# Copyright 2020-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 ETYPE="sources" K_USEPV="yes" UNIPATCH_STRICTORDER="yes" K_SECURITY_UNSUPPORTED="1" GIT_COMMIT="6.12-22" CKV="$(ver_cut 1-2)" inherit kernel-2 #detect_version K_NOSETEXTRAVERSION="don't_set_it" DESCRIPTION="The Liquorix Kernel Sources v6.x" HOMEPAGE="https://liquorix.net/" LIQUORIX_VERSION="${GIT_COMMIT/_p[0-9]*}" LIQUORIX_FILE="${P}.tar.gz" LIQUORIX_URI="https://github.com/damentz/liquorix-package/archive/${LIQUORIX_VERSION}.tar.gz -> ${LIQUORIX_FILE}" SRC_URI="${KERNEL_URI} ${LIQUORIX_URI}"; KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86" KV_FULL="${PVR/_p/-pf}" S="${WORKDIR}"/linux-"${KV_FULL}" pkg_setup(){ ewarn ewarn "${PN} is *not* supported by the Gentoo Kernel Project in any way." ewarn "If you need support, please contact the Liquorix developers directly." ewarn "Do *not* open bugs in Gentoo's bugzilla unless you have issues with" ewarn "the ebuilds. Thank you." ewarn kernel-2_pkg_setup } src_unpack() { unpack "${LIQUORIX_FILE}" kernel-2_src_unpack } src_prepare(){ # Taken from # linux-lqx AUR package local lqx_patches="${WORKDIR}/liquorix-package-${GIT_COMMIT}/linux-liquorix/debian/patches" grep -P '^(zen|lqx)/' "${lqx_patches}/series" | while IFS= read -r line do einfo "Patching sources with $line" eapply "${lqx_patches}/${line}" done # Adds config options for OpenRC/Systemd eapply "${FILESDIR}"/4567_distro-Gentoo-Kconfig.patch eapply_user } K_EXTRAEINFO="For more info on liquorix-sources and details on how to report problems, see: \ ${HOMEPAGE}."