Title: Switch to Ruby31: pre-warning Author: Horst Prote Posted: 2023-10-06 Revision: 1 News-Item-Format: 2.0 Display-If-Installed: www-apps/gitlab Because of the increasing problems caused by the removal of Ruby30 from the portage tree I will not wait until upstream switches to Ruby31 in Q32024 (see https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/10034) and already switch to Ruby31 with the upcomming versions 16.2.8, 16.3.5 and 16.4.1 in the next update of the gitlab overlay (see also the discussion in Issue https://gitlab.awesome-it.de/overlays/gitlab/-/issues/155). Unfortunately the migration will - either require a considerable downtime (during switching your system to Ruby31 and afterwards building the new gitlab with it) - or last quite some time (multiple rebuilds of gitlab needed in order to minimize downtime) and be pretty complicated.