-python/requests 2.24.0-r201: HTTP library for human beings dev-python/requests-file 1.4.3-r201: Transport adapter for fetching file:// URLs with the requests python library dev-python/requests-mock 1.7.0-r201: Mock out responses from the requests package dev-python/requests-toolbelt 0.9.1-r200: A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests dev-python/requestsexceptions 1.4.0-r200: Finds the correct path to exceptions in the requests library. dev-python/responses 0.10.7-r200: Utility for mocking out the Python Requests library dev-python/restkit 4.2.2-r200: A HTTP ressource kit for Python dev-python/restructuredtext-lint 1.3.0-r4: Checks PyPI validity of reStructuredText dev-python/rfc3339-validator 0.1.2-r200: A pure python RFC3339 validator dev-python/rfc3986 1.4.0-r2: Validating URI References per RFC 3986 dev-python/rfc3986-validator 0.1.1-r200: Pure python RFC3986 validator dev-python/rfc3987 1.3.8-r200: Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987) dev-python/rlcompleter2 0.98-r2: Python command line completion dev-python/rope 0.16.0-r200: Python refactoring library dev-python/ropeide 1.5.1-r201: Python refactoring IDE dev-python/ropemacs 0.8-r200: Rope in Emacs dev-python/ropemode 0.4-r200: A helper for using rope refactoring library in IDEs dev-python/routes 2.4.1-r200: A re-implementation of Rails routes system, mapping URLs to Controllers/Actions dev-python/rpy2 2.8.6-r201: Python interface to the R Programming Language dev-python/rsa 4.0-r200: Pure-Python RSA implementation dev-python/rst-linker 1.11-r201: Sphinx plugin to add links and timestamps to the changelog dev-python/s3fs 0.2.2-r200: Pythonic file interface to S3 dev-python/s3transfer 0.1.11-r200: An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager dev-python/sancho 2.4-r3: Sancho is a unit testing framework dev-python/scandir 1.10.0-r200: A better directory iterator and faster os.walk() dev-python/scikit-image 0.13.0-r201: Image processing routines for SciPy dev-python/scikit-learn 0.20.4-r201: Python modules for machine learning and data mining dev-python/scipy 1.2.3-r3: Scientific algorithms library for Python (py2 version) dev-python/sclapp 0.5.3-r200: Framework for writing simple command-line applications dev-python/scripttest 1.3.0-r2: A very small text templating language dev-python/secretstorage 2.3.1-r200: Python bindings to Secret Service API. dev-python/selectors34 1.2-r1: Backport of the selectors module from Python 3.4 dev-python/send2trash 1.5.0-r200: Sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) dev-python/serpent 1.30-r200: A simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval dev-python/service-identity 18.1.0-r201: Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL dev-python/setuptools 44.1.1-r200: Collection of extensions to Distutils dev-python/setuptools-scm 4.1.2-r201: Manage versions by scm tags via setuptools dev-python/simplegeneric 0.8.1-r200: Simple generic functions for Python dev-python/simplejson 3.17.2-r200: Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python dev-python/simples3 1.0-r1: A fairly simple, decently quick python interface to Amazon's S3 storage service dev-python/simplesettings 0.5-r2: Simple settings initialization dev-python/singledispatch A library to bring functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3 dev-python/sip 4.19.25-r202: Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries dev-python/six 1.15.0-r200: Python 2 and 3 compatibility library dev-python/slowaes 0.1-r3: AES implementation in pure Python dev-python/smmap2 2.0.5-r200: A pure python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager dev-python/snowballstemmer 2.0.0-r200: Stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms dev-python/soappy 0.12.22-r200: SOAP Services for Python dev-python/socketpool 0.5.3-r200: A simple Python socket pool dev-python/sortedcollections 0.5.3-r200: Python library to sort collections and containers dev-python/sortedcontainers 2.2.2-r200: Python library to sort collections and containers dev-python/spake2 0.8-r200: Python implementation of SPAKE2 dev-python/spectral-cube 