# Changelog I will keep all updates here listed and up to date; ## 2024/1/17 - Meson adjustments + minor fixes Basically since meson was moved in mainline gentoo and me founding out it is not even needed to list it all entries are removed. This will also fix issue #18. ### Added - md5-cache metadata added ### Fixed - budgie-* - all budgie ebuilds have all their build dependency of dev-util/meson removed (which is also now dev-build/meson in mainline gentoo). - budgie-extras-applets useflag descriptions - fixed a wrong entry. - budgie-screensaver-5.1.0 - no longer has an missing license entry. - (late fix 2024/1/20) appstream - fix vala enabled by default for the new appstream versions ## 2024/1/11 - Appstream streamlined Appstream updated to match mainline gentoo with added vala support ### Added - appstream - New versions of 0.16.4 and 1.0.1 added with vala support to mirror gentoo mainline ## 2023/12/20 - HAPPY HOLIDAYS! A small update. basically 10.8.2 is now stable. Which means there are no unstable release at this point in time. My gift to you all. All the latest updates stable. There hasn't been a new release for a while yet anyway so it is perfect timing if you ask me. There is however a small update for budgie-extras due to security reasons. Hence why this latest version was made stable from the get-go. ### Added - budgie-extras-1.7.1 - new release, security update only, also added as stable ### Changed - budgie-meta-10.8.2 - now stable - budgie-desktop-10.8.2 - now stable - budgie-desktop-view-1.3 - now stable ### Removed - budgie-meta-10.8 - outdated - budgie-desktop-10.8 - outdated - budgie-desktop-view-1.2.1 - outdated ## 2023/10/22 - 10.8.2 minor update A new day, a new release, nothing much just minor updates really. ### Added - budgie-meta-10.8.2 - new release - budgie-desktop-10.8.2 - new release - budgie-desktop-view-1.3 - new release ### Changed - budgie-control-center-1.3.0 - now stable - budgie-backgrounds-2.0 - now stable - budgie-extras-1.7.0 - now stable - magpie-0.9.3 - now stable - budgie-meta-1.8 - now stable - budgie-desktop-10.8 - now stable - README.md - imigrating to budgie-meta is now removed, everyone should be using budgie-meta by now. ### Removed - budgie-desktop-10.7.2 - outdated - budgie-control-center-1.2.0 - outdated - budgie-backgrounds-1.0 - outdated - budgie-extras-1.6.0 - oudated - budgie-meta-1.7.2 - outdated ## 2023/9/23 - Roundup fixes The fix was actually working. Documentation has been adjusted. As well some other minor things that was found after some testing. ### Changed - README.md - Heavily revised contents, many changes and additions - CHANGELOG.md - Edited previous entry - budgie-desktop - no longer has clutter and cogl as dependencies, bluetooth dep no longer included if bluetooth useflag is disabled - appstream - vala made mandatory enabled - budgie-extras-9999 - fixed trash and all applet build options and restrictions ### Hotfixes from 2023/9/22 - gnome-bluetooth - fixed missing patch and wrong manifest file - magpie - added missing metadata.xml file ## 2023/9/22 - 10.8 Has Arrived! Now excuse me while I try to fix my bluetooth >.> 10.8 Is released and live. All new ebuilds are added as unstable as usual. On an interesting note; Budgie-desktop has forked Mutter 43 and named it Magpie. Like the Raven component of Budgie-Desktop and Budgie itself this is another name of a bird. I really like it that they keep going with the bird names :) The meanings of each bird; - Budgie is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot. As a Spirit Animal it teaches lessons of simple beauty and resources you sometimes overlook. Quite fittig for what they aim budgie desktop to be. - Raven is a well, a common raven. But it symbolizes ancient wisdom, intelligence and transformation. And Raven is their notification system. - Magpie is an eastern bird that symbolized good luck and fortune. Its a common bird in chinese paintings. The Romans, for example, believed that the magpie was highly intelligent with excellent reasoning abilities. Magpie is the system behind all the