weird poms: # immediately recompile hibernate-core hibernate-entitymanager: empty package json4s-ast: empty package hibernate-validator hadoop-mapreduce-client-app hadoop-client: empty package # test scope dependencies turn out to be common ones - [] stream: colt # patched - [] mahout-math: to support newer guava - [] reactor-core: backport concurrent - [] netty-4: SLOTTING!!!!!!!!!!!! # RSOURCES!! - [] weld-core: resources needed !! ## NEED sLOTTING - [] jersey*: ********** com.sun and org.glassfish - [] jetty - [] netty - [] npn-api: 1.1.x and 8.1.x ??? # strange source-files - [] maven-* - [] jruby-core - [] jdeb: totally not compatable with bcpg?? - [] jruby: a virtual package - [] maven-ant-tasks: cannot find symbol - [] ant-launcher: weird SRC_DIR # wrong jdk version - [] xml-api: jdk-1.4 - [] jetty-sslengine: should be greater than 1.4 while 1.4 is set - [] maven-ant-tasks: should be greater than 1.4 and less than 1.6 while 1.4 is set - [] xbean-asm7-shaded: greater than 1.5 (diamod operator), while 1.5 is set # missing dependencies - [] htrace-core-3.10-incubating - [] xml-resolver - [] osgi-cmpn:6 (B.T.W SLOT changed by hand) - [] jackson-mapper-asl - [] jetty-*: (two versions SLOT changed) - [] jets3t - [] apache-rat-tasks: !!![not fixed]!!! - [] osgi-cmpn: many javax - [] zookeeper: jline - [] jackson-jaxrs: jackson-xc - [] avro: guava - [] hibernate-commons-annotations: jboss-logging-anno* - [] kryo-shaded: reflect-asm - [] alpn-boot: alpn-api - [] npn-boot: npn-api - [] javax-persistence: osgi-framework - [] woodstox-core-asl: osgi-framework, relaxng, msv - [] tomcat-embed-core: javaxapis # JAVA_TOOLS - [] audience-annotations - [] hadoop-annotations # differ a lot from binjar - [] clover # module-info - [] mailapi - [] jakarta-activation-api - [] jakarta-xml-bind-api (MERTA_INF also) # handmade - [] luc ene-queryparser:3.6 (needed by h2-*196) - [] ju g (needed by jet s3t) - [] app-m aven/microemu-cldc (needed by osgi-cm pn) - [] apa cheds-kerberos-codec - [] je rsey-media-sse (needed by ehcac he) - [] 2 verisons of gp ars, which solves circular deps - [] java9-concur rent-backport: backport jdk9 feature # unpack fail - [] jruby-* # binary installed - [] h2 - [] curator-*: compile error - [] ant-launcher: weird SRC_DIR, maven does not distribute source code - [] jersey-guice: com sun vs org glass - [] hadoop-yarn-common: above - [] hadoop-mapreduce-client-core: compile error - [] alpn-boot: compile error - [] npn-boot: compile error - [] caffeine: compile error - [] jboss-interceptor-core: compile error - [] woodstox-core-asl: compile error - [] jackson-module-jaxb-annotations: compile error - [] jackson-dataformat-xml: compile error - [] freemarker: fucking stupid - [] hazelcast: fucking stupid - [] jetty-server: compile error - [] hadoop-hdfs - [] spark-network-common - [] hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager: compile error - [] hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle: compile error