0.4.0-r201: Manipulate astronomical data cubes with Python dev-python/specutils 0.2.2-r3: Python package for astronomy spectral operations dev-python/sphinx 1.8.5-r201: Python documentation generator dev-python/sphinx-bootstrap-theme 0.8.0-r200: Sphinx theme integrates the Bootstrap CSS / JavaScript framework dev-python/sphinx-gallery 0.4.0-r5: Sphinx extension to automatically generate an examples gallery dev-python/sphinx-issues 1.2.0-r200: A Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme 0.4.3-r201: theme for Sphinx dev-python/sphinxcontrib-ditaa 0.2-r1: Ditaa Sphinx extension dev-python/sphinxcontrib-github-alt 1.1-r200: Link to GitHub issues, pull requests, commits and users from Sphinx docs dev-python/sphinxcontrib-issuetracker 0.11-r202: Extension to sphinx to create links to issue trackers dev-python/sphinxcontrib-programoutput 0.11-r201: Extension to sphinx to include program output dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling 4.3.0-r201: Sphinx spelling extension dev-python/sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.2-r201: Sphinx websupport extension dev-python/sphinxtogithub 1.1.0-r200: preparing the html output of Sphinx documentation for github pages dev-python/sqlalchemy 1.3.18-r200: Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper dev-python/sqlitecachec 1.1.4-r2: sqlite cacher for python applications dev-python/ssl-fetch 0.4-r200: A small convenience library for fetching files securely dev-python/stapler 0.4_p20160424-r202: Suite of tools for PDF files manipulation written in Python dev-python/statistics 3.4.0_beta3-r1: A Python 2.* port of 3.4 Statistics Module dev-python/statsmodels 0.10.2-r201: Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy dev-python/stestr 2.6.0-r201: A parallel Python test runner built around subunit dev-python/stevedore 1.32.0-r200: Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications dev-python/strict-rfc3339 0.7-r200: Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions dev-python/stripogram 1.5-r2: Strip-o-Gram HTML Conversion Library dev-python/stsci-distutils 0.3.8-r200: Utilities used to package some of STScI's Python projects dev-python/stsci-sphinxext 1.2.2-r201: Tools and templates to customize Sphinx for STScI projects dev-python/subprocess32 3.5.4-r1: A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x dev-python/subvertpy 0.10.1-r200: Alternative Python bindings for Subversion dev-python/suds-community 0.8.4-r201: Lightweight SOAP client dev-python/sunpy 0.9.10-r201: Software library for solar physics based on Python dev-python/sure 1.4.11-r200: idiomatic assertion toolkit with human-friendly failure messages dev-python/symengine 0.6.0-r201: Python wrappers to the symengine C++ library dev-python/sympy 1.5.1-r200: Computer Algebra System in pure Python dev-python/tables 3.4.4-r201: Hierarchical datasets for Python dev-python/tap-py 2.6.2-r201: Test Anything Protocol (TAP) tools dev-python/tblib 1.6.0-r200: Traceback fiddling library for Python dev-python/telarchive 1.8.3-r1: Script for automated searches of astronomical telescope archives dev-python/tempita 0.5.3-r201: A very small text templating language dev-python/terminado 0.8.3-r201: Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets dev-python/testpath 0.4.4-r200: Test utilities for code working with files and commands dev-python/testrepository 0.0.20-r201: A repository of test results dev-python/testresources 2.0.1-r200: A pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources dev-python/testscenarios 0.5.0-r200: A pyunit extension for dependency injection dev-python/testtools 2.4.0-r200: Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework dev-python/tgmochikit 1.4.2-r2: MochiKit packaged as TurboGears widgets dev-python/theano 1.0.4-r201: Define and optimize multi-dimensional arrays mathematical expressions dev-python/tldextract 2.2.2-r200: Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL. dev-python/toml 0.10.1-r200: Python library for handling TOML files dev-python/toolz 0.9.0-r200: List processing tools and functional utilities dev-python/tornado 4.5.3-r201 