# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. # Please add your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using pmaint * app-admin/conky:apcupsd - Enable support for sys-power/apcupsd app-admin/conky:bundled-toluapp - Enable support for bundled toluapp. This only makes sense in combination with the lua-* flags app-admin/conky:cmus - Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/cmus app-admin/conky:extras - Enable syntax highlighting for app-editors/nanoand app-editors/vim app-admin/conky:ical - Enable support for events from iCalendar (RFC 5545) files using dev-libs/libical app-admin/conky:intel-backlight - Enable support for Intel backlight app-admin/conky:iostats - Enable support for per-task I/O statistics app-admin/conky:irc - Enable support for displaying everything from an irc channel using net-libs/libircclient app-admin/conky:lua-cairo - Enable if you want Lua Cairo bindings app-admin/conky:lua-cairo-xlib - Enable support for Cairo and Xlib interoperability for Lua app-admin/conky:lua-imlib - Enable if you want Lua Imlib2 bindings app-admin/conky:lua-rsvg - Enable if you want Lua RSVG bindings app-admin/conky:math - Enable support for glibc's libm math library app-admin/conky:moc - Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/moc app-admin/conky:mpd - Enable monitoring of music controlled by media-sound/mpd app-admin/conky:nvidia - Enable reading of nvidia card temperature sensors via x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers app-admin/conky:portmon - Enable support for tcp (ip4) port monitoring app-admin/conky:thinkpad - Enable support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks app-admin/conky:webserver - Enable support to act as a webserver serving conkys output using net-libs/libmicrohttpd app-admin/conky:xinput - Enable Xinput support app-admin/conky:xmms2 - Enable monitoring of music played by media-sound/xmms2 app-admin/zenmonitor3:cli - Build zenmonitor-cli app-emulation/playonlinux:winbind - Enables support for the winbind auth daemon app-emulation/vmware-workstation:macos-guests - Support macOS guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:modules - Install app-emulation/vmware-modules in order to run VMs locally. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:ovftool - Install OVF tool. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vix - Install VIX. The VIX API allows you to write programs and scripts that automate virtual machine operations, and run programs or manipulate files within guest operating systems. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-darwin - Install VMware Tools for OS X (El Capitan and later) guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-darwinPre15 - Install VMware Tools for OS X (up to Yosemite) guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-linux - Install VMware Tools for Linux guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-linuxPreGlibc25 - Install VMware Tools for Linux (glibc older than 2.5) guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-netware - Install VMware Tools for Netware guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-solaris - Install VMware Tools for Solaris guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-winPre2k - Install VMware Tools for Windows (before 2000) guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-winPreVista - Install VMware Tools for Windows (after 2000, before Vista) guests. app-emulation/vmware-workstation:vmware-tools-windows - Install VMware Tools for Windows (Vista and later) guests. dev-debug/valgrind:lto - Build with link time optimization (LTO) dev-lang/erlang:kpoll - Enable kernel polling support dev-lang/nim:boehm-gc - Enable Hans Boehm's garbage collector (dev-libs/boehm-gc). dev-lang/php:argon2 - Enable password hashing algorithm from app-crypt/argon2 dev-lang/php:bcmath - Add support for libbcmath dev-lang/php:cli - Enable CLI SAPI dev-lang/php:coverage - Include gcov symbols for test coverage and lcov reports. Only useful for extension developers, and requires GCC. dev-lang/php:ctype - Enable ctype functions dev-lang/php:curlwrappers - Enable curl wrappers dev-lang/php:embed - Enable embed SAPI dev-lang/php:enchant - Add supports Enchant spelling library. dev-lang/php:ffi - Enable the Foreign Function Interface (FFI) extension using dev-libs/libffi dev-lang/php:fileinfo - Add fileinfo extension support dev-lang/php:filter - Add filter extension support dev-lang/php:flatfile - Add dbm support for flat files dev-lang/php:fpm - Enable the FastCGI Process Manager SAPI dev-lang/php:gd - Adds support for gd (bundled with PHP) dev-lang/php:hash - Enable the hash extension dev-lang/php:inifile - Add dbm support for .ini files dev-lang/php:intl - Enables the intl extension for extended internalization support dev-lang/php:json - Enable JSON support dev-lang/php:ldap-sasl - Add SASL support for the PHP LDAP extension dev-lang/php:lmdb - Enable support for dev-db/lmdb db backend dev-lang/php:opcache - Enables built-in opcode cache, replacing pecl-apc et al. dev-lang/php:pcntl - Add support for process creation