# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # @ECLASS: golang-single.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # Mauro Toffanin # @AUTHOR: # Mauro Toffanin # @BLURB: An eclass for GoLang packages not installed inside GOPATH/GOBIN. # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass allows to install arbitrary packages written in GoLang which # don't support being installed inside the Go environment. # This mostly includes traditional packages (C/C++/GUI) embedding tools written # in GoLang, and GoLang packages that need to be compiled with GCC instead of # the standard Go interpreter. # # @EXAMPLE: # Typical ebuild using golang-single.eclass: # # @CODE # EAPI=5 # # GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH="github.com/captObvious" # GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX=".zip" # GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST # inherit golang-single qt4-r2 # # DESCRIPTION="Foo bar application" # HOMEPAGE="http://example.org/foo/" # # LICENSE="MIT" # KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" # SLOT="0" # IUSE="debug doc qt4" # # CDEPEND=" # qt4? ( # dev-qt/qtcore:4 # dev-qt/qtgui:4 # )" # RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} # !media-gfx/bar" # DEPEND="${CDEPEND} # doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )" # # DOCS=(AUTHORS ChangeLog README "Read me.txt" TODO) # # PATCHES=( # "${FILESDIR}/${P}-qt4.patch" # bug 123458 # "${FILESDIR}/${P}-as-needed.patch" # ) # # src_install() { # use doc && HTML_DOCS=("${BUILD_DIR}/apidocs/html/") # autotools-utils_src_install # if use examples; then # dobin "${BUILD_DIR}"/foo_example{1,2,3} \\ # || die 'dobin examples failed' # fi # } # # @CODE inherit base multiprocessing RESTRICT+=" mirror " QA_FLAGS_IGNORED="usr/bin/.* usr/sbin/.*" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_prepare src_unpack src_configure src_compile src_install src_test # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_NAME # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the GoLang name for the generated package. # GOLANG_PKG_NAME="${PN}" GOLANG_PKG_NAME="${GOLANG_PKG_NAME:-${PN}}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_VERSION # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the GoLang version for the generated package. # GOLANG_PKG_VERSION="${PV}" GOLANG_PKG_VERSION="${GOLANG_PKG_VERSION:-${PV/_pre/.pre}}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the remote import path for the generated package. # GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH="github.com/captObvious/" GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH="${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets an alias of the remote import path for the generated package. # GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS="privaterepo.com/captObvious/" GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS="${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS:="${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH}"}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVEPREFIX # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the archive prefix for the file URI of the package. # Most projects hosted on GitHub's mirrors provide archives with prefix as # 'v' or 'source-', other hosted services offer different archive formats. # This eclass defaults to an empty prefix. GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVEPREFIX="${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVEPREFIX:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the archive suffix for the file URI of the package. # Most projects hosted on GitHub's mirrors provide archives with suffix as # '.tar.gz' or '.zip', other hosted services offer different archive formats. # This eclass defaults to '.tar.gz'. GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX="${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX:=".tar.gz"}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_OUTPUT_NAME # @DESCRIPTION: # Specifies the output file name of the package. # If not set, it derives from the name of the package, such as $GOLANG_PKG_NAME. # This eclass defaults to $PN. GOLANG_PKG_OUTPUT_NAME="${GOLANG_PKG_OUTPUT_NAME:="${PN}"}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH # @DESCRIPTION: # Specifies a go source file to be compiled as a single main package. # This eclass defaults to an empty value. # This eclass defaults to "/..." when the user declares GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1 GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH="${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the root path into which a binary, or a list of binaries, will be # installed (e.x.: ${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH}/bin). # This eclass defaults to "/usr" GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH="${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH:="/usr"}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory. # This eclass defaults to an empty install suffix. GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX="${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to enable the building of multiple packages from a single import path. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to enable the execution of automated testing. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST_RACE # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to enable the execution of automated testing with support for # data race detection. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to enable the compilation of the package with CGO. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_USE_GENERATE # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to run commands described by directives within existing golang files. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_DEPEND_ON_GO_SUBSLOT # @DESCRIPTION: # Set to ensure the package does depend on the dev-lang/go subslot value. # Possible values: {yes,no} # This eclass defaults to "no" GOLANG_PKG_DEPEND_ON_GO_SUBSLOT=${GOLANG_PKG_DEPEND_ON_GO_SUBSLOT:="no"} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the linker arguments to pass to 5l, 6l, or 8l. # This eclass defaults to an empty list. GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS="${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_TAGS # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the list of build tags during the build. # This eclass defaults to an empty list. GOLANG_PKG_TAGS="${GOLANG_PKG_TAGS:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets additional standard Go workspaces to be appended to the environment # variable GOPATH, as described in http://golang.org/doc/code.html. # This eclass defaults to an empty list. GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR="${GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GOLANG_PKG_STATIK # @DESCRIPTION: # Sets the arguments to pass to dev-go/statik. # This eclass defaults to an empty list. GOLANG_PKG_STATIK="${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK:-}" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: GO # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # The absolute path to the current GoLang interpreter. # # This variable is set automatically after calling golang_setup(). # # Default value: # @CODE # /usr/bin/go # @CODE # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: EGO # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # The executable name of the current GoLang interpreter. # # This variable is set automatically after calling golang_setup(). # # Default value: # @CODE # go # @CODE # @FUNCTION: create_sourcedir # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Prepares the source path declared by S. _create_sourcedir() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" mkdir -p "${S%/*}" || die } # @FUNCTION: _factorize_dependency_entities # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Factorizes the dependency declaration in specific tokens such as the import # path, the import path alias, the host name, the author name, the project name, # and the revision tag. _factorize_dependency_entities() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" local -A dependency=() local key_list=(importpathalias importpath host project_name author_name revision) # Strips all the white spaces from the supplied argument. local raw_dependency="${1//\ /}" # Determines the alias of the import path (if present). dependency[importpathalias]="${raw_dependency##*->}" # Strips the import path alias from the supplied argument. raw_dependency="${raw_dependency%%->*}" # Determines the import path. dependency[importpath]="${raw_dependency%:*}" # When the importpath alias is not specified, then this eclass sets the # alias as equal to the import path minus the project name. if [[ "${raw_dependency}" == "${dependency[importpathalias]}" ]]; then dependency[importpathalias]="${dependency[importpath]%/*}" fi # Determines the host. dependency[host]="${dependency[importpath]%%/*}" # Determines the project name. dependency[project_name]="${dependency[importpath]##*/}" # Determines the author name. dependency[author_name]="${dependency[importpath]#*/}" dependency[author_name]="${dependency[author_name]%/*}" # Determines the revision. dependency[revision]="${raw_dependency#*:}" # Exports all the dependency tokens as an associated list. for key in ${key_list[@]}; do echo "${key} ${dependency[${key}]}" done } # Silences repoman warnings. case "${EAPI:-0}" in 5) case "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPEND_ON_GO_SUBSLOT:-yes}" in yes) GO_DEPEND="dev-lang/go:0=" ;; *) GO_DEPEND="dev-lang/go:*" ;; esac ;; *) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported by golang-single.eclass" ;; esac DEPEND+=" ${GO_DEPEND}" # Adds gccgo as a compile-time dependency when GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO is set. [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO} ]] && DEPEND+=" >=sys-devel/gcc-4.8.4[go]" # Adds dev-go/statik as a compile-time dependency when GOLANG_PKG_STATIK is set. [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && DEPEND+=" dev-go/statik" # Validates GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH. if [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH} ]]; then eerror "The remote import path for this package has not been declared" die "Mandatory variable GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH is unset" fi # Forces a multiple package build when user specifies GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} && -z ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} ]]; then GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH="/..." fi # Validates use of GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH combined with GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE # FIX: makes sure user isn't overriding GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH with inane values. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." ]]; then ewarn "Ebuild ${CATEGORY}/${PF} specifies GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE=1," ewarn "but then GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH is overridden with \"${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}\"." ewarn "Please, fix it by appending \"/...\" to your GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH." ewarn "If in doubt, remove GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH entirely." fi # Even though xz-utils are in @system, they must still be added to DEPEND; see # http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_a0d4833eb314d1be5d5802a3b710e0a4.xml if [[ ${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX/.*} == "xz" ]]; then DEPEND+=" app-arch/xz-utils" fi # Enables USE 'test' when required by GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST} ]]; then IUSE+=" test" fi # This eclass uses GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH to populate SRC_URI. SRC_URI="https://${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}/archive/${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVEPREFIX}${GOLANG_PKG_VERSION}${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX} -> ${P}${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX}" # This eclass uses GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH associative array to populate SRC_URI # with the required snapshots of the supplied GoLang dependencies. if [[ ${#GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then for i in ${!GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} ; do # Collects all the tokens of the dependency. local -A DEPENDENCY=() while read -d $'\n' key value; do [[ -z ${key} ]] && continue DEPENDENCY[$key]="${value}" done <<-EOF $( _factorize_dependency_entities "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" ) EOF # Debug debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: DEPENDENCY = ${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpath = ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: revision = ${DEPENDENCY[revision]}" # Downloads the archive. case ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]} in github*) SRC_URI+=" https://${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}/archive/${DEPENDENCY[revision]}${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX} -> ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]//\//-}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}${GOLANG_PKG_ARCHIVESUFFIX}" ;; bitbucket*) SRC_URI+=" https://${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}/get/${DEPENDENCY[revision]}.zip -> ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]//\//-}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}.zip" ;; *) die "This eclass doesn't support '${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}'" ;; esac done fi # Defines SOURCE directory. S="${WORKDIR}/gopath/src/${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}" # @FUNCTION: golang_setup # @DESCRIPTION: # Determines where is the GoLang implementation and then set-up the # GoLang build environment. golang_setup() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" # NOTE: Keep /usr/bin/go as index [0] and never overwrite it, # always append other binary paths after the index [0] local GOLANG_BINS=( /usr/bin/go /usr/bin/gofmt ) [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && GOLANG_BINS+=(/usr/bin/statik) # Reset GoLang environment variables unset EGO unset EGOFMT unset ESTATIK unset GO unset GOPATH unset GOBIN # Determine is the GoLang interpreter is working local IS_EXECUTABLE=1 for binary in "${GOLANG_BINS[@]}"; do debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: Checking ... ${binary}" [[ -x "${EPREFIX}/${binary}" ]] && continue IS_EXECUTABLE=0 ewarn "It seems that the binary '${binary}' is not executable." done # dev-lang/go isn't installed or one of its binaries aren't executable. # Either way, the Gentoo box is screwed; no need to set up the GoLang environment [[ ${IS_EXECUTABLE} == 0 ]] && exit # dev-lang/go is available and working. # Exports GO/EGO/EGOFMT global variables. export GO="${GOLANG_BINS[0]}" export EGO="${GOLANG_BINS[0]##*/}" export EGOFMT="${GOLANG_BINS[1]}" # dev-go/statik is available and working. # Exports ESTATIK global variable. [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]] && export ESTATIK="${GOLANG_BINS[2]##*/}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GO = ${GO}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGO = ${EGO}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGOFMT = ${EGOFMT}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: ESTATIK = ${ESTATIK}" # Determines go interpreter version. local GOLANG_VERSION="$( ${GO} version )" GOLANG_VERSION="${GOLANG_VERSION/go\ version\ go}" GOLANG_VERSION="${GOLANG_VERSION%\ *}" einfo "Found GoLang version: ${GOLANG_VERSION}" # Determines statik interpreter version. # TODO: add version detection when statik will provide a -version option. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]]; then local STATIK_VERSION="" einfo "Found statik version: ${STATIK_VERSION}" fi # Sets the build environment inside Portage's WORKDIR. ebegin "Setting up GoLang build environment" # Prepares CGO_ENABLED. CGO_ENABLED=0 [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_USE_CGO} ]] || CGO_ENABLED=1 # Prepares gopath / gobin directories inside WORKDIR. local _GOPATH="${WORKDIR}/gopath" local _GOBIN="${WORKDIR}/gobin" mkdir -p "${_GOBIN}" || die mkdir -p "${_GOPATH}"/src || die # Exports special env variable EGO_SRC. export EGO_SRC="${_GOPATH}/src" # Exports GoLang env variables. export GOPATH="$_GOPATH" export GOBIN="$_GOBIN" export CGO_ENABLED debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GOPATH = ${GOPATH}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: GOBIN = ${GOBIN}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: EGO_SRC = ${EGO_SRC}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: CGO_ENABLED = ${CGO_ENABLED}" eend } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_unpack # @DESCRIPTION: # Unpack the source archive. golang-single_src_unpack() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" base_src_unpack # Create S by moving main GoLang package from WORKDIR into GOPATH. _create_sourcedir mv "${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}-${GOLANG_PKG_VERSION}" "${S}"/ || die } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_prepare # @DESCRIPTION: # Prepare source code. golang-single_src_prepare() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" # Sets up GoLang build environment. golang_setup pushd "${WORKDIR}" > /dev/null einfo "Preparing GoLang build environment in ${GOPATH}/src" # If the ebuild declares some GoLang dependencies, then they need to be # correctly installed into the sand-boxed GoLang build environment which # was set up automatically during pkg_setup() phase. if [[ ${#GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then for i in ${!GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} ; do # Collects all the tokens of the dependency. local -A DEPENDENCY=() while read -d $'\n' key value; do [[ -z ${key} ]] && continue DEPENDENCY[$key]="${value}" done <<-EOF $( _factorize_dependency_entities "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" ) EOF # Debug debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: DEPENDENCY = ${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpath = ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpathalias = ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: host = ${DEPENDENCY[host]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: author = ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: project = ${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: revision = ${DEPENDENCY[revision]}" local message="Importing ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" local destdir # Prepares GOPATH structure. case ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]} in gopkg.in*) message+=" as ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" destdir="${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" # Creates the import path in GOPATH. mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]%/*}" || die #einfo "\n${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]%/*}" ;; *) [[ "${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" != "${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}" ]] && message+=" as ${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}" destdir="${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}" # Creates the import path in GOPATH. mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" || die #einfo "\n${GOPATH}/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}" ;; esac # Moves sources from WORKDIR into GOPATH. case ${DEPENDENCY[host]} in github*) ebegin "${message}" mv ${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}* "${GOPATH}"/src/${destdir} || die eend # FIX: sometimes the source code inside an importpath alias # (such as gopkg.in/mylib.v1) invokes imports from # the original import path instead of using the alias, # thus we need a symbolic link between the alias and # the original import path to avoid compilation issues. # Example: gopkg.in/Shopify/sarama.v1 erroneously # invoking imports from github.com/shopify/sarama if [[ ${destdir} != ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]} ]]; then golang_fix_importpath_alias ${destdir} ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]} fi ;; bitbucket*) #einfo "path: ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]}" ebegin "${message}" #mv ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]} "${GOPATH}"/src/${DEPENDENCY[importpathalias]}/${DEPENDENCY[project_name]} || die mv ${DEPENDENCY[author_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[project_name]}-${DEPENDENCY[revision]} "${GOPATH}"/src/${destdir} || die eend ;; *) die "This eclass doesn't support '${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}'" ;; esac done fi popd > /dev/null # Auto-detects the presence of Godep's workspace # (see github.com/tools/godep for more infos). if [[ -d "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/src ]]; then GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR+="${S}/Godeps/_workspace" fi # NOTE: base_src_prepare() must be the last function invoked by # golang-single_src_prepare() otherwise the patching phase will fail. base_src_prepare } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_configure # @DESCRIPTION: # Configure the package. golang-single_src_configure() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)." local EGO_VERBOSE="-v" [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x" # GoLang doesn't have a configure phase, # so instead this eclass prints the output of 'go env'. local -a GOLANG_ENV=() while read line; do GOLANG_ENV+=("${line}") done <<-EOF $( ${GO} env ) EOF # Prints an error when 'go env' output is missing. if [[ ${#GOLANG_ENV[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then eerror "Your GoLang environment should be more verbose" fi # Prints GoLang environment summary. einfo " ${EGO} env" for env in "${GOLANG_ENV[@]}"; do einfo " - ${env}" done # Removes GoLang object files from package source directories (pkg/) # and temporary directories (_obj/ _test*/). if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." ]]; then # FIX: # This eclass appends a white space as a delimiter, otherwise the last # element will always be ignored by the subsequent 'while read' statement. GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH+=" " while read -d $' ' cmd; do einfo "${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${cmd}" ${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${cmd} || die done <<< "${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" else einfo "${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" ${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} || die fi # Removes GoLang objects files from all the dependencies too. if [[ ${#GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then for i in ${!GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[@]} ; do # Collects all the tokens of the dependency. local -A DEPENDENCY=() while read -d $'\n' key value; do [[ -z ${key} ]] && continue DEPENDENCY[$key]="${value}" done <<-EOF $( _factorize_dependency_entities "${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" ) EOF # Debug debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: DEPENDENCY = ${GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES[$i]}" debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: importpath = ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" # Cleans object files of the dependency. einfo "${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]}" ${EGO} clean -i ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${DEPENDENCY[importpath]} || die done fi # Before to compile Godep's dependencies it's wise to wipe out # all pre-built object files from Godep's package source directories. if [[ -d "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/pkg ]]; then ebegin "Cleaning up pre-built object files in Godep workspace" rm -r "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/pkg || die eend fi if [[ -d "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/bin ]]; then ebegin "Cleaning up executables in Godep workspace" rm -r "${S}"/Godeps/_workspace/bin || die eend fi # Executes 'go generate'. # NOTE: generate should never run automatically. It must be run explicitly. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_USE_GENERATE} ]]; then einfo "${EGO} generate ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" ${EGO} generate \ ${EGO_VERBOSE} \ ./... \ || die fi # Executes 'statik' when explicitly asked. if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_STATIK} ]]; then ebegin "${ESTATIK} $GOLANG_PKG_STATIK" ${ESTATIK} $GOLANG_PKG_STATIK || die eend fi } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_compile # @DESCRIPTION: # Compiles the package. golang-single_src_compile() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)." # Populates env variable GOPATH with vendored workspaces (if present). if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR} ]]; then einfo "Using bundled packages from:" for x in "${GOLANG_PKG_VENDOR[@]}"; do [ -d ${x} ] || continue debug-print "$FUNCNAME: GOPATH: Adding vendor path ${x}" ebegin "- ${x//${WORKDIR}\//}" GOPATH="${GOPATH}:${x}" eend done export GOPATH fi # Defines the output binary name of the package. # If the package is a multiple package then this eclass doesn't specify # the output name. local EGO_OUTPUT [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} ]] && EGO_OUTPUT="-o ${GOBIN}/${GOLANG_PKG_OUTPUT_NAME}" # Defines the install suffix. local EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX} ]] || EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX="-installsuffix=${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX}" # Defines the level of verbosity. local EGO_VERBOSE="-v" [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x" # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel. local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)" # Defines extra options. local EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-a" # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain. local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX} ${EGO_OUTPUT} ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${EGO_PARALLEL} ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS}" EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS//\ \ /\ }" # Builds the package. # WORKAROUND: 6l has several