Title: Squeezebox Radio version comparison bug causes fail to connect to LMS 8.x Author: gordonb3 Content-Type: text/plain Posted: 2020-12-16 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Keyword: arm Display-If-Installed: media-sound/logitechmediaserver Display-If-Installed: media-sound/logitechmediaserver-bin Introduction ------------ Unfortunately the latest Squeezebox Radio firmware (7.7.3) comes with a bug which prevents it from connecting to Logitech Media Server 8+. A patch is available, but the Radio must still be connected to LMS 7.8 to be able to install it. Action Required --------------- On the Radio go to `Settings/Advanced/Applet Installer`, install the Patch Installer. The Radio will re-boot. Once it's back, go to `Settings/Advanced/Patch Installer`, install the "Version Comparison Fix". No other Squeezebox devices are affected