5.1.1-r201: Python web framework and asynchronous networking library dev-python/towncrier 21.3.0-r201: Building newsfiles for your project dev-python/tqdm 4.62.1-r200: Add a progress meter to your loops in a second dev-python/traceback2 1.4.0-r200: Backports of the traceback module dev-python/traitlets 4.3.3-r201: A configuration system for Python applications dev-python/ttfquery 1.0.5-r4: Font metadata and glyph outline extraction utility library dev-python/turbolift 2.1.3-r1: Openstack Swift sync/backup utility dev-python/twisted 20.3.0-r202: An asynchronous networking framework written in Python dev-python/txaio 2.9.0-r201: Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius dev-python/txtorcon 0.19.3-r200: Twisted-based Tor controller client, with state-tracking and config abstractions dev-python/typing Type Hints for Python dev-python/u-msgpack-python 2.7.0-r201: A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer dev-python/ujson 1.35-r200: Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python dev-python/unicodecsv 0.14.1-r200: Drop-in replacement for python stdlib csv module supporting unicode dev-python/unidecode 1.1.1-r200: Module providing ASCII transliterations of Unicode text dev-python/unittest2 1.1.0-r200: The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+ dev-python/uritemplate 3.0.1-r200: Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template dev-python/urllib3 1.25.10-r201: HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more dev-python/urwid 2.1.0-r200: Curses-based user interface library for Python dev-python/ushlex 0.99.1-r1: Replacement for shlex for Python 2.X dev-python/vatnumber 1.1-r201: Module to validate VAT numbers dev-python/versioneer 0.18-r200: Easy VCS-based management of project version strings dev-python/versiontools 1.9.1-r200: Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ dev-python/virtualenv 20.0.33-r202: Virtual Python Environment builder dev-python/virtualenv-tauthon 0.0.2-r1: external Virtualenv plugin that adds Tauthon support dev-python/voluptuous 0.12.0-r200: A Python data validation library. dev-python/waitress 1.4.4-r200: A pure-Python WSGI server dev-python/warlock 1.3.3-r200: Python object model built on JSON schema and JSON patch dev-python/wcsaxes 0.9-r3: Framework for plotting astronomical and geospatial data dev-python/wcwidth 0.2.5-r200: Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes dev-python/webcolors 1.11.1-r200: Color names and value formats defined by the HTML and CSS specifications dev-python/webencodings 0.5.1-r200: Character encoding aliases for legacy web content dev-python/weberror 0.13.1-r200: Web Error handling and exception catching dev-python/webhelpers 1.3-r200: Web Helpers dev-python/webob 1.8.6-r200: WSGI request and response object dev-python/webpy 0.38-r1: A small and simple web framework for Python dev-python/websocket-client 0.57.0-r200: WebSocket client for python with hybi13 support dev-python/webtest 2.0.35-r3: Helper to test WSGI applications dev-python/werkzeug 1.0.1-r200: Collection of various utilities for WSGI applications dev-python/wheel 0.35.1-r200: A built-package format for Python dev-python/whoosh 2.7.4-r200: Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search and spell checking library dev-python/widgetsnbextension 3.5.1-r4: IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter dev-python/workerpool 0.9.4: Module for distributing jobs to a pool of worker threads dev-python/wrapt 1.12.1-r201: Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching dev-python/wsaccel 0.6.3-r200: Accelerator for ws4py, autobahn and tornado dev-python/wstools 0.4.8-r200: WSDL parsing services package for Web Services for Python dev-python/wtforms 2.3.3-r200: Flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development dev-python/xarray 0.11.3-r5: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python dev-python/xcffib 0.10.1-r200: A drop in replacement for xpyb, an XCB python binding dev-python/xlrd 1.2.0-r200: Library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets dev-python/xlwt 1.3.0-r200: Python library to create