functions dev-lang/php:pdo - Enable the bundled PDO extensions dev-lang/php:phar - Enables the phar extension to provide phar archive support dev-lang/php:phpdbg - Enable the PHP Debug Command Line SAPI (like gdb for php) dev-lang/php:session-mm - Include dev-libs/mm support for session storage dev-lang/php:sharedmem - Add support for shared memory use dev-lang/php:simplexml - Support for SimpleXML dev-lang/php:sodium - Enable support for crypto through dev-libs/libsodium dev-lang/php:sybase-ct - Add support for Sybase-CT dev-lang/php:sysvipc - Support for System V-compatible inter-process communication dev-lang/php:tokenizer - Add support for the PHP file parser dev-lang/php:tokyocabinet - Enable support for dev-db/tokyocabinet db backend dev-lang/php:wddx - Add support for Web Distributed Data eXchange dev-lang/php:xmlreader - Enable XMLReader support dev-lang/php:xmlwriter - Enable XMLWriter support dev-lang/php:xslt - Enable the XSL extension dev-lang/php:zip - Enable ZIP file support dev-lang/python:lto - Build with link-time optimizations (LTO) dev-lang/python:pgo - Build with profile guided optimizations (PGO) dev-lang/python:threads - Enable threading support. (DON'T DISABLE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/python:wide-unicode - Enable wide Unicode implementation which uses 4-byte Unicode characters. Switching of this USE flag changes ABI of Python and requires reinstallation of many Python modules. (DON'T DISABLE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/python:wininst - Install Windows executables required to create an executable installer for MS Windows. dev-lang/tauthon:lto - Build with link-time optimizations (LTO) dev-lang/tauthon:pgo - Build with profile guided optimizations (PGO) dev-lang/tauthon:threads - Enable threading support. (DON'T DISABLE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/tauthon:wide-unicode - Enable wide Unicode implementation which uses 4-byte Unicode characters. Switching of this USE flag changes ABI of Python and requires reinstallation of many Python modules. (DON'T DISABLE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING) dev-lang/tauthon:wininst - Install Windows executables required to create an executable installer for MS Windows. dev-libs/boost:context - Build and install the Boost.Context (and Boost.Fiber) library and all other Boost libraries that depend on it dev-libs/boost:debug - Build and install only the debug version of the Boost libraries. Only enable this flag if you're developing against boost. dev-libs/boost:doc - Install the full API documentation documentation. This takes over 200MB of extra disk space. dev-libs/boost:nls - Build libboost_locale. This library requires compatible C library interfaces, which might not be provided by uClibc or other embedded libraries. dev-libs/boost:numpy - Optionally build NumPy extensions when Boost.Python is enabled dev-libs/boost:stacktrace - Build the full Boost.Stacktrace dynamic library instead of relying on the header-only implementation dev-libs/boost:tools - Build and install the boost tools (bcp, quickbook, inspect, wave) dev-libs/libpeas:glade - Install the glade catalog dev-libs/libpeas:python - Build support for loading dev-lang/python plugins dev-libs/openssl:asm - Support assembly hand optimized crypto functions (i.e. faster run time) dev-libs/openssl:rfc3779 - Enable support for RFC 3779 (X.509 Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers) dev-libs/openssl:sslv3 - Support for the old/insecure SSLv3 protocol -- note: not required for TLS/https dev-libs/openssl:tls-compression - Enable support for discouraged TLS compression dev-libs/openssl:tls-heartbeat - Enable the Heartbeat Extension in TLS and DTLS dev-libs/openssl:weak-ssl-ciphers - Build support for SSL/TLS ciphers that are considered "weak" dev-php/pecl-apcu:lock-pthreadmutex - Enable pthread mutex locking dev-php/pecl-apcu:lock-pthreadrw - Enable pthread read/write locking dev-php/pecl-apcu:lock-semaphore - Enable semaphore locks instead of fcntl dev-php/pecl-apcu:lock-spinlock - Enable spin locks (EXPERIMENTAL) dev-python/PyQt5:bluetooth - Build bindings for the QtBluetooth module dev-python/PyQt5:dbus - Build bindings for the QtDBus module dev-python/PyQt5:declarative - Build bindings for the QtQml/QtQuick modules and enable the qmlscene plugin dev-python/PyQt5:designer - Build bindings for the QtDesigner module and enable the designer plugin dev-python/PyQt5:gui - Build bindings for the QtGui module dev-python/PyQt5:help - Build bindings for the QtHelp module dev-python/PyQt5:location - Build bindings for the QtLocation module dev-python/PyQt5:multimedia - Build bindings for the QtMultimedia module dev-python/PyQt5:network - Build bindings for the QtNetwork module dev-python/PyQt5:networkauth - Build bindings for the QtNetworkAuth module dev-python/PyQt5:opengl - Build bindings for the QtOpenGL module dev-python/PyQt5:positioning - Build bindings for the QtPositioning module dev-python/PyQt5:printsupport - Build bindings for the QtPrintSupport module dev-python/PyQt5:sensors - Build bindings for the QtSensors module