#!/bin/sh # ConfigFS script is taken from postmarketOS # https://postmarketos.org # These are very important, it defines what is the device: deviceinfo_usb_idVendor="0x1F3A" deviceinfo_usb_idProduct="0xEFE8" deviceinfo_manufacturer="DanctNIX" deviceinfo_name="Arch Linux Mobile" # We'll let them know that this device is Arch ARM. deviceinfo_usb_serialnumber="Arch" setup_usb_network_configfs() { # See: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/gadget_configfs.txt CONFIGFS=/sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/ if ! [ -e "$CONFIGFS" ]; then echo " $CONFIGFS does not exist, skipping configfs usb gadget" return fi # Default values for USB-related deviceinfo variables usb_idVendor="${deviceinfo_usb_idVendor:-0x18D1}" # default: Google Inc. usb_idProduct="${deviceinfo_usb_idProduct:-0xD001}" # default: Nexus 4 (fastboot) usb_serialnumber="${deviceinfo_usb_serialnumber:-postmarketOS}" usb_rndis_function="${deviceinfo_usb_rndis_function:-rndis.usb0}" echo " Setting up an USB gadget through configfs" # Create an usb gadet configuration mkdir $CONFIGFS/g1 || echo " Couldn't create $CONFIGFS/g1" echo "$usb_idVendor" > "$CONFIGFS/g1/idVendor" echo "$usb_idProduct" > "$CONFIGFS/g1/idProduct" # Create english (0x409) strings mkdir $CONFIGFS/g1/strings/0x409 || echo " Couldn't create $CONFIGFS/g1/strings/0x409" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 echo "$deviceinfo_manufacturer" > "$CONFIGFS/g1/strings/0x409/manufacturer" echo "$usb_serialnumber" > "$CONFIGFS/g1/strings/0x409/serialnumber" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 echo "$deviceinfo_name" > "$CONFIGFS/g1/strings/0x409/product" # Create rndis function. The function can be named differently in downstream kernels. mkdir $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function" \ || echo " Couldn't create $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/$usb_rndis_function" # https://github.com/RobertCNelson/boot-scripts/commit/714e162ba98cf3d2897e7fc95e951c6df15a7d0a if [ -f $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function"/class ]; then echo EF > $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function"/class echo 04 > $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function"/subclass echo 01 > $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function"/protocol fi || echo "$CONFIGFS/g1/functions/$usb_rndis_function/class not found" # Create configuration instance for the gadget mkdir $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1 \ || echo " Couldn't create $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1" mkdir $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1/strings/0x409 \ || echo " Couldn't create $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1/strings/0x409" echo "rndis" > $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration \ || echo " Couldn't write configration name" # Link the rndis instance to the configuration ln -s $CONFIGFS/g1/functions/"$usb_rndis_function" $CONFIGFS/g1/configs/c.1 \ || echo " Couldn't symlink $usb_rndis_function" # Check if there's an USB Device Controller if [ -z "$(ls /sys/class/udc)" ]; then echo " No USB Device Controller available" return fi # Link the gadget instance to an USB Device Controller. This activates the gadget. # See also: https://github.com/postmarketOS/pmbootstrap/issues/338 # shellcheck disable=SC2005 echo "$(ls /sys/class/udc)" > $CONFIGFS/g1/UDC || echo " Couldn't write UDC" } # And we go. setup_usb_network_configfs ip address add dev usb0 ip link set usb0 up