spreadsheet files compatible with Excel dev-python/xmltodict 0.12.0-r200: Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON dev-python/yolk 0.4.3-r200: Tool and library for querying PyPI and locally installed Python packages dev-python/yolk-portage 0.1-r2: Gentoo Portage plugin for yolk dev-python/zbase32 1.1.5-r1: base32 encoder/decoder (not RFC 3548 compliant) dev-python/zfec 1.5.3-r1: Fast erasure codec for the command-line, C, Python, or Haskell dev-python/zict 0.1.4-r201: Mutable mapping tools dev-python/zipp 1.2.0-r200: Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files dev-python/zope-component 4.4.1-r201: Zope Component Architecture dev-python/zope-event 4.5.0-r201: Event publishing / dispatch, used by Zope Component Architecture dev-python/zope-interface 5.1.2-r201: Interfaces for Python dev-python/zope-testing 4.7-r201: Zope testing helpers dev-qt/designer 5.15.16: WYSIWYG tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces with QtWidgets dev-qt/linguist-tools 5.15.16: Tools for working with Qt translation data files dev-qt/qt5compat 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.9999 6.9.9999 6.9999: Qt module containing the unsupported Qt 5 APIs dev-qt/qtconcurrent 5.15.16: Multi-threading concurrence support library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtcore 5.15.16: Cross-platform application development framework dev-qt/qtdbus 5.15.16: Qt5 module for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol dev-qt/qtdeclarative 5.15.16: The QML and Quick modules for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects 5.15.16: Set of QML types for adding visual effects to user interfaces dev-qt/qtgui 5.15.16: The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qthelp 5.15.16: Qt5 module for integrating online documentation into applications dev-qt/qtimageformats 5.15.16: Additional format plugins for the Qt image I/O system dev-qt/qtlockedfile 2.4.1_p20171024: QFile extension with advisory locking functions dev-qt/qtmultimedia 5.15.16: Multimedia (audio, video, radio, camera) library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtnetwork 5.15.16: Network abstraction library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtnetworkauth 5.15.16: Network authorization library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtopengl 5.15.16: OpenGL support library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) dev-qt/qtpaths 5.15.16: Command line client to QStandardPaths dev-qt/qtpositioning 5.15.16: Physical position determination library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtprintsupport 5.15.16: Printing support library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtquickcontrols 5.15.16: Set of Qt Quick controls to create complete user interfaces (deprecated) dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2 5.15.16: Set of next generation Qt Quick controls for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtquicktimeline 5.15.16: Qt module for keyframe-based timeline construction dev-qt/qtscxml 5.15.16: State Chart XML (SCXML) support library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtserialport 5.15.16: Serial port abstraction library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtsingleapplication 2.6.1_p20171024: Qt library to start applications only once per user dev-qt/qtsql 5.15.16: SQL abstraction library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtsvg 5.15.16: SVG rendering library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qttest 5.15.16: Unit testing library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qttranslations 5.15.16: Translation files for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtwebchannel 5.15.16: Qt5 module for integrating C++ and QML applications with HTML/JavaScript clients dev-qt/qtwebengine 5.15.16_p20241115: Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt5 C++ and QML applications dev-qt/qtwebkit 5.212.0_pre20240528-r1: WebKit rendering library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) dev-qt/qtwebview 5.15.16: Module for displaying web content in a QML application