dev-python/PyQt5:serialport - Build bindings for the QtSerialPort module dev-python/PyQt5:sql - Build bindings for the QtSql module dev-python/PyQt5:svg - Build bindings for the QtSvg module dev-python/PyQt5:testlib - Build bindings for the QtTest module dev-python/PyQt5:webchannel - Build bindings for the QtWebChannel module dev-python/PyQt5:webkit - Build bindings for the QtWebKit module dev-python/PyQt5:websockets - Build bindings for the QtWebSockets module dev-python/PyQt5:widgets - Build bindings for the QtWidgets module dev-python/PyQt5:x11extras - Build bindings for the QtX11Extras module dev-python/PyQt5:xmlpatterns - Build bindings for the QtXmlPatterns module dev-python/QtPy:designer - Build bindings for the QtDesigner module and enable the designer plugin dev-python/QtPy:gui - Build bindings for the QtGui module dev-python/QtPy:printsupport - Build bindings for the QtPrintSupport module dev-python/QtPy:svg - Build bindings for the QtSvg module dev-python/QtPy:testlib - Build bindings for the QtTest module dev-python/QtPy:webengine - Build bindings for the QtWebEngine module dev-python/amqplib:extras - Install extra tools to generate initial Python mod from an AMQP XML file dev-python/anyvc:bazaar - Add support for Bazaar dev-python/anyvc:mercurial - Add support for Mercurial dev-python/celery:redis - Enables redis support dev-python/celery:sqs - Enables Amazon SQS transport module for celery dev-python/celery:yaml - Enable support of yaml as a configuration file format dev-python/celery:zeromq - Enable logging and deployment via ZeroMQ dev-python/cryptography:idna - enable support for the old, deprecated IDNA specification (RFC 3490) dev-python/dask:distributed - Add support for distributed computing with dev-python/distributed dev-python/fabric:fab2 - Install as "fab2", allowing side-by-side install with fabric 1.x dev-python/gmpy:mpir - Use sci-libs/mpir as gmp implementation dev-python/ipython:matplotlib - Add support for dev-python/matplotlib dev-python/ipython:nbconvert - Enable support for converting notebooks to various formats using app-text/pandoc dev-python/ipython:notebook - Install requirements for the web notebook based on www-servers/tornado dev-python/kombu:amqplib - Enable amqplib support dev-python/kombu:msgpack - Enables MessagePack (de)serializer for Python dev-python/kombu:sqs - Enables Amazon SQS transport module for Kombu dev-python/matplotlib-python2:excel - Pull dev-python/xlwt for the exceltools toolkit dev-python/matplotlib-python2:gtk2 - Enable x11-libs/gtk+:2 support dev-python/matplotlib-python2:gtk3 - Enable x11-libs/gtk+:3 support dev-python/mpmath:matplotlib - Add support for dev-python/matplotlib dev-python/msgpack:native-extensions - Compiles native "C" extensions (speedups, instead of using python fallback code). dev-python/networkx:extras - Provide graph drawing and graph layout algorithms along with shapefile format reading and writing dev-python/networkx:pandas - Provides a DataFrame, which is a tabular data structure with labeled axes dev-python/networkx:scipy - Enables scipy backend dev-python/networkx:yaml - Provides YAML format reading and writing dev-python/nose:coverage - Pull in dev-python/coverage needed for nose-xcover plugin. dev-python/numexpr:mkl - Enable support for Intel Vector Math Library, part of sci-libs/mkl. dev-python/pandas:full-support - Pull all packages to give pandas full support dev-python/paramiko:server - Enable server feature dev-python/pillow:imagequant - Build with Image Quantization Library support dev-python/py-amqp:extras - Install extra tools to generate initial Python mod from an AMQP XML file dev-python/pygame:midi - Enable midi support using media-libs/portmidi dev-python/pyglet:image - Enable support for image formats other than PNG and BMP dev-python/pyyaml:libyaml - enable support for C implementation using libyaml dev-python/restkit:cli - Install the restcli command line interface/tool, based on dev-python/ipython dev-python/rfc3986:idna - enable support for the IDNA specification (RFC 5891) dev-python/scipy-python2:sparse - Adds support for sparse solving with sci-libs/umfpack dev-python/sphinx:net - enable internet capabilities dev-python/sympy:imaging - Add support for dev-python/pillow dev-python/sympy:ipython - Add support for dev-python/ipython dev-python/sympy:mathml - Add support for mathml dev-python/sympy:pyglet - Use dev-python/pyglet for plots and print preview dev-python/sympy:symengine - Add support for a dev-python/symengine backend dev-python/sympy:theano - Add support for dev-python/theano dev-python/tappy:yaml - Pull dependencies needed to support YAML blocks associated with test results. dev-python/twisted:conch - include Twisted SSHv2 implementation dev-python/twisted:http2 - include http2 support dev-python/twisted:serial - include serial port support dev-python/urllib3:brotli - Enable support for brotli compression dev-python/vatnumber:vies - Enable VIES dev-qt/qtwebkit:geolocation - Enable physical position determination via dev-qt/qtpositioning dev-qt/qtwebkit:gstreamer - Enable HTML5 audio/video support via media-libs/gstreamer