windows, everything you see is driven by Magpie. ### Added - budgie-meta-10.8 - new release - budgie-desktop-10.8 - new release - magpie-0.9.3 - new package - budgie-control-center-1.3.0 - new release - budgie-backgrounds-2.0 - new release - budgie-extas-1.7.0 - new release - gnome-bluetooth-3-34-5 - copied from mainline prior to removal on October 1st ### Changed - svgwrite-1.4.3 - Now in line with mainline gentoo changes - README.md - changed/added/removed contents - TODO.md - removed some content (unlikely category) ## 2023/8/21 - 10.7.2 Stable In preparation for 10.8 and other updates and releases 10.7.2 is made stable. 10.8 will take a bit of time as some major changes were made (no longer using mutter e.g.) ### Changed - budgie-desktop-10.7.2 - now stable - budgie-meta-10.7.2 - now stable ### Removed - budgie-desktop-10.7.1 - outdated - budgie-meta-10.7.1 - oudated ## 2023/6/25 - Dependency fixes ### Fixed - budgie-screensaver - added the missing dependency gnome-base/libgnomekbd-3 - budgie-extras - fixed the version requirement of net-libs/libsoup to the new 2.4 slot - budgie-haste-applet - fixed the version requirement of net-libs/libsoup to the new 2.4 slot - budgie-screenshot-applet - fixed the version requirement of net-libs/libsoup to the new 2.4 slot ## 2023/5/19 - Budgie 10.7.2 and Stabilizations ### Added - budgie-meta-10.7.2 - new meta release - budgie-desktop-10.7.2 - new release ### Changed - budgie-meta-10.7.1 - now stable - budgie-desktop-10.7.1 - now stable - budgie-extras-1.6.0 - now stable - budgie-extras-9999 - now makes use of new useflags - budgie-analogue-clock-applet-2.0 - now stable - README.md - minor content fix ### Removed - budgie-meta-10.7 - outdated - budgie-desktop-10.7 - outdated - budgie-analogue-clock-applet-1.3.0 - outdated - budgie-extras-1.5.0 - outdated ## 2023/4/8 - Budgie 10.7.1 and Budgie-Extras 1.6.0 with separate applets feature! ### Added - budgie-meta-10.7.1 - new meta release - budgie-desktop-10.7.1 - new release - budgie-extras-1.6.0 - new release - budgie-analogue-clock-applet-2.0 - new release - budgie-extras-1.6.0:BUDGIE_EXTRAS_APPLETS - new feature that allows you to pick and choose the applets you want without having install everything. See README.md for more details ### Changed - budgie-meta-10.7 - now stable - budgie-desktop-10.7 - now stable - budgie-control-center-1.2.0 - now stable - budgie-desktop-view-1.2.1 - now stable - budgie-backgrounds-1.0 - now stable - budgie-screensaver-5.1.0 - now stable - README.md - changed/added contents - TODO.md - changed contents ### Removed - budgie-meta-10.6.4 - outdated - budgie-desktop-10.6.4 - outdated - budgie-control-center - version 1.1.1 outdated and cleaned up the patches in the files/ directory that are no longer relevant - budgie-desktop-view-1.2 - outdated - budgie-backgrounds-0.1 - outdated - budgie-screensaver-5.0.2 - outdated ## 2023/2/8 - Budgie 10.7 has flown in! ### Added - budgie-meta-10.7 - new meta release - budgie-desktop-10.7 - new release - budgie-control-center-1.2.0 - new release - budgie-desktop-view-1.2.1 - new release - budgie-screensaver-5.1.0 - new release - budgie-backgrounds-1.0 - new release - budgie-analogue-clock-applet-1.3 - new release - budgie-calendar-applet-5.3 - new update - appstream-0.15.6 - new release in mainline, now updated with vala support like older versions - all - packages that had no metadata.xml now have a metadata.xml ### Changed - All ebuilds that were using using EAPI 7 now use EAPI 8. - ~arm and ~arm64 useflags added to all ebuilds that didn't have them. - budgie-desktop-10.6.4 - now stable - budgie-desktop-view-1.2 - now stable - budgie-brightness-control-applet-0.3 - now stable - budgie-meta-10.6.4 - now stable and has the minimal useflag in preparation for the modular 10.7 upgrade. - budgie-backgrounds-0.1 - now stable - budgie-control-center-1.1.1 - now stable - budgie-clipboard-applet-1.1.0 - now stable - budgie-extras-1.5.0 - now stable - budgie-haste-applet-0.3.0 - now stable - budgie-pixel-saver-applet-4.0.0 - now stable - budgie-screenshot-applet-0.4.3 - now stable - budgie-systemmonitor-applet-0.2.1 - now stable - all 9990 ebuilds - checked and made up to date where needed. - README.md - new contents - TODO.md - small update on budgie-extras and budgie-control-center. 