using the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtwidgets 5.15.16: Set of components for creating classic desktop-style UIs for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtx11extras 5.15.16: Linux/X11-specific support library for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtxml 5.15.16: Implementation of SAX and DOM for the Qt5 framework dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns 5.15.16: XPath, XQuery, XSLT, and XML Schema validation library for the Qt5 framework dev-util/gotags 1.4.1-r1: ctags-compatible tag generator for Go dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit 12.6.1-r100 12.8.0-r100: NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit (compiler and friends) dev-util/tla-toolbox-bin 1.8.0-r1: IDE for TLA+ dev-vcs/bzr 2.7.1_pre-r4: Bazaar is a next generation distributed version control system dev-vcs/hg-fast-export 231118-r1: mercurial to git converter using git-fast-import games-emulation/dbgl-bin 0.97: DOSBox Game Launcher games-emulation/rpcs3 0.0.29-r3 9999-r13: PlayStation 3 emulator games-fps/gzdoom 4.14.0: A modder-friendly OpenGL source port based on the DOOM engine games-misc/bsd-games 2.17_p28-r2: Collection of games from NetBSD games-sports/trigger Free OpenGL rally car racing game games-strategy/0ad 0.0.26_alpha-r3 0.27.0-r100: A free, real-time strategy game games-util/mangohud 0.8.0-r1: Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, sensors, system load and more games-util/new-lg4ff 0.4.1 9999-r1: Experimental Logitech force feedback module games-util/opentrack 2024.1.1-r3: Head tracking software for MS Windows, Linux, and Apple OSX games-util/oversteer 0.8.3 9999-r1: Steering Wheel Manager for Linux games-util/qzdl 3.1.1: Qt version of BioHazard's ZDoom Launcher (ZDL) gnome-base/libgnome-keyring 3.12.0-r5: Compatibility library for accessing secrets media-fonts/breeze-sans 20170821-r3: a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Dalton Maag for Samsung media-fonts/ipamonafont 1.0.8-r1: Hacked version of IPA fonts, which is suitable for browsing 2ch media-gfx/GTS 2.5.1: scanning tool developed by Studio Ghibli media-gfx/ansel 4.0.0_pre20241219 9999-r4: Darktable 4.0 fork media-gfx/displaycal Display calibration and characterization powered by Argyll CMS media-gfx/fbcat 0.5.2: utility that takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device media-gfx/gifsicle 9999-r2: Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations media-gfx/gmic 3.5.0-r100: GREYC's Magic Image Converter media-gfx/opencomic-bin 1.4.1: Comic and Manga reader, written with Node.js and using Electron media-gfx/zart 3.2.2_p20231127: G'MIC GUI for video streams media-libs/chromaprint 1.5.1-r4: Library implementing a custom algorithm for extracting audio fingerprints media-libs/cimg 3.5.0-r100: C++ template image processing toolkit media-libs/hydrogen-drumkits 1.2.3-r1: free drumkits for hydrogen media-libs/jasper 2.0.33-r1 3.0.6-r1 4.2.4 9999-r3: Implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard media-libs/libavif 1.2.0: Library for encoding and decoding .avif files media-libs/libheif 1.19.5-r2: ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder media-libs/libmysofa 1.3.3: Reader for AES SOFA files to get better HRTFs media-libs/libspatialaudio 0.3.0-r3: Ambisonic encoding / decoding and binauralization library in C++ media-libs/nv-codec-headers FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs media-libs/portaudio 19.07.00-r4: A free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library media-libs/pyliblo 0.10.0: A Python wrapper for the liblo OSC library media-libs/svt-av1 1.8.0-r105 2.3.0-r100 3.0.0-r101: Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder) media-libs/zmusic 1.1.14: GZDoom's music system as a standalone library media-plugins/deadbeef-bs2b 9999-r1: bs2b DSP plugin for DeaDBeeF, using libbs2b. media-plugins/deadbeef-jack 9999-r3: JACK output plugin for DeaDBeeF. media-plugins/eq10q 2.2-r1: Audio plugin bundle over the LV2 standard for Linux media-plugins/refocus-it 2.0.0-r2: Refocus-It plugin for The Gimp media-radio/fmreceiver 