Updating Rust ebuilds ===================== 1. Enter the directory for a Rust repo: ```cd /var/db/repos/salfter/dev-embedded/pineflash/``` 2. Version-bump the ebuild: ```git mv pineflash-0.5.0.ebuild pineflash-0.5.1.ebuild``` 3. Download the new tarball and unpack it: ```sudo ebuild pineflash-0.5.1.ebuild digest``` ```tar xf /var/cache/distfiles/pineflash-0.5.1.tar.gz``` 4. Get updated dependencies (the CRATES variable in the ebuild): ```cd PineFlash-0.5.1/``` ```cargo ebuild --noaudit``` 5. Update CRATES in the ebuild and clean up: ```cd ..``` ```joe pineflash-0.5.1.ebuild PineFlash-0.5.1/pineflash-0.5.1.ebuild``` ```rm -r PineFlash-0.5.1/ *~``` 6. Update manifest and test ebuild ```sudo ebuild pineflash-0.5.1.ebuild digest clean install clean```