# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=7 inherit cmake tmpfiles MAJORV=$(ver_cut 1) MINORV=$(ver_cut 2) # The Ninja makefile generator has been supported since version 2.10.1 (yanked). if ver_test ${PV} -lt 2.10.2; then CMAKE_MAKEFILE_GENERATOR=emake fi # Version enumeration policy and source tarballs layout were # changed, handle it. # # https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/discussions/6182 if [ "${PV}" = 9999 ]; then inherit git-r3 KEYWORDS="" SERIES="9999" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/tarantool/${PN}" elif [ "${MAJORV}" = 1 ] || ([ "${MAJORV}" = 2 ] && [ "${MINORV}" -lt 10 ]); then # Old release policy. KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" SERIES="${MAJORV}.${MINORV}" SRC_URI="https://download.tarantool.org/tarantool/${SERIES}/src/${P}.tar.gz" else # New release policy. KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~arm64" SERIES="${MAJORV}" SRC_URI="https://download.tarantool.org/tarantool/src/${P/_/-}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/${P/_/-}" fi DESCRIPTION="Tarantool - an efficient, extensible in-memory data store." HOMEPAGE="https://tarantool.org" IUSE=" +backtrace debug embed-luarocks feedback-daemon gcov gprof +system-libcurl +system-libyaml +system-zstd systemd test cpu_flags_x86_sse2 cpu_flags_x86_avx " RESTRICT="mirror" SLOT="0/${SERIES}" LICENSE="BSD-2" BDEPEND=" acct-group/tarantool acct-user/tarantool >=dev-build/cmake-2.6 " RDEPEND=" sys-libs/libunwind sys-libs/readline:0 sys-libs/ncurses:0 system-libcurl? ( >=net-misc/curl-7.65.3 ) system-libyaml? ( >=dev-libs/libyaml-0.2.2 ) system-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd ) dev-libs/icu " DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} test? ( dev-python/gevent dev-python/pyyaml ) " REQUIRED_USE=" cpu_flags_x86_avx? ( cpu_flags_x86_sse2 ) " TARANTOOL_RUNDIR="/run/tarantool" TARANTOOL_USER=tarantool TARANTOOL_GROUP=tarantool pkg_pretend() { if ! use system-libcurl && ! ( \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^1.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge || \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^2.1.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge || \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^2.2.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge || \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^2.3.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge || \ [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]); then eerror "USE flag \"system-libcurl\" is disabled, but ${PF} version" eerror "is older then needed for using bundled libcurl." die "Cannot enable system libcurl." fi } src_prepare() { # -DENABLE_FEEDBACK_DAEMON=OFF does the job, but it is # available only since (see [1]). # # [1]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/3308 if ! use feedback-daemon && ! ver_test ${PV} -ge && ( \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^1.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge || \ ([[ ${PV} =~ ^2.* ]] && ver_test ${PV} -ge; then # Revert 2ae373ae741dcf975c5d176316d8290c962446ba. # # Applying a patch would fail due to differences across # versions, so going to the bad (but robust) way. local comment='disabled by USE=-feedback-daemon' sed -e 's@^\s*lua_source(lua_sources lua/feedback_daemon\.lua)$@# \0 # '"${comment}@" \ -i src/box/CMakeLists.txt [ "$(grep "${comment}" src/box/CMakeLists.txt | wc -l)" = 1 ] || \ die "sed out feedback-daemon from src/box/CMakeLists.txt" sed -e 's@^\s*feedback_daemon_lua\[\],$@// \0 // '"${comment}@" \ -e 's@^\s*"box/feedback_daemon", feedback_daemon_lua,@// \0 // '"${comment}@" \ -i src/box/lua/init.c [ "$(grep "${comment}" src/box/lua/init.c | wc -l)" = 2 ] || \ die "sed out feedback-daemon from src/box/lua/init.c" # Comment out feedback_* fields in default_cfg, # template_cfg, dynamic_cfg tables. # # feedback_crashinfo appears since, but we use # -DENABLE_FEEDBACK_DAEMON=OFF CMake flag since # Ignore it so. sed -e 's@^\s*feedback_enabled *=.*$@-- \0 -- '"${comment}@" \ -e 's@^\s*feedback_host *=.