3.16: SDR-J FM receiver for RTL2832-based USB sticks media-radio/guglielmo 0.6-r1: Qt based FM / Dab tuner media-radio/swreceiver 0.8: SDR-J SW receiver for RTL2832-based USB sticks media-sound/audacity 3.5.1 3.7.1: Free crossplatform audio editor media-sound/carla 2.5.4-r1 9999-r1: Fully-featured audio plugin host, supports many audio drivers and plugin formats media-sound/dcue 1.5: generate CUE sheets from Discogs data media-sound/fmit 1.2.14: Free Music Instrument Tuner media-sound/gwc 0.22.6: Gtk (formerly Gnome) Wave Cleaner media-sound/hydrogen 1.2.4: Advanced drum machine media-sound/keyfinder-cli 1.1.1: Musical key detection software (libkeyfinder CLI) media-sound/kid3 3.9.6: Simple tag editor based on Qt media-sound/lmms 1.2.2-r100 9999-r2: Cross-platform music production software media-sound/setbfree 0.8.11-r2 99999999-r3: MIDI controlled DSP tonewheel organ media-sound/tg 0.5.0-r2 9999-r2: a program for timing mechanical watches media-sound/yabridge-bin 5.1.1: A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2, VST3 and CLAP plugins on Linux media-tv/dvb-firmware 1.4.0 9999-r3: DVB firmware from the LibreELEC project media-tv/w_scan2 1.0.16 9999-r3: Scan for DVB-C/DVB-T/DVB-S channels (w_scan fork) media-video/aegisub 3.4.2: Advanced subtitle editor media-video/ffmpeg 4.4.5-r3: Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec media-video/ffmpeg-slotted 7.1-r3: slotted FFmpeg media-video/mlvapp 1.14-r1 9999-r1: Magic Lantern Video (MLV) processing suite media-video/mpv 0.38.0-r1: Media player for the command line media-video/smplayer 24.5.0: Great Qt GUI front-end for mplayer/mpv media-video/subliminal 2.2.1 9999-r11: Python library to search and download subtitles media-video/vobsub2srt 1.0_pre20171219-r2: Converts VobSub subtitles (.sub/.idx) to .srt text subtitles using tesseract net-analyzer/namebench 1.3.1-r5: DNS Benchmark Utility net-fs/tahoe-lafs 1.13.0-r1: Secure, decentralized, data store net-im/telegram-desktop 5.11.1-r1: Official desktop client for Telegram net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19-r1: C++ BitTorrent implementation focusing on efficiency and scalability net-libs/libutp 20180515-r1: uTorrent Transport Protocol library net-libs/liquid-dsp 1.7.0-r100 9999-r5: digital signal processing library for software-defined radios net-misc/magic-wormhole 0.11.2-r201: Securely and simply transfer data between computers net-misc/magic-wormhole-mailbox-server 0.4.1-r200: Rendezvous / mailbox server for Magic-Wormhole net-misc/magic-wormhole-transit-relay 0.2.1-r200: Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole net-misc/pycnb 0.0.4-r200: Access daily rates with the comfort of your command line net-misc/ssvnc 1.0.29-r4: VNC viewer that adds encryption security to VNC connections net-misc/streamtuner2 2.2.2-r2: Internet radio browser net-p2p/go-ethereum 1.15.3: Official golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol net-p2p/nicotine+ 3.3.8 9999-r1: A fork of nicotine, a Soulseek client in Python net-p2p/nimbus-eth2 25.2.0 9999-r19: Nim implementation of the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain net-p2p/pybitmessage Reference client for Bitmessage: a P2P communications protocol net-p2p/retroshare 0.6.7-r1: Decentralized, private and secure communication and sharing platform net-p2p/transmission-og 3.06 9999-r2: Transmission 3.00 fork (BitTorrent client) net-p2p/transmission-remote-gtk 1.6.0_p20230618: GTK+ client for management of the Transmission BitTorrent client, over HTTP RPC net-print/pkpgcounter 3.50-r200: Generic PDL (Page Description Language) parser in Python net-print/pykota 1.26-r200: Flexible print quota and accounting package for use with CUPS and lpd net-wireless/cubicsdr 0.2.7-r3: Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Application net-wireless/dump1090 7.2: simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices net-wireless/sdrpp 1.1.0_pre20230907: a cross-platform SDR software with the aim of being bloat free and simple to use net-wireless/soapyairspyhf 0.2.0: SoapySDR Airspyhf-SDR Support Module net-wireless/soapysdr 0.8.1-r2: vendor and