### Path to the pica-node binary #PICANODE_BIN="/usr/bin/pica-node" ### Options to pass to pica-node ### See the pica-node(8) manpage for more info #PICANODE_OPTS="-vvv" ### Location of logfile (should be writeable for PICANODE_USER user) #PICANODE_ERR="/var/log/pica-node/pica-node.err" ### Location of logfile (should be writeable for PICANODE_USER user) #PICANODE_LOG="/var/log/pica-node/pica-node.log" ### Run daemon as another user (username or username:groupname) ### If you change this setting, run "/etc/init.d/pica-node file-perm" #PICANODE_USER="pica-node" ### Pid file to use #PIDFILE="/var/run/pica-node.pid" rc_ulimit="-n 65536"