ebuild_hook() { if ehook_use libreoffice_theme; then ## Add Human icon theme. mv "${WORKDIR}"/human icon-themes ## Add custom icons. cp "${EHOOK_FILESDIR}"/custom-icons/savemodified_{large,small}.png icon-themes/human/res ## Add Tango icon theme. mv "${WORKDIR}"/tango icon-themes ## Configure with Human icon theme. sed -i \ -e "/with_theme=/{s/\(elementary\)/\1 human tango/}" \ -e "/|sukapura_svg)/{s/\(elementary\)/\1|human|tango/}" \ configure.ac || die ## Make Human icon theme the default. sed -i \ -e "/r = /{s/elementary/human/}" \ vcl/source/app/IconThemeSelector.cxx || die ## Use Tango icon theme as the fallback for Human icon theme. sed -i \ -e "s/\(sResult = \"\";\)/\1\nelse if (rsStyle == \"human\")\nsResult = \"tango\";/" \ vcl/source/image/ImplImageTree.cxx || die fi ## end of ehook_use libreoffice_theme }