current included gecko media plugins: openh264(used for x264 in case of nothing else), widevine(used for digital rights management) use ./configure --help to view all available options, ones without description have descriptions in the old-configure file current sets of patches: gentoo patchset, opensuse kde patchset, bobwya patches, pg_overlay patches ebuild steps: 1. metadata 2. declare python compatibility 3. declare locales 4. declare source route url 5. declare eclasses (of special note are mozlinguas and mozcoreconf) 6. more metadata 7. declare architectures 8. declare slot 9. declare licences 10. declare useflags 11. declare source and gentoo patches urls 12. declare dependency variables 13. declare common shared dependencies 14. declare runtime dependencies 15. declare build dependencies 16. declare use flag dependencies 17. declare variables 18. declare gecko media plugins 19. check clang version is correct 20. set up package and print warning 21. check system requirements are met 22. unpack source code 23. unpack language packs 24. unpack kde patches 25. allow user patches 25. declare gentoo patches directory 26. declare kde patches directory 27. declare extra patches 28. debug 29. workaround for ia64 (gentoo bug 582432) 30. enable plugins directory 31. workaround for gentoo bug 372817 32. don't exit when system has missing libraries 33. having no files to remove doesn't cause an error 34. don't switch to dev edition when using aurora branding 35. autotools configure 36. set google location api key 37. mozconfig_init (calls mozcoreconf) 38. use flag actions 39. set linker 40. enable official branding if not redistributing 41. more useflags and miscellaneous configuration 42. workaround for big endian 43. set host and target 44. select default target toolkit 45. set audio backend (also addresses gentoo bug 600002) 46. more useflags 47. disable elf-hack where relevant 49. ensure the correct ccache is used 49. enable/disable eme 50. apply more use flags and configuration 50. add alpha workaround 51. improve hardened support 52. add arm neon workarounds (addresses gentoo bug 553364) 53. set up location services 54. set default location 55. mozconfig_final (calls mozcoreconf) 56. gentoo workaround 57. build 58. add gentoo default prefs 59. add extra prefs for performance 60. add use flag related prefs 61. install 62. install language packs 63. set up icon/desktop file 64. add startup notification workaround (addresses gentoo bug 237317) 65. firefox hardened workaround 66. add apulse support