# This file contains guidelines on ebuild creating, masking and Ubuntu releases # * Naming convention - ubuntu package: package_name-upstream_version[ubuntu_version][-debian_revision[ubuntu_revision]] unity-7.5.1[+21.10.20210601.1][-0[ubuntu1]] - overlay package: package_name-upstream_version-overlay_revision unity-7.5.1-r211001.ebuild - overlay revision: -r[release_number][revision_number] release number, e.g. 2110 revision number 01-99 - releated ebuild variables declared before inherit command: UVER="+21.10.20210601.1" # ubuntu version UREV="0ubuntu1" # ubuntu revision inherit ubuntu-versionator * Development Ubuntu release versions of ebuilds are always masked by ~arch package.keywords * Any ebuild that installs *.desktop file(s) AND specifies pkg_postinst(), must specify ubuntu-versionator_pkg_postinst within pkg_postinst() {...} so that /usr/share/applications/bamf-2.index remains up-to-date * Custom patches for packages that we only wish to patch and not maintain, are placed in profiles/ehooks directory see docs/ehooks.md * When creating or bumping ebuilds that are also maintained within the main portage tree, try to keep it as identical to the portage tree ebuild as possible