# --as-needed and -O1 are default # hash-style=gnu will soon be standard # and --sort-common does a little optimization in startup LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1,--hash-style=gnu,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed" # bash-completion: you do like less-typing, don't you? # caps: services can drop their priviliges # unicode: you never know when you encounter umlaute # xattr: support for extended attributes, to store caps-configuration, selinux-labels, etc. # vim-syntax: vim is our main editor, yes, we want highlighting wherever possible # -alsa: certain packages have USE=+alsa set (java, I'm looking at you)... ignore that # -cups: certain packages have USE=+cups set (java, I'm looking at you)... ignore that # -X: certain packages have USE=+X set (java, I'm looking at you)... ignore that # -ruby_targets_ruby19: the RUBY_TARGETS USE_EXPAND var is set to contain both ruby20 and ruby21, # but since puppet works with ruby21 we do not need ruby20 and we can't override RUBY_TARGETS in this make.defaults USE="${USE} ${CPU_FLAGS_X86} bash-completion caps unicode xattr vim-syntax -alsa -cups -tcpd -X" # Add missing USE flags when switching to the new 17.0 profile. # See https://github.com/stepping-stone/sst-gentoo-overlay/pull/11 USE="${USE} berkdb gdbm urandom" # Use our and Switch's mirror for distfiles GENTOO_MIRRORS="https://mirror.stepping-stone.ch/public/gentoo http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/gentoo" # obsoletes localepurge LINGUAS="de fr it" L10N="${LINGUAS}" # this is enough for kvm platforms GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc" # Make the PHP ebuild install the production version of the php.ini by default PHP_INI_VERSION="production" # We want php-5.6 everywhere and again we can not set the USE expand here USE="${USE} -php_targets_php5-5 php_targets_php5-6" # Configure portage to log via syslog and directly to the terminal PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="info warn error log" PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="echo syslog" # Be nice to others while compiling PORTAGE_NICENESS="39" # highest possible value (-20 + 39 = 19) # Defines actions portage takes by default: # sandbox: Enable sandbox-ing when running emerge(1) and ebuild(1) # # userfetch: When portage is run as root, drop privileges to portage:portage # during the fetching of package sources. # # userpriv: Allow portage to drop root privileges and compile packages as # portage:portage without a sandbox # # usersandbox: Enable the sandbox in the compile phase, when running without # root privs # # usersync: Drop privileges to the owner of PORTDIR for emerge --sync FEATURES="sandbox userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync" # Accept all licenses by default ACCEPT_LICENSE="*" # Disable the warning countdown when unmerging packages. CLEAN_DELAY="0" # Include build-time dependency updates, disable [Enter] for confirmation prompts, and respect masks during merge EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="${EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS} --with-bdeps=y --ask-enter-invalid --autounmask-keep-masks --verbose-conflicts"