# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 KEYWORDS="~amd64" RESTRICT="mirror" SLOT="0" # debug = debug configuration (symbols and defines for debugging) # developer = generate symbols information (to view line numbers in stack traces, either in debug or release configuration) # test = allow NUnit tests to run # nupkg = create .nupkg file from .nuspec # gac = install into gac # pkg-config = register in pkg-config database USE_DOTNET="net45" inherit msbuild gac IUSE="+${USE_DOTNET}" NAME="irony" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/daxnet/${NAME}" EGIT_COMMIT="ed2aa3ed74b53b1655a2b196d34a1bc20d4e6ce1" SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}/archive/${EGIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${PF}.tar.gz https://github.com/mono/mono/raw/main/mcs/class/mono.snk" S="${WORKDIR}/${NAME}-${EGIT_COMMIT}" DESCRIPTION="parsing framework for C# on LALR(1)" LICENSE="MIT" CDEPEND="|| ( >=dev-lang/mono- #' "${S}/${PROJECT_PATH}/${PROJECT_NAME}.csproj" || die sed -i 's#^.*-- Reference --.*$#&\n#' "${S}/${PROJECT_PATH}/${PROJECT_NAME}.csproj" || die sed -i 's#^.*-- Reference --.*$#&\n#' "${S}/${PROJECT_PATH}/${PROJECT_NAME}.csproj" || die eapply_user } src_compile() { emsbuild /p:RootNamespace=Irony /p:SignAssembly=true /p:PublicSign=true "/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=${KEY2}" "/p:OutputName=${PROJECT_OUT}" "/p:OutputType=Library" "/p:VersionNumber=${ASSEMBLY_VERSION}" "${S}/${PROJECT_PATH}/${PROJECT_NAME}.csproj" sn -R "$(output_filename)" "${KEY2}" || die } src_install() { insinto "/gac" doins "$(output_filename)" } pkg_preinst() { echo mv "${D}/gac/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" "${T}/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" mv "${D}/gac/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" "${T}/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" || die echo rm -rf "${D}/gac" rm -rf "${D}/gac" || die } pkg_postinst() { egacadd "${T}/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" rm "${T}/${PROJECT_OUT}.dll" || die } pkg_prerm() { egacdel "${PROJECT_OUT}, Version=${ASSEMBLY_VERSION}, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756" }