using SLOT 1.0 dev-qt/qtwebkit:hyphen - Enable hyphenation support via dev-libs/hyphen dev-qt/qtwebkit:multimedia - Enable HTML5 audio/video support via dev-qt/qtmultimedia dev-qt/qtwebkit:orientation - Enable device orientation detection via dev-qt/qtsensors dev-qt/qtwebkit:printsupport - Enable printing via dev-qt/qtprintsupport dev-qt/qtwebkit:qml - Build QML/QtQuick bindings dev-vcs/bzr:sftp - Enable sftp support games-emulation/rpcs3:llvm - LLVM recompiler support games-emulation/rpcs3:vulkan - Vulkan video output support games-fps/gzdoom:gles2 - Enable GLES2 backend games-fps/gzdoom:non-free - Enable non-free components games-fps/gzdoom:swr - Enable software renderer media-gfx/ansel:avif - Support importing and exporting AVIF images media-gfx/ansel:geolocation - Enable geotagging support media-gfx/ansel:gmic - Use the G'MIC image-processing framework (media-gfx/gmic), e.g. to support Colour LUTs compressed using their compression scheme media-gfx/ansel:kwallet - Enable encrypted storage of passwords with kde-frameworks/kwallet media-gfx/ansel:lto - Enable link-time optimisations in the RawSpeed library media-gfx/ansel:midi - Support using MIDI input devices such as Behringer X-Touch Mini, Arturia Beatstep or Korg nanoKONTROL2, as input devices media-gfx/ansel:opencl - Enable opencl support media-gfx/ansel:tools - Install tools for generating base curves and noise profiles media-gfx/fbcat:fbgrab - Install a 'fbgrab' wrapper script around fbcat that mimics media-gfx/fbgrab media-gfx/gmic:cli - Build the CLI interface media-gfx/gmic:gimp - Build the Qt5 GIMP plugin media-gfx/gmic:gui - Build the standalone Qt5 GUI media-gfx/gmic:opencv - Enable support for webcams using the OpenCV library media-libs/chromaprint:tools - Build and install fpcalc and fpcollect tools media-libs/svt-av1:lto - Build with link-time optimizations (LTO) media-libs/svt-av1:pgo - Build with profile guided optimizations (PGO) media-sound/audacity:audiocom - Enable integrated uploading to audio.com media-sound/audacity:id3tag - Enables ID3 tagging with id3tag library media-sound/audacity:lv2 - Add support for Ladspa V2 media-sound/audacity:mpg123 - Use media-sound/mpg123 for MP3 decoding media-sound/audacity:portmixer - Enable the internal portmixer feature media-sound/audacity:sbsms - Enables sbsms library support for slower, more accurate pitch and tempo changing media-sound/audacity:twolame - Enables twolame support (MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder) media-sound/audacity:vamp - Enables vamp plugins support (Audio analysing plugins) media-sound/carla:gtk2 - Use gtk-2 instead of gtk-3 media-sound/carla:rdf - Enable LADSPA-RDF support media-sound/carla:sf2 - Enable builtin SF2 sample support using media-sound/fluidsynth media-sound/hydrogen:archive - Use libarchive instead of libtar media-sound/hydrogen:portmidi - Add portmidi support media-sound/kid3:acoustid - Build acoustic fingerprinting plugin using media-libs/chromaprint media-sound/kid3:mpris - Enable support for MPRIS2 interface using dev-qt/qtdbus media-sound/lmms:carla - Enables Carla audio plugin host (LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2, VST3, AU). media-sound/lmms:fluidsynth - Enables Fluidsynth MIDI software synthesis plugin. media-sound/lmms:libgig - Enables GIG player plugin. media-sound/lmms:soundio - Enables libsoundio support. media-sound/lmms:stk - Enables STK Mallet plugin. media-sound/lmms:vst - Enables the VeSTige plugin to run VST plugins through Wine. media-video/aegisub:uchardet - Enable charset discovery via app-i18n/uchardet media-video/ffmpeg:amf - Enables support for AMD's Advanced Media Framework (AMF) media-video/ffmpeg:amr - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support media-video/ffmpeg:amrenc - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio encoding support with media-libs/vo-amrwbenc. media-video/ffmpeg:appkit - Enables Apple AppKit framework media-video/ffmpeg:bluray - Enable playback of Blu-ray filesystems media-video/ffmpeg:bs2b - Enables media-libs/libbs2b based Bauer stereo-to-binaural filter. media-video/ffmpeg:cdio - Enables audio CD grabbing with dev-libs/libcdio. media-video/ffmpeg:chromaprint - Enables audio fingerprinting support with media-libs/chromaprint. media-video/ffmpeg:chromium - Builds libffmpeg.so to enable media playback in Chromium-based browsers like Opera and Vivaldi. media-video/ffmpeg:codec2 - Enables codec2 low bit rate speech codec support via media-libs/codec2. media-video/ffmpeg:cpudetection - Enables runtime CPU detection (useful for bindist, compatibility on other CPUs) media-video/ffmpeg:cuda - Enables CUDA-based acceleration. Mostly used for specific filters. media-video/ffmpeg:dav1d - Enables AV1 decoding via media-libs/dav1d. media-video/ffmpeg:fdk - Use external fdk-aac library for AAC encoding media-video/ffmpeg:flite - Adds a text-to-speech filter based on app-accessibility/flite. media-video/ffmpeg:frei0r - Enable frei0r wrapping in libavfilter media-video/ffmpeg:fribidi - Enables fribidi support in the drawtext filter. media-video/ffmpeg:gcrypt - Enables gcrypt support: Needed