Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 Quantum Scientific Imaging Inc. 12 Coteau Dr., Poplarville, MS 39470 USA All rights reserved Quantum Scientific Imaging, Inc. (QSI) does not allow submission or posting of the QSI Linux API (QLA) source code to other source code distributions by third parties. Do not redistribute the source code without prior written permission from QSI. THE QLA SOURCE CODE REMAINS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF QSI. You may use the API in any products you develop that are used in conjuction a QSI camera. You may distribute the QLA in the form of a compiled library or in the form of a GNU auto tools based source code containing package to users of the product you design or distribute, but it must solely be for use in conjuction with a QSI camera. Disclaimer: Quantum Scientific Imaging, Inc. assumes no liability for the use of the software provided herein. The user assumes all risks. There is no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, either express or implied. The information contained in this source code release is assumed to be correct, but in no event shall Quantum Scientific Imaging, Inc. be held responsible for typographic errors or changes to the product not reflected in this release. The specifications implemented by this Application Programming Interface (API) are subject to change without notice. Support: The QSI Linux API specification, and associated source code are provided as a courtesy to our customers, and comes without warranty of fitness for any purpose or application, either express or implied. The user assumes all risk for the use of the information in this release and the software it describes.