object CheckCommand "check_haproxy_pl" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [ PluginDir + "/contrib/check_haproxy.pl" ] arguments = { "--username" = { value = "$check_haproxy_username$" description = "Username for HTTP Auth" } "--password" = { value = "$check_haproxy_password$" description = "Password for HTTP Auth" } "--url" = { value = "$check_haproxy_url$" description = "URL of the HAProxy csv statistics page" required = true } "--timeout" = { value = "$check_haproxy_timeout$" description = "Seconds before plugin times out (default: 10)" } "-w" = { value = "$check_haproxy_warning$" description = "Warning request time threshold (in seconds)" } "-c" = { value = "$check_haproxy_critical$" description = "Critical request time threshold (in seconds)" } "--critical-backends" = { value = "$check_haproxy_critical_backends$" description = "List of critical backend, if set other backend are only warning backend" } "--ignore-backends" = { value = "$check_haproxy_ignore_backends$" description = "Comma-separated list of backends to ignore" } } } object CheckCommand "by_ssh_check_haproxy_pl" { import "check_haproxy_pl" vars.by_ssh_arguments = arguments arguments = null vars.by_ssh_command = "$by_ssh_plugindir$/contrib/check_haproxy.pl" import "by_ssh_base" }