9999 removed as it is fixed now.. ### Fixed - budgie-control-center - versions 1.1.1 and 1.2.0 now have proper python reliance as well. - all ebuilds had a thorough cleanup and some minor fixes where needed. No more need for separate downloads of subprojects etc. ### Removed - hid-asus-rog - no longer needed since it is in the kernel already for a long time. - appstream - versions 0.14.6 and 0.15.5 due to no longer present in mainline - budgie-analogue-clock-applet - versions 1.1 and 9999 are outdated - budgie-brightness-control-applet-0.2.1 - outdated - budgie-calendar-applet-5.2 - outdated - budgie-control-center - versions 1.0.2 and 1.1.0 are outdated - budgie-desktop-view-1.1.1 - outdated - budgie-desktop - versions 10.5.3-r2 and 10.6.1 are outdated - budgie-extras - versions 1.3.0-r1, 1.4.0-r1 and 1.4.0.r2 are outdated - budgie-meta-10.6.1-r1 - outdated - budgie-screensaver-4.0 - outdated ## 2022/11/22 ### Changed - budgie-backgrounds - fixed missing dependency ## 2022/09/29 ### Added: - budgie-backgrounds-0.1 - a new project proving basic backgrounds for the budgie-desktop - budgie-control-center-1.1.1 - minor update from 1.1.0, libhandy now added as dependency - appstream-0.15.5 - reflect mainline appstream update with vala added - CHANGELOG.md - split off the readme changes section into its own file - x11-misc/xprintidle - another takeover from mainline due to needing this stable, but it is not updated since 2018 as still unstable in mainline o.O - dev-python/svgwrite - yet another takeover from mainline due to needing this stable, but upstream commpletely inactive and still unstable in mainline o.O - budgie-extras-1.5.0 - Update, also went through every single dependency on the list for every module separately, there was quite a lot of extra runtime dependencies. I am surprised no one mentioned these to me at all o.O (I knew of 1, but did not expect 14 of em o.O) Now with new useflag networkmanager. - budgie-meta-10.6.4 - New meta now including the new budgie-backgrounds as well. Meant for unstable keywords only for now - TODO.md - split off from the readme todo's section into its own file ### Changed - README.md - changes and todo's were taken out, contents updated. - budgie-meta-10.6.1-r1 - now allowing unstable new version of budgie-extras-1.5.0 - budgie-extras-1.4.0-r2 - now has networkmanager optional and deps fixed - budgie-control-center-1.1.0 - now has libhandy as requirement ## 2022/09/01 Big update, several version updates and several stabilizations. Also some old or redundants ebuilds removed. Meta had its components versions locked till new meta is out. ## 2022/06/13 ### Added - budgie-screensaver-5.0.2 - budgie-control-center-1.0.2 ### Changed - readme with latest changes on my todo list. ## 2022/04/09 ### Added - budgie-desktop-10.6.1 - budgie-screensaver-5.0.1 - budgie-meta-10.6.1 - budgie-control-center-1.0.1 ### Changed - Appstream updated with new ~ppc keyword. ## 2022/04/06 ### Changed - budgie-desktop-10.5.3-r2 - made stable - budgie-desktop-view-1.1.1 - made stable - Readme updated to clarify some stuff regarding keywords. ## 2022/03/15 ### Added - budgoe-desktop-10.6 - budgie-screensaver-5.0 - budgie-extras-1.4.0 - budgie-desktop-view-1.2 ### Removed - budgie-extras-1.2.0 has been removed. ## 2022/01/17 ### Added - budgie-desktop-10.5.3-r1 - with mutter 9 support for those running unstable gnome41.3+ version. ### Changed - Budgie-extras-1.3.0 - made stable ### Removed - Old version of budgie-desktop ## 2021/12/15 Budgie-extras will be set to stable later mid january if nothing changes. At the same time budgie-desktop version 10.5.2 will be removed as it has become obsolete. ### Changed - Budgie-desktop and budgie-screensaver been made stable due to not getting any reports. ## Notes: **: Unstable/stable refers to keywords in regards to e.g. x86/amd64 vs ~x86/~amd64 !