#!/bin/bash # Logging level (default: INFO) #LOG_LEVEL="INFO" # Comma-separated lists of topics to ignore. Accepts wildcards. (default: None) #MQTT_IGNORED_TOPICS= # IP or hostname of MQTT broker (default: #MQTT_ADDRESS= # TCP port of MQTT broker (default: 1883) #MQTT_PORT=1883 # Topic path to subscribe to (default: #) #MQTT_TOPIC=# # Keep alive interval to maintain connection with MQTT broker (default: 60) #MQTT_KEEPALIVE=60 # Username which should be used to authenticate against the MQTT broker (default: None) #MQTT_USERNAME= # Password which should be used to authenticate against the MQTT broker (default: None) #MQTT_PASSWORD= # HTTP server PORT to expose Prometheus metrics (default: 9000) #PROMETHEUS_PORT=9000 # Prefix added to the metric name, example: mqtt_temperature (default: mqtt_) #PROMETHEUS_PREFIX=mqtt_ # Define the Prometheus label for the topic, example temperature{topic="device1"} (default: topic) #TOPIC_LABEL=topic # Normalize sensor name for device availability metric added by Zigbee2MQTT (default: False) #ZIGBEE2MQTT_AVAILABILITY=false