*$@-- \0 -- '"${comment}@" \ -e 's@^\s*feedback_interval *=.*$@-- \0 -- '"${comment}@" \ -i src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua [ "$(grep "${comment}" src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua | wc -l)" = 9 ] || \ die "sed out feedback-daemon from src/box/lua/load_cfg.lua" echo 'box.feedback = nil' >> src/box/lua/schema.lua \ || die "echo box.feedback" rm src/box/lua/feedback_daemon.lua || die "rm feedback_daemon.lua" fi # Tarantool CMake files do not provide a way to set rundir separately from # datadir (/var/lib/tarantool) and logdir (/var/log/tarantool). So we need # to set it manually in tarantoolctl configuration file. # # The tarantoolctl tool is removed in the series-3 releases. See [1] for # details. # # [1]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/9443 if ver_test ${PV} -le 3.0; then sed -e "s#@TARANTOOL_RUNDIR@#${TARANTOOL_RUNDIR}#g" \ -i extra/dist/default/tarantool.in grep "${TARANTOOL_RUNDIR}" extra/dist/default/tarantool.in || \ die "patch rundir" fi echo "d ${TARANTOOL_RUNDIR} 0750 ${TARANTOOL_USER} ${TARANTOOL_GROUP} -" > \ extra/tarantool.tmpfiles.conf || die "create tmpfiles conf" # Necessary for building with glibc-2.34. # # https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/6686 # # The fix land into 1.10.11-63-gbe0f44de1, 2.8.2-83-gbba7a2fad, # 2.10.0-beta1-377-g9c01b325a, but the version check is a bit # tricky, so just find the erroneous pattern in the code. grep '^static char stack_buf\[SIGSTKSZ\];$' test/unit/guard.cc && \ eapply "${FILESDIR}/gh-6686-fix-build-with-glibc-2-34.patch" cmake_src_prepare } src_configure() { if use debug; then export CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug else export CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo fi # https://github.com/tarantool/gentoo-overlay/issues/73 if use system-zstd; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-deprecated-declarations" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wno-deprecated-declarations" fi local mycmakeargs=( -DENABLE_BACKTRACE="$(usex backtrace)" -DENABLE_SSE2="$(usex cpu_flags_x86_sse2)" -DENABLE_AVX="$(usex cpu_flags_x86_avx)" -DENABLE_GCOV="$(usex gcov)" -DWITH_SYSTEMD="$(usex systemd)" -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON -DENABLE_DIST=ON -DWITH_SYSVINIT=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR="$(readlink -f ${EROOT}/etc)" -DENABLE_BUNDLED_LIBCURL=$(usex system-libcurl OFF ON) -DENABLE_BUNDLED_LIBYAML=$(usex system-libyaml OFF ON) -DENABLE_BUNDLED_ZSTD="$(usex system-zstd OFF ON)" -DENABLE_FEEDBACK_DAEMON="$(usex feedback-daemon)" -DEMBED_LUAROCKS="$(usex embed-luarocks)" ) cmake_src_configure } src_test() { pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die emake test popd > /dev/null || die } src_install() { # User guide dodoc README.md dodoc AUTHORS dodoc TODO # Server binary and plugins cmake_src_install # Keep run directory newtmpfiles extra/tarantool.tmpfiles.conf ${PN}.conf # Data directory keepdir /var/lib/tarantool # Lua scrips keepdir /usr/share/tarantool # Init script # # The init script is based on the tarantoolctl tool, which is removed in # 3.0 and 3.1 releases. See [1] for details. # # [1]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/9443 if ver_test ${PV} -le 3.0; then newinitd "${FILESDIR}/tarantool.initd" tarantool fi # Log directory keepdir /var/log/tarantool fowners "${TARANTOOL_USER}:${TARANTOOL_GROUP}" /var/log/tarantool } pkg_postinst() { # Create a run directory tmpfiles_process ${PN}.conf if use feedback-daemon; then elog "You have feedback-daemon USE flag enabled." elog "This enables sending information about long-running (> 1 hour)" elog "instances to [1] by default. See [2] for more information, " elog "especially [3]." elog elog "[1]: https://feedback.tarantool.io" elog "[2]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/commit/2ae373ae741dcf975c5d176316d8290c962446ba" elog "[3]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/commit/2ae373ae741dcf975c5d176316d8290c962446ba#diff-82b4b8a83aa989c9defd5b9fb1a13999R28" elog fi }