platform neutral SDR support library sci-astronomy/astrometry 0.78-r3: Automated astrometric calibration programs and service sci-astronomy/calcmysky 0.3.3: Simulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheres sci-astronomy/casa-data 20241126: Data and tables for the CASA software sci-astronomy/casacore 3.4.0-r2: Core libraries for the Common Astronomy Software Applications sci-astronomy/healpix 3.31-r3: Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere sci-astronomy/kapteyn 2.3.1-r201: Collection of python tools for astronomy sci-astronomy/montage 5.0-r1: Toolkit for assembling FITS images into mosaics sci-geosciences/mkgmap-bin 4918: Tool to create garmin maps sci-geosciences/qgis 3.42.0-r1: User friendly Geographic Information System sci-geosciences/splitter-bin 653: Tile splitter for mkgmap sci-libs/caffe2 2.6.0-r100: A deep learning framework sci-libs/cfitsio 3.410-r1: C and Fortran library for manipulating FITS files sci-libs/cholmod 3.0.14-r1: Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library sci-libs/gdal 3.0.4-r204: Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support) sci-libs/onnxruntime 1.20.2: Cross-platform inference and training machine-learning accelerator. sci-libs/pytorch 2.6.0-r100: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python sci-libs/torchvision 0.21.0: Datasets, transforms and models to specific to computer vision sci-mathematics/xmds 2.2.3-r4: XMDS - The eXtensible Multi-Dimensional Simulator sci-misc/openfst 1.8.2: Finite State Transducer tools by Google et al sci-misc/opengrm-ngram 1.3.14: n-gram language models encoded as weighted finite-state transducers sys-apps/cpuid 20241023-r1: Linux tool to dump x86 CPUID information about the CPUs sys-apps/memtest86-bin 11.2.2000: Stand alone memory testing software for x86 EFI hardware sys-auth/polkit-qt 0.200.0: Qt wrapper around polkit-1 client libraries sys-cluster/heartbeat 3.0.6-r2: Heartbeat high availability cluster manager sys-cluster/openmpi 5.0.6-r1: A high-performance message passing library (MPI) sys-devel/bison 2.7.1-r3: A general-purpose (yacc-compatible) parser generator sys-devel/flamegraph 1.0-r2: stack trace visualizer sys-devel/pyflame 1.6.6-r2: a ptracing profiler for Python sys-kernel/zenpower3 0.2.0-r2: Linux kernel driver for reading sensors of AMD Zen family CPUs sys-kernel/zenstats 0.1.0: kernel driver for AMD Zen sensors (zenpower3 fork) virtual/python-cffi 1-r3: A virtual for the Python cffi package virtual/python-enum34 2-r3: A virtual for Python enum34 module virtual/python-funcsigs 2-r4: A Virtual for Python function signatures from PEP362 (py3.6 variant) virtual/python-futures 1-r1: A virtual for the Python concurrent.futures module virtual/python-greenlet 1.0-r6: A virtual for Python greenlet module virtual/python-ipaddress 1.0-r3: A virtual for Python ipaddress module virtual/python-pathlib 1.0-r2: A virtual for Python pathlib module virtual/python-typing 0-r4: A virtual for the Python typing module www-misc/kiwix-desktop 2.3.1-r3: cross-platform viewer/manager for ZIM archives www-misc/kiwix-lib 12.1.0-r2: Kiwix software suite core: code shared by all Kiwix ports www-misc/kiwix-tools 3.5.0-r1: collection of Kiwix related command line tools www-servers/uwsgi 2.0.28-r200: uWSGI server for Python web applications x11-libs/dotherside 0.9.0_p20221109-r1: C language library for creating bindings for the Qt QML language x11-libs/pangox-compat 0.0.2-r4: PangoX compatibility library x11-libs/wxGTK 3.2.6-r300: GTK+ version of wxWidgets, a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit x11-misc/magick-rotation 1.6.2-r5: Application that rotates tablet pc's screen automatically, based on orientation x11-misc/obmenu2 1.1-r1: Openbox menu editor x11-misc/qt5ct 1.8 1.9: Qt5 configuration tool, similar to qtconfig for Qt4 x11-misc/slim 1.4.1-r1: Simple Login Manager resurrected x11-themes/adwaita-qt 1.4.2 1.4.2-r1: A style to bend Qt applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell x11-themes/chameleon-xcursors 0.5-r3: Style neutral scalable cursor theme x11-themes/numix-solarized 9999-r2: solarized version of Numix