problems parsing certain flags when invoked # from a shell script; these bugs will be fixed in go v1.5+ if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} && ${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH##*/} != "..." ]]; then while read -d $' ' cmd; do einfo "${EGO} build -ldflags=\"$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS\" -tags=\"$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS\" ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o ${GOBIN}/${cmd##*/} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${cmd}" ${EGO} build -ldflags="$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS" -tags="$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS" ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o ${GOBIN}/${cmd##*/} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${cmd}|| die done <<< "${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" else einfo "${EGO} build -ldflags=\"$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS\" -tags=\"$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS\" ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" ${EGO} build -ldflags="$GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS" -tags="$GOLANG_PKG_TAGS" ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH} || die fi } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_install # @DESCRIPTION: # Installs binaries and documents from DOCS or HTML_DOCS arrays. golang-single_src_install() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)." # Defines the arguments for the linker invocation. local EGO_LDFLAGS #[[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS} ]] || EGO_LDFLAGS="-ldflags '${GOLANG_PKG_LDFLAGS}'" # Defines the install suffix. local EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX [[ -z ${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX} ]] || EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX="-installsuffix=${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLSUFFIX}" # Defines the level of verbosity. local EGO_VERBOSE="-v" [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x" # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel. local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)" # Defines extra options. local EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="" # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain. local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_LDFLAGS} ${EGO_INSTALLSUFFIX} ${EGO_VERBOSE} ${EGO_PARALLEL} ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS} ${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS//\ \ /\ }" # Executes the pre-install phase (go install). if [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} ]]; then einfo "${EGO} install ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS}" ${EGO} install ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} || die fi # Installs binaries. into ${GOLANG_PKG_INSTALLPATH} for bin in "${GOBIN}"/* ; do dobin ${bin} done # Installs documentation. base_src_install_docs } # @FUNCTION: golang-single_src_test # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs the unit tests for the main package. golang-single_src_test() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)." # Appends S and GOBIN to exported main paths. # FIX: this is necessary for unit tests that need to invoke bins from # $GOBIN or from within $S/bin. export PATH="${S}/bin:${GOBIN}:${PATH}" # Defines the level of verbosity. local EGO_VERBOSE="-v" [[ -z ${PORTAGE_VERBOSE} ]] || EGO_VERBOSE+=" -x" # Defines the number of builds that can be run in parallel. local EGO_PARALLEL="-p $(makeopts_jobs)" # Defines extra options. local EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="-a" # Defines sub-packages. local EGO_SUBPACKAGES="${GOLANG_PKG_IMPORTPATH_ALIAS}/${GOLANG_PKG_NAME}${GOLANG_PKG_BUILDPATH}" [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_IS_MULTIPLE} ]] || EGO_SUBPACKAGES="./..." # Enables data race detection. local EGO_RACE="" [[ -n ${GOLANG_PKG_HAVE_TEST_RACE} ]] && EGO_RACE=" -race" # Prepares build flags for the go toolchain. local EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_VERBOSE} ${EGO_PARALLEL} ${EGO_EXTRA_OPTIONS} ${EGO_RACE} ${EGO_SUBPACKAGES}" EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS//\ \ /\ }" # Runs the unit tests. einfo "${EGO} test ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS}" ${EGO} test ${EGO_BUILD_FLAGS} || die } # @FUNCTION: golang_fix_importpath_alias # @USAGE: # @DESCRIPTION: # Helper functions for generating a symbolic link for import path as # . # # WARNING: Use this function only if GOLANG_PKG_DEPENDENCIES declaration of # import path aliases doesn't work (e.g.: the package name differs from both the # import path and the alias, or if the package name is case sensitive but the # import path is not). golang_fix_importpath_alias() { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}" [[ ${1} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no paths given" [[ ${EGO} ]] || die "No GoLang implementation set (golang_setup not called?)." local TARGET="${1}" local ALIAS="${2}" if [[ ${ALIAS%/*} != ${ALIAS} ]]; then mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${ALIAS%/*}" || die fi ebegin "Linking ${TARGET} as ${ALIAS}" ln -sf "${GOPATH}/src/${TARGET}" \ "${GOPATH}/src/${ALIAS}" \ || die eend }