for rtmp(t)e support if openssl, librtmp or gmp is not used. media-video/ffmpeg:glslang - Use dev-util/glslang to compile GLSL media-video/ffmpeg:gme - Enables support for media-libs/game-music-emu for playing various video game music formats. media-video/ffmpeg:gpl - Build GPL code. Should be enabled unless you require LGPL binaries. media-video/ffmpeg:hardcoded-tables - Use pre-calculated tables rather than calculating them on the fly. It results in an increase of approximately 15% in the size of libavcodec, the main library impacted by this change. It enables savings in table generation time, done once at codec initialization, since by hardcoding the tables, they do not need to be computed at runtime. However, the savings are often negligible (~100k cycles is a typical number) especially when amortized over the entire encoding/decoding operation. Improvements are being made to the runtime initialization, and so over time, this option will have an impact on fewer and fewer codecs. media-video/ffmpeg:iec61883 - Support for FireWire DV/HDV input device using media-libs/libiec61883. media-video/ffmpeg:kvazaar - Enables media-libs/kvazaar based HEVC encoder. media-video/ffmpeg:lcms - Enable ICC profile support via media-libs/lcms. media-video/ffmpeg:libaom - Enables media-libs/libaom based AV1 codec support. media-video/ffmpeg:libaribb24 - Enables ARIB text and caption decoding via media-libs/aribb24. media-video/ffmpeg:libdrm - Enables x11-libs/libdrm support for better screen grabbing and hardware accelerated codecs. media-video/ffmpeg:libilbc - Enables iLBC de/encoding via media-libs/libilbc. media-video/ffmpeg:libplacebo - Adds flexible GPU-accelerated processing filter based on media-libs/libplacebo. media-video/ffmpeg:librtmp - Enables Real Time Messaging Protocol using librtmp (media-video/rtmpdump) in addition to FFmpeg's native implementation. media-video/ffmpeg:libsoxr - Enables audio resampling through media-libs/soxr. media-video/ffmpeg:libtesseract - Enables the OCR filter via app-text/tesseract. media-video/ffmpeg:libv4l - Uses media-libs/libv4l for video4linux instead of direct calls. Adds support for more devices via the userspace library. media-video/ffmpeg:libxml2 - Uses dev-libs/libxml2 to enable dash demuxing support. media-video/ffmpeg:lv2 - Enables lv2 audio filter wrapper. media-video/ffmpeg:mipsdspr1 - Enables MIPS DSP ASE R1 optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg:mipsdspr2 - Enables MIPS DSP ASE R2 optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg:mipsfpu - Enables floating point MIPS optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg:mmal - Enables Multi-Media Abstraction Layer (MMAL) decoding support: Available e.g. on the Raspberry Pi. media-video/ffmpeg:network - Enables network streaming support media-video/ffmpeg:openh264 - Enables H.264 encoding suppoprt via media-libs/openh264. media-video/ffmpeg:openssl - Enables dev-libs/openssl support. Adds support for encrypted network protocols (TLS/HTTPS). media-video/ffmpeg:pic - Force shared libraries to be built as PIC (this is slower) media-video/ffmpeg:postproc - Build and install libpostproc. media-video/ffmpeg:qsv - Enable Intel Quick Sync Video via media-libs/intel-mediasdk (ffmpeg versions older than, and including, 5.1) or media-libs/libvpl (ffmpeg version newer than 5.1). media-video/ffmpeg:rav1e - Enables AV1 encoding support via media-video/rav1e. media-video/ffmpeg:rubberband - Adds time-stretching and pitch-shifting audio filter based on media-libs/rubberband. media-video/ffmpeg:shaderc - Use media-libs/shaderc to compile GLSL media-video/ffmpeg:snappy - Enable app-arch/snappy support. Required for e.g. Vidvox Hap encoder. media-video/ffmpeg:sndio - Enable support for the media-sound/sndio backend media-video/ffmpeg:soc - Apply additional patches for efficient playback on some SoCs (e.g. ARM, RISC-V). media-video/ffmpeg:srt - Enable support for Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) via net-libs/srt media-video/ffmpeg:ssh - Enable SSH/sftp support via net-libs/libssh. media-video/ffmpeg:svt-av1 - Enables AV1 encoding support via media-libs/svt-av1. media-video/ffmpeg:truetype - Enables drawtext filter via media-libs/freetype and media-libs/harfbuzz. media-video/ffmpeg:twolame - Enables MP2 encoding via media-sound/twolame as an alternative to the internal encoder. media-video/ffmpeg:vidstab - Enables video stabilization filter using vid.stab library (media-libs/vidstab). media-video/ffmpeg:vmaf - Enables Netflix's perceptual video quality assessment filter using the library (media-libs/libvmaf). media-video/ffmpeg:vpx - Enables VP8 and VP9 codec support using libvpx: Decoding does not require this to be enabled but libvpx can also be used for decoding; encoding requires this useflag to be enabled though. media-video/ffmpeg:x265 - Enables HEVC encoding with media-libs/x265. media-video/ffmpeg:zeromq - Enables net-libs/zeromq support with the zmq/azmq filters. media-video/ffmpeg:zimg - Enables media-libs/zimg based scale filter. media-video/ffmpeg:zvbi - Enables media-libs/zvbi based teletext decoder. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:amf - Enables support for AMD's Advanced Media Framework (AMF) media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:amr - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio support media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:amrenc - Enables Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio encoding support with media-libs/vo-amrwbenc. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:appkit - Enables Apple AppKit framework media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:bluray - Enable playback of Blu-ray filesystems media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:bs2b - Enables media-libs/libbs2b based Bauer stereo-to-binaural filter. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:cdio - Enables audio CD grabbing with dev-libs/libcdio. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:chromaprint - Enables audio fingerprinting support with media-libs/chromaprint. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:codec2 - Enables codec2 low bit rate speech codec support via media-libs/codec2. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:cpudetection - Enables runtime CPU detection (useful for bindist, compatibility on other CPUs) media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:cuda - Enables CUDA-based acceleration. Mostly used for specific filters. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:dav1d - Enables AV1 decoding via media-libs/dav1d. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:fdk - Use external fdk-aac library for AAC encoding media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:flite - Adds a text-to-speech filter based on app-accessibility/flite. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:frei0r - Enable frei0r wrapping in libavfilter media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:fribidi - Enables fribidi support in the drawtext filter. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:gcrypt - Enables gcrypt support: Needed for rtmp(t)e support if openssl, librtmp or gmp is not used. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:glslang - Use dev-util/glslang to compile GLSL media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:gme - Enables support for media-libs/game-music-emu for playing various video game music formats. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:gpl - Build GPL code. Should be enabled unless you require LGPL binaries. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:hardcoded-tables - Use pre-calculated tables rather than calculating them on the fly. It results in an increase of approximately 15% in the size of libavcodec, the main library impacted by this change. It enables savings in table generation time, done once at codec initialization, since by hardcoding the tables, they do not need to be computed at runtime. However, the savings are often negligible (~100k cycles is a typical number) especially when amortized over the entire encoding/decoding operation. Improvements are being made to the runtime initialization, and so over time, this option will have an impact on fewer and fewer codecs. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:iec61883 - Support for FireWire DV/HDV input device using media-libs/libiec61883. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:kvazaar - Enables media-libs/kvazaar based HEVC encoder. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:lcms - Enable ICC profile support via media-libs/lcms. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libaom - Enables media-libs/libaom based AV1 codec support. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libaribb24 - Enables ARIB text and caption decoding via media-libs/aribb24. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libdrm - Enables x11-libs/libdrm support for better screen grabbing and hardware accelerated codecs. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libilbc - Enables iLBC de/encoding via media-libs/libilbc. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libplacebo - Adds flexible GPU-accelerated processing filter based on media-libs/libplacebo. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:librtmp - Enables Real Time Messaging Protocol using librtmp (media-video/rtmpdump) in addition to FFmpeg's native implementation. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libsoxr - Enables audio resampling through media-libs/soxr. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libtesseract - Enables the OCR filter via app-text/tesseract. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libv4l - Uses media-libs/libv4l for video4linux instead of direct calls. Adds support for more devices via the userspace library. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:libxml2 - Uses dev-libs/libxml2 to enable dash demuxing support. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:lto - Enable Link Time Optimization (LTO). media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:lv2 - Enables lv2 audio filter wrapper. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:mipsdspr1 - Enables MIPS DSP ASE R1 optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:mipsdspr2 - Enables MIPS DSP ASE R2 optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:mipsfpu - Enables floating point MIPS optimizations. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:network - Enables network streaming support media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:opencl - Enable OpenCL support media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:openh264 - Enables H.264 encoding suppoprt via media-libs/openh264. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:openssl - Enables dev-libs/openssl support. Adds support for encrypted network protocols (TLS/HTTPS). media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:pic - Force shared libraries to be built as PIC (this is slower) media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:postproc - Build and install libpostproc. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:qsv - Enable Intel Quick Sync Video via media-libs/intel-mediasdk (ffmpeg versions older than, and including, 5.1) or media-libs/libvpl (ffmpeg version newer than 5.1). media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:rav1e - Enables AV1 encoding support via media-video/rav1e. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:rubberband - Adds time-stretching and pitch-shifting audio filter based on media-libs/rubberband. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:shaderc - Use media-libs/shaderc to compile GLSL media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:snappy - Enable app-arch/snappy support. Required for e.g. Vidvox Hap encoder. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:sndio - Enable support for the media-sound/sndio backend media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:srt - Enable support for Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) via net-libs/srt media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:ssh - Enable SSH/sftp support via net-libs/libssh. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:svt-av1 - Enables AV1 encoding support via media-libs/svt-av1. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:twolame - Enables MP2 encoding via media-sound/twolame as an alternative to the internal encoder. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:vidstab - Enables video stabilization filter using vid.stab library (media-libs/vidstab). media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:vmaf - Enables Netflix's perceptual video quality assessment filter using the library (media-libs/libvmaf). media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:vpx - Enables VP8 and VP9 codec support using libvpx: Decoding does not require this to be enabled but libvpx can also be used for decoding; encoding requires this useflag to be enabled though. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:x265 - Enables HEVC encoding with media-libs/x265. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:zeromq - Enables net-libs/zeromq support with the zmq/azmq filters. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:zimg - Enables media-libs/zimg based scale filter. media-video/ffmpeg-slotted:zvbi - Enables media-libs/zvbi based teletext decoder. media-video/smplayer:autoshutdown - Enable the option to shutdown your computer after finishing the playlist. This requires dev-qt/qtdbus as dependency. media-video/smplayer:mpris - Enable support for MPRIS2 (Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification, version 2), a DBus interface for remote control, which requires dev-qt/qtdbus as dependency. net-libs/libutp:tools - Build "ucat". net-p2p/go-ethereum:devtools - Build Ethereum development tools (evm, abigen, puppeth, ...) net-p2p/nimbus-eth2:lto - Enable Link Time Optimization (LTO) net-p2p/pybitmessage:opencl - Enable dev-python/pyopencl for GPU acceleration net-p2p/pybitmessage:qrcode - Enable dev-python/qrcode for QR code support net-p2p/retroshare:cli - Enables terminal login support for retroshare-service net-p2p/retroshare:jsonapi - Enables the new RetroShare JSON API net-p2p/retroshare:libupnp - Enables UPnP port forwarding via net-libs/libupnp net-p2p/retroshare:miniupnp - Enables UPnP port forwarding via net-libs/miniupnpc net-p2p/retroshare:plugins - RetroShare plugins requiring an obsolete ffmpeg version net-p2p/retroshare:service - Enables the new RetroShare service net-p2p/retroshare:sqlcipher - Enables GXS database encryption via SQLCipher net-p2p/transmission-og:lightweight - Optimize Transmission OG for low-resource systems (smaller cache size, prefer unencrypted peer connections, etc.) net-p2p/transmission-og:mbedtls - Use mbed TLS instead of OpenSSL net-wireless/cubicsdr:bladerf - Add support for bladerf hardware net-wireless/cubicsdr:hackrf - Add support for hackrf hardware net-wireless/cubicsdr:hamlib - Add support for the Hamlib amateur radio rig control library net-wireless/cubicsdr:plutosdr - Add support for Analog Devices ADALM-PLUTO hardware net-wireless/cubicsdr:rtlsdr - Add support for rtlsdr hardware net-wireless/cubicsdr:uhd - Add support for Ettus USRP hardware net-wireless/dump1090:bladerf - Build with Nuand BladeRF support net-wireless/dump1090:hackrf - Build with Great Scott Gadgets HackRF support net-wireless/dump1090:minimal - Exclude all HTML/webserver extras for a tiny build, e.g. to export data only net-wireless/dump1090:rtlsdr - Build with Realtek RTL2832U (rtlsdr) support net-wireless/sdrpp:airspy - Airspy support net-wireless/sdrpp:bladerf - Bladerf support net-wireless/sdrpp:discord - Discord presence support net-wireless/sdrpp:hackrf - Hackrf support net-wireless/sdrpp:limesdr - Limesdr support net-wireless/sdrpp:plutosdr - Plutosdr support net-wireless/sdrpp:rtaudio - RTaudio driver net-wireless/sdrpp:rtlsdr - rtlsdr support net-wireless/sdrpp:soapysdr - soapysdr support net-wireless/sdrpp:spyserver - spyserver support sci-astronomy/casacore:data - Installs measures and data (pulls sci-astronomy/casa-data) sci-astronomy/healpix:idl - Install healpix IDL/GDL routines sci-geosciences/qgis:3d - Build QGIS 3D library using dev-qt/qt3d sci-geosciences/qgis:georeferencer - Determines whether georeferencer plugin should be built sci-geosciences/qgis:grass - Add support for grass sci-geosciences/qgis:hdf5 - Enable MDAL support for sci-libs/hdf5 sci-geosciences/qgis:mapserver - Determines whether mapserver should be built sci-geosciences/qgis:netcdf - Enable MDAL support for GRIB and XMDF formats sci-geosciences/qgis:opencl - Enable OpenCL support sci-geosciences/qgis:pdal - Enable support for PDAL for point clouds via sci-libs/pdal sci-geosciences/qgis:qml - Enable support Qml-based plugins using dev-qt/qtdeclarative sci-geosciences/qgis:serial - Enable support for serial GPS using dev-qt/qtserialport sci-libs/caffe2:distributed - Support distributed applications sci-libs/caffe2:fbgemm - Use FBGEMM sci-libs/caffe2:ffmpeg - Add support for video processing operators sci-libs/caffe2:flash - Enable flash attention sci-libs/caffe2:gloo - Use sci-libs/gloo sci-libs/caffe2:mkl - Use sci-libs/mkl for blas, lapack and sparse blas routines sci-libs/caffe2:nnpack - Use NNPACK sci-libs/caffe2:numpy - Add support for math operations through numpy sci-libs/caffe2:onednn - Use oneDNN sci-libs/caffe2:openblas - Use sci-libs/openblas for blas routines sci-libs/caffe2:opencv - Add support for image processing operators sci-libs/caffe2:openmp - Use OpenMP for parallel code sci-libs/caffe2:qnnpack - Use QNNPACK sci-libs/caffe2:rocm - Enable ROCm gpu computing support sci-libs/caffe2:xnnpack - Use XNNPACK sci-libs/cfitsio:tools - Build execs fpack, funpack, imcopy, fitscopy, listhead sci-libs/cholmod:cuda - Use nvidia cuda toolkit for speeding up computations sci-libs/cholmod:matrixops - Support basic sparse and dense matrix operations (add, multiply, scale, et cetera) sci-libs/cholmod:modify - Enable Cholesky-modification routines like update, downdate, row-add, and row-delete sci-libs/cholmod:partition - Enable graph partitioning and graph-partition-based orderings through sci-libs/metis or sci-libs/parmetis sci-libs/gdal:armadillo - Use sci-libs/armadillo for faster TPS transform computation sci-libs/gdal:aux-xml - Enable Portable Auxilliary Metadata generation sci-libs/gdal:fits - Enable support for NASA's sci-libs/cfitsio library sci-libs/gdal:geos - Add support for geometry engine (sci-libs/geos) sci-libs/gdal:gml - Enable support for dev-libs/xerces-c C++ API sci-libs/gdal:mdb - Enable support for Microsoft Access database sci-libs/gdal:ogdi - Enable support for the open geographic datastore interface (sci-libs/ogdi) sci-libs/gdal:opencl - Enable OpenCL support sci-libs/gdal:spatialite - Enable Spatial DBMS over sqlite dev-db/spatialite sci-libs/gdal:xls - Add the dev-libs/freexl library for xls import support sci-libs/scikits_image:freeimage - Enable support for image i/o via media-libs/freeimage sci-libs/scikits_image:pyamg - Enable support for algebraic solvers via dev-python/pyamg sci-libs/torchvision:cuda - Add support for CUDA processing www-servers/uwsgi:embedded - Embed plugins instead of building them as real plugins. When disabling this USE flag make sure you specify all used plugins in your uWSGI configuration. Note: Language plugins will always be built as real plugins. www-servers/uwsgi:go - Build the gccgo plugin to run Go applications. www-servers/uwsgi:json - Support json as a configuration file format. www-servers/uwsgi:python-asyncio - Use the EXPERIMENTAL asyncio (tulip) for python3.4 async request dispatching and as LoopEngine (see http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/asyncio.html). www-servers/uwsgi:routing - Enable routing support www-servers/uwsgi:yajl - Use dev-libs/yajl instead of dev-libs/jansson for parsing JSON configuration files (if USe=json is set) www-servers/uwsgi:yaml - Support yaml as a configuration file format. www-servers/uwsgi:zeromq - Enable logging and deployment via ZeroMQ. x11-libs/wxGTK:egl - Enable EGL support. x11-libs/wxGTK:gstreamer - Enable the wxMediaCtrl class for playing audio and video through gstreamer. x11-libs/wxGTK:sdl - Use Simple Directmedia Layer (media-libs/libsdl2) for audio.