# Contributing to the Gentoo Monero Overlay ## What Anything related to Monero and its ecosystem is welcome in the overlay, including forks of Monero. ## How Please try to follow [GLEP 66][] (see the [Gentoo git workflow wiki article][wiki] for more info). In short: * Commits should be atomic, i.e. they should contain one logical change. * Commits should be signed with GPG. * Commits should contain a valid `Signed-off-by` line. * Commit messages should start with a package atom and then a semi-colon. * Ebuilds should not upset repoman. * Pull requests should not contain merge commits. [GLEP 66]: https://www.gentoo.org/glep/glep-0066.html 'GLEP 66' [wiki]: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gentoo_git_workflow 'Gentoo git workflow'