#lang scribble/manual @title{Racket-Common} @section{Eclass} @subsection[#:tag "MAINTAINER maciej bar"]{Maintainer} Maciej Barć @link["mailto:xgqt@riseup.net" "xgqt@riseup.net"] @subsection[#:tag "AUTHOR maciej bar"]{Author} Maciej Barć @link["mailto:xgqt@riseup.net" "xgqt@riseup.net"] Tom Gillespie @link["mailto:tgbugs@gmail.com" "tgbugs@gmail.com"] @subsection[#:tag "SUPPORTED_EAPIS "]{Supported_eapis} 7 8 @subsection[#:tag "BLURB common configuration eclass for compiling racket sources"]{Blurb} Common configuration eclass for compiling Racket sources. @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION this eclass is used in packages that need to compile racket source code"]{Description} This eclass is used in packages that need to compile Racket source code. @section{RACKET_REQ_USE} @itemlist[@item{@exec{ECLASS_VARIABLE}}] @itemlist[@item{@exec{DEFAULT_UNSET}}] @itemlist[@item{@exec{PRE_INHERIT}}] @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION this variable contains a string of use flags that will be appended"]{Description} This variable contains a string of USE flags that will be appended to the dev-scheme/racket DEPEND requirement. @nested[#:style 'code-inset]{@verbatim{ RACKET_REQ_USE="chez" RACKET_REQ_USE="chez,doc"}} @section{racket_check_raco} @itemlist[@item{@exec{FUNCTION}}] @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION check if the "]{Description} Check if the "raco" command exists. @section{eraco} @itemlist[@item{@exec{FUNCTION}}] @subsection[#:tag "USAGE [arg] "]{Usage} [arg] ... @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION wrapper for the racket"]{Description} Wrapper for the Racket's "raco" command. @section{racket_clean_environment} @itemlist[@item{@exec{FUNCTION}}] @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION check if required commands exist"]{Description} Check if required commands exist. Clean the environment for building racket packages. Set required variable for building using Portage. For more info about environment variables used/respected by Racket see: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Filesystem.html @section{raco_test} @itemlist[@item{@exec{FUNCTION}}] @subsection[#:tag "DESCRIPTION invokes "]{Description} Invokes 'raco test .' with '--submodule test' option causing it to look for test submodules in files in current package directory (recursively) and execute those tests. @;{Generated by eclass2scrbl}