#!/bin/sh # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 . /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib if [ -r /etc/default/customrescuecd ] ; then . /etc/default/customrescuecd fi # crcd = path of newest link to iso of customrescuecd, created by the ebuild # of customrescuecd-x86_64 crcd="/usr/share/systemrescuecd/systemrescuecd-x86_64-newest.iso" longname="CustomRescueCD" bootops=")" if [ ! -z "${CRCD_BOOTOPTIONS}" ]; then bootops=" with bootoptions)" fi if [ -f "${crcd}" ]; then device=$(${grub_probe} --target=device "${crcd}") path=$(make_system_path_relative_to_its_root "${crcd}") grub_string=$(prepare_grub_to_access_device "${device}" | grub_add_tab | grub_add_tab) gettext_printf "Found %s on %s\n" "${longname}" "${device}" >&2 onstr=$(gettext_printf "(on %s)" "${device}") cat << EOF submenu "${longname}" --class submenu { menuentry "${longname} (64bit ${bootops}" --class rescue { ${grub_string} set isofile=${path} loopback loop \${isofile} linux (loop)/boot/x86_64/customrescue64 ${CRCD_BOOTOPTIONS} customisobasedir=customresccd customisolabel=CRC64 vga=791 net.ifnames=0 } } EOF fi