# ====================[ package.unmask ]==================== # # --------------------( SYNOPSIS )-------------------- # List of locally provided atoms to be hard-unmasked. Although well-maintained # in this repository, such atoms are typically hard-masked by popular Portage # profiles (e.g., due to official ebuilds no longer being actively maintained). # ....................{ PORTAGE }.................... # Atoms previously published by Portage but no longer actively maintained and # hence hard-masked by Portage profiles. # <=dev-python/contextlib2-9999 <=dev-python/flask-socketio-9999 <=dev-python/pep517-9999 # <=dev-python/pysha3-9999 <=dev-python/python-engineio-9999 # <=dev-python/pytest-qt-9999 <=dev-python/python-socketio-9999 <=dev-python/toml-9999